Chapter 286
Li Zhaoran looked at Shu Yao anxiously, but was too embarrassed to ask again, he was so cute and sensible that made people feel distressed.

Shu Yao, who understood her eyes, stood up, brushed up her drooping black hair, and comforted the little girl with a gentle voice.

"Zhaoran, I'll let the nurse sister accompany you, and I'll go find grandma, okay?"

Li Zhaoran nodded, "Well, my sister should come back quickly."

Waiting and waiting to see no one, Shu Yao felt a little uneasy when she thought of the shadows by the door at that time.

She didn't say any more, and ordered the passing nurses to leave the ward in a hurry.


"Old thing! The money you signed should be paid back."

There was a dark box outside the hospital, and several tall and thick men blocked an old man.

Because they knew that the other party had no strength to resist at all, those people became more and more arrogant.

One of the men was accompanied by a beautiful woman, who seemed to be brought by one of them.

"I, my bracelet from last time was very valuable." Grandma Li said tremblingly.

Grandma Li wasn't afraid that they would beat her to death, but she was afraid that if she didn't kill her, the medicine would be expensive.

She had lived such a failure all her life, and she couldn't see people clearly.

It should have died long ago, but I just pity that little girl Li Zhaoran.

"Bracelet, the bracelet is only worth a few thousand yuan, what's the matter?" The man said foolishly.

The woman was playing with the accessories on her hands, and she saw something hanging in Grandma Li's clothes at a glance.

"Hey, look, is it a necklace?" Women know this best, and can tell at a glance.

The man didn't bother to waste any more words, so he went straight up and wanted to grab it.

Grandma Li was in a hurry, and shouted: "You guys are lying, that bracelet is very valuable!"

If it weren't for Li Zhaoran's frequent illnesses and hardships, Grandma Li wouldn't have pawned the last of her belongings.

However, these people are not human beings at all. Grandma Li knows the value of her belongings.

Those things cost at least a few million when they were bought.

Now they have thousands of dollars in their mouths, and they are really the old people she is easy to coax!
"The thing is given to us and we will calculate the price. What do you say?" The man dismissed it.

If it weren't for the fact that the things given by this old man are really valuable, they would disdain to deal with an old man.

Grandma Li had no way to refute it, and it was indeed because she asked for it urgently that she gave it to them.

Because Li Zhaoran was always sick, and every time his illness came on suddenly and violently, it cost a lot of money to go to the hospital.

Grandma Li has no choice, she knows that this will cause trouble, and the situation is forced, she has no choice but to—

"Who is this?"

"I don't know, it seems that I was with that old thing just now."

"Didn't it mean that there is no one else in her house? Who is this? He is dressed brightly."

The murmurs of discussion behind him attracted the leader's strong man, and he didn't care about what Grandma Li said.

Turning around, the leading strong man saw that Shu Yao seemed to be rushing over, and was a little surprised to see them.

"You said you were the only one in the house? Who are you lying to!" The leader's eyes lit up.

This beautiful young lady is seen, but it doesn't mean she is a sheep.

"No, no, there is really no one else in my family, and everyone in my family is dead."

"I don't know her, you—"

Grandma Li was terrified, she was afraid that Shu Yao would come here by herself because she had hurt Shu Yao.

The leading strong man turned a deaf ear and twitched the corners of his mouth, thinking that it was Grandma Li who lied on purpose.

"Just pretend for me, there is such a beautiful granddaughter."

"Don't you have to hide it, are you afraid we will see it?"

No wonder Grandma Li always said that her family was dead. According to Grandma Li's age, it should be her granddaughter.

She's so beautiful, I'm afraid she will be dragged out to pay her debts if she finds out.

No wonder old things are so precious!
Shu Yao glanced at them, and walked straight through the gap around them.

Those people did not stop them, their eyes swept Shu Yao back and forth with fiery eyes.

Only one of the girls folded her arms around her chest and said disdainfully, "Fake Qing Gao."

Seeing the old man like that alone, Shu Yao couldn't bear it for some reason, especially because of Li Zhaoran.

Li Zhaoran is still in the hospital, waiting for her grandma to come back and take her home.

"Grandma, what's going on?" Shu Yao came to Grandma Li's side.

When Grandma Li saw Shu Yao coming, she called out that she was so acquainted, and made it clear that she wanted to intervene in this matter.

How is this good?

"Oh, you, you." Grandma Li closed her eyes, heartbroken.

Why has she always done some stupid things all her life, always dragging down the people around her.

But no matter how pitiful Grandma Li is, the strong man in the lead has taken a fancy to it, and he deliberately walked a little closer.

"Let's put it this way, this old thing owes money, tens of thousands, and it has been delayed for half a month."

As he said that, the man raised his hand to brush Shu Yao's black hair hanging down his shoulders.

Shu Yao passed by calmly, and said lightly: "I can pay it back."

"Repay? What are you going to pay back? There are not only tens of thousands, but hundreds of thousands even with interest."

It is clearly deliberate blackmail.

Shu Yao sneered, seeing the man's skillful movements and unhurried tone.

This kind of usual trick may not know how many times it has been used.

When Grandma Li heard that it was okay, she stepped forward excitedly and said, "How could it be hundreds of thousands?"

In the past, a few hundred thousand was just a small amount to Grandma Li, but now it is considered a sky-high price.

"Yes." Shu Yao remained calm and responded calmly.

At the same time, Shu Yao raised her hand to bring Grandma Li into her safe range.

"Let's go." Grandma Li spoke to Shu Yao almost begging.

I don't know when Shu Yao started to protect the people around her habitually.

Perhaps, this is because Shu Yao failed to protect the person she wanted to protect in her previous life, and she also failed to protect herself.

Now, Shu Yao has the ability and the capital.


"Anything is fine, I want it now."

The leading strong man didn't want to let Shu Yao go back like this, and what kind of money does this old man's granddaughter have.

The leading strong man stepped forward, and the whole person suddenly approached Shu Yao.

The girl among them had already anticipated what would happen next, and motioned to the others, "Let's go."

"Boss, slow down."

"Let's wait outside, don't worry."

"Damn, it's so cool, she looks so beautiful like a movie star."

Unexplainable words came from behind the strong man, and Grandma Li burst into tears when she heard it.

She has hurt Shu Yao!
"No, Shu Yao, aren't you someone beside Master Qin Jiu? Let Master Jiu come here!"

Suddenly, Grandma Li remembered something and quickly grabbed Shu Yao's hand to persuade her.

Shu Yao was startled, she looked at Grandma Li in surprise, "You know?"

In country S, the Qin family is far less famous than in Yecheng, the imperial capital of country C.

Every place has its own overlord, and the Luos family is world-famous in country S.

She never revealed Qin Jiuxiao's identity, nor did she make a big fuss.

Surprisingly, Grandma Li knew Qin Jiuxiao.

"I, I..." Grandma Li's eyes flustered, she didn't know how to explain for a moment, she realized that she had slipped her tongue.

(End of this chapter)

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