Chapter 294
In Qin Jiuxiao's memory at that stage, Shu Yao was still young and her father was still around, so she was very clingy to her aunt.

But looking back now, when Shu Yawen was mentioned, Shu Yao couldn't see any joy on her face.

"Ah, isn't this Shu Yao?"

"I also said that it turned out that he fled to country S to hide his leisure."

Without waiting for Shu Yao to approach, Shu Yawen discovered Shu Yao's existence early, and she walked forward with her long hair.

The ladies around her who complimented Shu Murou and surrounded her cast curious looks at Shu Yao.

"Who is that?"

"Linlang, why did she get involved with this lady again?"

"Shhhhh, I heard that Lin Lang is Miss Shu's older sister, stop talking nonsense."

Their meeting was bound to be unhappy.

Especially during the period when Shu Yao left Yecheng in Country C, Shu Yawen was flourishing in Yecheng.

Without the obstructive existence of Shu Yao in Ye City, Shu Yawen would be as windy as she was windy and as rainy as rainy.

Shu's playing tricks, just that old man lying half dead, ha!

"It's just a homeless person, staying in country S to hide and relax every day, right?" Shu Yawen chased after the victory.

The people around were holding it, and Shu Yawen became more and more impolite when speaking.

When Shu Yao and Fu Jingzhen were still together, they were away from home all year round and rarely came back.

Shu Yawen used this as a talking point in her previous life, and she was scolded many times.

Shu Yao just laughed, as if she was watching a clown, "What about you? It's nothing to turn Shu's troubles upside down."

Hearing this, Shu Yawen became stiff for a moment.

"Me? Mr. Shu is eccentric, no wonder me."

Ever since he was a child, Mr. Shu valued boys over girls, so he didn't have much love for her at all.

Both Master Shu and Grandma Shu are partial to their son Shu Boyan.

When they were clamoring for a separation, they all advocated leaving all the good things to their sons!

Shu Yawen sarcastically said, "Look at you, what's the use of Mr. Shu loving you so much, something you don't know well."

"Auntie, sister, stop arguing."

A female voice interrupted their conversation.

The girl's arrival attracted the attention of other guests, because she had a special status and was the host of today's banquet.

When it came, it was naturally attracting everyone's attention, with its own brilliance.

"The visitor is a guest, auntie, don't make trouble with sister." Shu Murou said softly.

It sounds decent and generous, but the sentence that a visitor is a guest clearly separates the relationship and even flatters himself.

Shu Yawen laughed a few times, and echoed, "Indeed, I lost my identity."

the end.

Her eyes fell on Qin Jiuxiao. She used to be very afraid of Qin Jiuxiao, but now——

Qin Jiuxiao became a fool.

Shu Yawen couldn't control her mouth at all when she thought of the useless anger she had suffered before.

"Shu Yao, instead of attending the banquet here, why don't you know how to help the man around you."

There is a hint of vulgarity in both words and deeds.

"Now the Qin family has plummeted in Yecheng. The market price of your uncle's company is almost approaching that of the Qin family."

Mo Hui cooperated with Fu's on a medical project, which made a lot of money when the project was open for bidding.

Now the results are about to be seen, and mass production will be put into the market immediately.

Mo Hui's previously unremarkable company has seen the tide rise and all boats rise and become more and more popular.

"I see—"

Just as Shu Yawen said the beginning, Qin Jiuxiao who was in front of her silently raised her hand to shake the wine in the glass.

He said coldly, "It's really a dirty mouth."

The crimson wine splashed directly on Shu Yawen's face, spilling all over her body.

What made her even more laughable was that Shu Yawen said with a big mouth, she was caught off guard and took a sip of wine!

"Ah! Cough cough!" Shu Yawen screamed in panic.

Shu Murou also dodged in an instant, afraid of getting it on her body, "This, this..."

After realizing it, Shu Yawen hurriedly wiped her face, rubbing off chunks of thick liquid foundation.

The whole makeup was spent, and the couture that I bought for the first time was stained with alcohol, leaving marks of different shades.

"If you have brain problems, you should see a doctor. Why are you crazy here?" She scolded.

Shu Murou also couldn't believe it.

How could the dignified Qin Jiuye be so vulgar and unreasonable?

But the man is still calm, even the way he gently squeezes the goblet is very elegant and dignified.

Facing this farce, the man took his time and put the empty goblet back on the waiter's tray beside him.

"Thank you."

He changed to a new glass, turned a blind eye to Shu Yawen's embarrassment, and even raised the goblet to take a sip.

Elegant and calm.

There is no doubt that the demeanor of a mature man is unmistakable, and there is an inimitable temperament in every gesture.

In a daze, if Shu Yawen was not in such a mess, Shu Murou would have thought that Qin Jiuxiao had returned to normal!
"Mu, Murou, look at them!" Shu Yawen gave Shu Murou a wink.

She is already like this, and Shu Murou is the host of this banquet, why don't you give them a little more power to let them see.

Their side was lively, which quickly attracted the security personnel from the family.

The guests didn't show the slightest panic or other expressions, and everyone's faces were full of joy like watching a good show.

This kind of farce is loved by nobles who are used to boring lives and big scenes.

"Mu Rou, hurry up, drive them out." Shu Yawen urged in a low voice.

Shu Murou still hasn't acted yet?
Shu Murou opened her mouth, not knowing how to react, "I, I..."

"Hurry up." Shu Yawen was in a hurry, and her voice was filled with anger, "Are you disobedient?"

If you don't act yet, you really have raised a white-eyed wolf and told Shu Yao to read a joke.

Under Shu Yawen's repeated urging, Shu Murou still held the handle in Shu Yawen's hands, for fear that she would turn her face.

She was ruthless, and gave an order to the security personnel around her, "Hurry up, get rid of all the troublemakers!"

"You guys are proud." Shu Yawen was relieved when she heard it.

More and more security personnel came around, and they seemed to drag people out directly.

Seeing that the good show was about to end, all the guests gave way one after another so that the security could step forward to end the good show.

"Ninth brother." Shu Yao was startled.

Due to Qin Jiuxiao's actions, the development of the matter moved in an unknown direction.

Qin Jiuxiao responded lightly when he heard the words, with a happy and triumphant smile on his lips, "Huh?"

"..." Shu Yao felt helpless, seeing the seriousness of the man just now was indeed an illusion.

However, before Shu Yao could ask her doubts, the security personnel rushed forward——

"What are you doing?!"

"It's not me! It's them, it's them, you pulled the wrong person!"

The security personnel stepped forward to set up and dragged away not others, but Shu Yawen herself!

The moment Shu Yawen was pulled back, she felt extremely embarrassed, "Mu Rou, please explain to them quickly."

"I, this..." Shu Murou didn't expect that they were actually going to pull Shu Yawen.

Qin Jiuxiao's eyes fell on the girl, his eyes moved slightly, "..."

However, just being looked at so lightly, Shu Murou trembled as if being spied on by a demon.

All her words were stuck in her throat, and she could never speak again.

"You pulled the wrong person!" Shu Yawen struggled and was in a panic.

Shu Murou also hurried forward and explained, "It's not her, she is my aunt."

However, the security personnel turned a deaf ear, and they didn't listen to what Shu Murou said.


Some of the onlookers laughed out loud, covering their faces lightly with fans, for fear of being seen laughing too presumptuously.

While the guests laughed out loud, there were small discussions.

"Sure enough, an ugly duckling is still an ugly duckling, and it's not a white swan even after putting on its skin."

"Unexpectedly, you still haven't figured out why An Bao didn't pull people from the Qin family?"

"Hahahaha, so stupid, it's really embarrassing."

Shu Yawen blushed as the guests spoke one after another, she was like a monkey performing in a circus.

At this time, a kind guest gave the answer.

"Use your brain..."

"Even if Qin Jiuxiao is really stupid, he is still the legitimate ruler of the Qin family."

"Who would offend the 'king' of country C because of a clown?"

It's simply overpowering.

(End of this chapter)

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