Chapter 295

Hearing what they said, Shu Murou's face flushed red with embarrassment.

She and Shu Yawen are completely like people who have never seen the world, especially Shu Yawen is about to be dragged away.

"Auntie, this..."

Shu Murou didn't dare to pull, those security personnel were all tall and burly.

She looked around, but found that none of the guests offered to help, they were all watching the show.

"what happened?"

The guests dispersed naturally, making way for the owner of the voice.

When Shu Murou saw the person coming, his eyes lit up, "Uncle! Auntie..."

However, behind Patriarch Rose was his wife Kofilo, and Jiang Yunrong walking side by side.

As soon as Shu Murou saw this situation, she knew something was going to go wrong.

Jiang Yunrong's expression was noble and glamorous, with an air of arrogance and indifference, and she glanced at Shu Yawen extremely coldly.

"No need to go on a diet, I've seen it all." Jiang Yunrong spoke first.

Shu Murou opened her mouth when she heard the words, and explained dryly, "It's all a misunderstanding."

Qin Jiuxiao nodded slightly when he saw the person coming, and his tone became more submissive.


Jiang Yunrong responded lightly, "Yes."

Seeing that Qin Jiuxiao didn't suffer, she was relieved as a mother, at least not to embarrass Qin Siwen.

Damn it, why is Qin Siwen all over his head now.

The scene before leaving the door flashed in her mind, her heart felt sour, but her face remained calm.

"This banquet does not welcome troublemakers, please some people weigh their own weight."

"Keep your mouth clean, stay when you apologize, if you don't apologize—"

"Pull it out."

Jiang Yunrong was not polite, her chin was raised, and she motioned for Shu Yawen to give her answer.

"I, I didn't say anything wrong, what apologies!" Shu Yawen was about to break out in a cold sweat, but she still acted bravely.

Shu Yawen never expected to meet Jiang Yunrong here.

Didn't Jiang Yunrong divorce Qin Siwen, and almost fell out with the Qin family? That incident back then——

What's going on, Jiang Yunrong is so angry because he just said bad things about the Qin family.

"Aunt Jiang." Shu Yao met Jiang Yunrong's caring eyes, and she nodded slightly.

Jiang Yunrong raised her hand to pull Shu Yao, Shu Yao raised her eyes in astonishment, and the woman pulled herself to her side.

"I, Jiang Yunrong, will put my words here today. Who is going against Miss Shu Yaoshu?"

"That's to make things difficult for me, Jiang Yunrong."

As soon as this remark came out, all the guests talked about it.

Even the Patriarch and his wife of Rose who were on the side widened their eyes slightly in surprise, they didn't expect Jiang Yunrong to be so straightforward.

Except for the fact that Jiang Yunrong cared a little bit about her son, she has always looked down upon everyone.

But thinking about it, there is nothing strange about it, Jiang Yunrong is arrogant and noble from the bottom of his heart, and he says what he says.

Her mind is strong and direct.

"Aunt Jiang, I..." Shu Yao's eyes were shaken, she didn't know what to say.

The woman's hand rested on Shu Yao's shoulder, and warmth came from the palm, flowing through Shu Yao's heart little by little.

This feeling of being treated kindly and cherished.

Shu Yao couldn't help being a little surprised, some broken pictures flashed through her mind quickly.

Can't see clearly, can't grasp.

Seeing the hand on Shu Yao's shoulder, Qin Jiuxiao curled his lips, "You can talk as long as you speak."

The voice was very small, only Ling Yang who was standing next to him heard it clearly.

This can refresh Ling Yang's world view again.

I didn't expect to see Qin Jiuxiao like this in my lifetime.

"Aunt Jiang, I apologize for my aunt." Seeing this, Shu Murou quickly stood in front of Shu Yawen.

This time, not only can I get good impressions in front of Shu Yawen, but I can also express myself in front of the Patriarch and his wife.

Shu Yawen didn't notice Shu Murou's thoughts, she just thought it was because she really loved herself.

When Shu Yao opened her mouth, she interrupted in a cold voice, "No need."

"Sister..." Shu Mu looked at Shu Yao weakly and pitifully.

This time, it was as if Shu Yao bullied Shu Murou.

What the naked eye can see is that Shu Yao is much stronger, while Shu Murou is still a girl, and those who are bullied have no strength to fight back.

No wonder Shu Murou hates Shu Yao so much, Patriarch Rose thought he had seen some clues.

"No." When Cofilo saw that Patriarch Rose wanted to come forward, she quietly took her husband's hand.

Such a situation will inevitably arouse Jiang Yunrong's conflict with her.

No one can stop the person Jiang Yunrong wants to protect.

Being held back by his wife, Patriarch Rose stopped, and he glanced worriedly at the helpless Shu Murou.

"Rather than apologizing, Aunt Jiang, I prefer to pull it out." Shu Yao said coldly and unfeelingly.

Shu Yawen's face turned pale, and she was pulled out in front of so many people, and she was thrown to death!

"it is good."

"Pull it out."

Jiang Yunrong was extremely indulgent, as if they were a mother and daughter.

The security personnel recognized Jiang Yunrong, and directly and rudely dragged Shu Yawen away like trash!
Jiang Yunrong is not only the chief designer of the Ross family, but also Cofilo's best friend and a friend of the family for many years.

Even if she is not a member of the Ross family, her status in the Ross family is extraordinary.

"Oh, how pitiful."

"Hahahaha, really stupid, really embarrassing."

"That aunt is attending a banquet for the first time, she has no eyes."

"No, even the members of the Qin family dare to say, who gave it the courage."

After being pulled away, Shu Yawen heard many guests scolding and laughing at her.

Those noble ladies who surrounded her just now are now covering their faces with fans and laughing continuously from under the fans.

Those eyebrows that were bent with a smile revealed naked contempt.

Shu Yawen was extremely embarrassed, but she couldn't move, she gritted her teeth and stared back at Shu Yao.

Looking back at Shu Yao, she found that Shu Yao was also looking at her, her eyes were indifferent and calm, without any fear.

"Aren't you wronged? Yes." Jiang Yunrong turned around and looked at Shu Yao.

Jiang Yunrong looked at Shu Yao, as if looking at herself through Shu Yao.

The suffering she has experienced cannot be made for the younger generation to suffer again.

Shu Yao shook her head slightly, she was still a little unnaturally shy, "It's okay, thank you Aunt Jiang."

"My family, what can I say to thank you?" Jiang Yunrong cast a teasing look at Qin Jiuxiao behind her.

Shu Yao immediately understood the meaning of her words, pursed her lips, did not deny it, and lowered her head like a little girl.

She was naturally beautiful, but her facial features were not suitable for heavy makeup, and she looked like the face of first love.

Back then, it was also because of this pure and charming appearance that she devoted herself to the entertainment circle, but now she is really shy...

Jiang Yunrong caught a glimpse of the brilliance of that year, and the little girl will look more beautiful if she is nourished.

"Aunt Jiang, I'm really sorry to interrupt your conversation."

"My aunt actually has no bad intentions. It's just that grandpa is sick in bed, and she's so anxious when my sister doesn't go back."

"I also want to say sorry for my aunt here."

Seeing that Shu Yawen disappeared, and now the clown was left with only herself, Shu Murou immediately acted like a good girl to make a good impression.

She lowered her head, clutching the corner of her princess dress tightly, panicked and uneasy.

His eyes were wet, pure and innocent like a deer lost in the jungle, it was unbearable to look at.

However, Jiang Yunrong was an exception and did not accept it, "I'm sorry, I'll save you, and it's true that you won't cause trouble in the future."

"Jiang, Aunt Jiang..." Unexpectedly, it was this reaction, Shu Murou was extremely wronged.

Not only Mr. Shu, but also Aisa, Wen Wan, Qin Jiuxiao, Jiang Yunrong...

Why are these people so nice to Shu Yao?
But she didn't accept half of her kindness, and favored Shu Yao everywhere, Shu Murou couldn't figure out how she couldn't compare to her.

At this moment, Cofilo felt a struggle in his hand, and then his hand was empty.

Patriarch Rose couldn't bear to look any longer, walked to Shu Murou's side, and said in a deep voice, "Enough is enough."


Cofilo closed her eyes, frowned and shook her head. She could almost predict what would happen next.

(End of this chapter)

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