After being reborn, she became the palm of a big boss

Chapter 297 Declaration of Possession

Chapter 297 Declaration of Possession

As the picture changes on the screen, the light projected on Shu Nanxun's face also changes accordingly.

With his hands on his face, he looked at Shu Yawen in the surveillance with interest.

What he saw was the screen, but what echoed in his mind was Qin Siwen's sentence, asking questions knowingly and knowingly was extremely stupid.

The man raised his hand and touched the woman on the screen with a distorted smile on his face.

It turned out that this was his good aunt, and he thought that with this level of blood relationship, she would not be so vicious.


Suddenly, the lights were turned on and the consulting room lit up.

Shu Nanxun pressed the monitor on the screen calmly, raised his eyes calmly, "What's wrong?"

"It's not good, Dr. Shu, Mr. Qin..."

The nurse looked like she was about to cry.


The door of the banquet hall was opened, and the cool night breeze poured in, and the glamorous color disappeared into the distance.

This farce ended with Jiang Yunrong leaving with a shake of his hands.

All the guests were left looking at each other, but they didn't dare to talk nonsense about it. Jiang Yunrong and the Ross family have a long history of friendship.

It's like this -

"Uncle Ling, follow up." Shu Yao looked at the figure that disappeared into the darkness, and winked at Ling Yang.

Ling Yang was a little surprised, after all, he was ordered by Qin Siwen to come over to take care of and assist Shu Yao.


Seeing Ling Yang's worry, Shu Yao raised her chin to signal not to worry, and signaled him to follow Jiang Yunrong quickly.

At this moment, Qin Siwen was seriously ill, and Qin Jiuxiao had another accident. Right now, he still seems to be asking the Ross family.

At this moment, Jiang Yunrong is the one who bears the most.

"Yes, miss." Ling Yang bowed his head deeply, then walked away slowly.

Seeing Ling Yang leave, Qin Jiuxiao just took a few more glances, but he didn't chase him out, or even reacted.

It seems that Jiang Yunrong who left is not his mother, as if they have not much relationship.

"I'm sorry Miss Shu." Cofilo recovered first, and she nodded slightly.

Cofilo, always gentle and decent, stepped forward to resolve the stalemate on behalf of her husband.

Immediately, Cofilo waved his hand again, and gently instructed the waiter beside him.

"It's over, everyone can relax."

The guests then gradually dispersed, but there were still a few people who stayed to watch the good show at the end.

"It's our lack of hospitality." She raised her hand to grab Shu Murou again, her gentle voice was slightly cold, "Apologize."

Shu Murou was pulled to Shu Yao, and unexpectedly heard Kefilo asking her to apologize to Shu Yao.

But why did she ask Mu Rou to apologize to Shu Yao?

Before Shu Murou was just putting on airs, apologizing by herself and asking others to apologize are two different things.

"Apologize." Seeing that Shu Murou didn't speak, Kefilo's tone became serious.

Shu Murou pursed her lips, looked at Shu Yao unwillingly, and said word by word, "I'm sorry."

"Let's go." Qin Jiuxiao didn't wait for Shu Yao to speak, and pulled Shu Yao directly.

Compared with the politeness among adults, Qin Jiuxiao's reaction was simpler and rude, if he didn't accept it, he didn't accept it.

Surrounded by Qin Jiuxiao, Shu Yao staggered towards the man, almost bumping into him.

He raised his hand in time, brought Shu Yao to his side, turned around, and turned his back to Shu Murou.

Only Shu Murou was left with an aloof back.

"Thank you." Shu Yao suddenly came back to her senses, she looked at the man and thanked him in a low voice.

By Qin Jiuxiao's side, Shu Yao seemed to be a little girl by his side with peace of mind no matter what.

After the whole process, before Shu Yao had time to contribute, it was Qin Jiuxiao and Jiang Yunrong who were protecting her.

In her previous life, she was brainwashed by Fu Jingzhen, mistakenly thinking that Qin Jiuxiao was a scumbag who raped and plundered, and the murderer who killed her brother.

Thinking about it now, Shu Yao is really too ridiculous.

Qin Jiuxiao didn't respond, he just tightened his hands to make Shu Yao get closer to him.

The distance between the two was very close, so close that Shu Yao was about to lean against the man's chest and almost hear his heartbeat.

She realized that the man's emotions were wrong, "What's wrong?"

"They're all looking at you." Qin Jiuxiao said unhappily, extremely annoyed.

Shu Yao is pretty.

When she didn't hide her light, she was even more cold and charming than before.

It's not just him who tickles people's hearts with his superior figure and his cool and dusty temperament.

Shu Yao also attracted other men at the banquet, and as a man, Qin Jiuxiao was also very sensitive.

Especially just now, when Shu Yao was standing beside him, she attracted the attention of many wolves and leopards as soon as she appeared.

Shu Yao was subconsciously afraid that the man would be unhappy, "Then I will change later..."

In the past, Fu Jingzhen would also say that she shouldn't do this or that, and she shouldn't dress like this to seduce people on purpose.

It's not about compromising, it's just that Shu Yao thinks that she should treat Qin Jiuxiao better than Fu Jingzhen.

It doesn't matter if it's him.

Hearing this, the man was startled for a moment, then his ears turned red quietly, and he said awkwardly, "No need."

The man's voice was still dull, and he didn't seem to have let up.

"No need?" Shu Yao was a little surprised.

Qin Jiuxiao blinked his innocent eyes, he said lightly and a little unnaturally, "It's really not necessary."

"Why do you say that, and say no." The man's unnaturalness also spread to Shu Yao.

She felt that the way the man looked at her was gradually revealing, which seemed a little different.

"Yaoyao looks good in her clothes." The man muttered.

Shu Yao was startled, "What?"

"Yaoyao looks good dressed like this, very sexy, I like it very much." He elaborated again.

Still using the usual man's voice, low and hoarse.

Shu Yao didn't react at first, then she couldn't restrain the smile on her lips, "Oh?"

turn out to be--

He likes that.

"Compared to asking Yaoyao to change their clothes, it's better to goug out their eyes." Qin Jiuxiao said abruptly.

Shu Yao's red lips parted slightly, and said with a light smile, "I'll teach you a way."


"Ninth Brother is too tall, let me lower it, let me tell you."

Qin Jiuxiao's innocent and clear eyes did not hesitate, he lowered his head obediently.

"Kiss me." She leaned forward.soft voice.

The man froze at first, but the woman clung to him, wrapped her arms around his neck, and offered herself without any scruples.

Hesitantly surprised by Shu Yao's actions.

She took the initiative to imitate how Qin Jiuxiao kissed herself as passionately as before.

The lights also become ambiguous, and everything around becomes unimportant.

In front of her eyes was only the lust stained by the man's stern face, and only the ambiguous voice in her ears.


The man's hand slipped down to her waist and touched her slightly sensitive place, and she trembled slightly.

The woman's delicate figure is under the control of the man's big hand, Shu Yao looks like a captured prey from a distance.

The slender figure was close to Qin Jiuxiao's body, and the waist that was grasped gracefully moved gently with the movements.

"In this way, they won't look at me anymore." Shu Yao withdrew and said warmly.

I'm yours.

Shu Yao is generous, she loves Qin Jiuxiao, she can tell everyone.

Qin Jiuxiao was at a loss but also felt happy, "Yaoyao..."

At the beginning of rebirth, the man felt uncomfortable even getting close to her, and felt that she was harboring evil intentions.

It is said that Master Qin Jiu of Yecheng is famous and overwhelmed, but Shu Yao thinks he is an idiot.

Are childhood promises that important?
If he were to protect it with his whole life, in his previous life he even ruined his fame in the first life and lost his country with a broken leg.

How badly did Qin Jiuxiao love her before?
Loving her is so hard, but Qin Jiuxiao never thought of giving up.

(End of this chapter)

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