After being reborn, she became the palm of a big boss

Chapter 298 The Mistress's Responsibility

Chapter 298 The Mistress's Responsibility

I really want to, I really want to give him all the better things.

Shu Yao looked at the man with a soft heart, especially now that the man is still so dependent on her.

"Well, I'm here, I'm here."

He pursed his lips, his fair ears blushed, and his ascetic and stern face seemed to soften a bit.


After these actions, Shu Yao seemed to be marked as the owner, and the guests knew who she was from the bottom of their hearts.

Qin Jiuxiao could feel those hot gazes disappearing one by one, and no one dared to peep at him anymore.

Not only that, but the woman's bold actions attracted the attention of others.

Either in approval or surprise or envy——

Shu Yao was the first one who dared to attack Qin Jiuxiao like this, and it was not easy to be brought by Qin Jiuye's side.

But she didn't expect that not long after Shu Yao withdrew, she unexpectedly caught a glimpse of a familiar figure by the door.

The shadow stood by the door, and it didn't show its figure until Shu Yao completely retreated away from Qin Jiuxiao's side.

It's Fu Jingzhen.

Qin Jiuxiao followed Shu Yao's gaze, "Who is it?"

This person is very strange, and there is no relevant impression in memory.

Fu Jingzhen just glanced at Shu Yao for a long time, the eyes were meaningful, and he didn't know how long he had been peeping just now.

"An unimportant person." Shu Yao shook her head and turned around.

Qin Jiuxiao felt a pain in his heart inexplicably, he raised his hand and touched the position of his heart.

Shu Yao was startled, she immediately covered her, "What's wrong, Brother Nine."

Could it be the sequelae of the previous accident? Didn't my brother check Qin Jiuxiao thoroughly?

Qin Jiuxiao pursed his lips, frowned and said, "I don't know why, I think..."

"Think?" Shu Yao asked softly.

Qin Jiuxiao muttered softly, feeling that his emotions were inexplicable, "I feel very sad."

Shu Yao's eyes were red, and she immediately realized it.

"Don't be sad." Shu Yao silently said countless sorry in her heart.

Qin Jiuxiao tilted his head innocently, his cold eyes filled with tenderness, "Why are you crying again?"

This was not the reaction Qin Jiuxiao wanted to see.

He thought, Shu Yao will always be happy, as long as she can rely on him.

"sorry Sorry……"

But what's the point of being sorry, before she was reborn, what she did was cruel enough for this man.

Otherwise, it would not have been——

It won't be the first meeting at the airport, because Qin Jiuxiao originally planned to leave country C.

He doesn't intend to come back.

She tightened the man's hand and said the same words, "I'm sorry."

"Don't ever say sorry to me."

He raised his hand and gently covered the woman's mouth, naughty and funny.

Qin Jiuxiao's indifference and trust made her feel even more guilty.

"No, I'm going to say it." For a moment, she felt that she was also very naive, and she was actually getting stronger.

Qin Jiuxiao looked at Shu Yao with red eyes, and responded helplessly, "Okay, okay, tell me."

Shu Yao's heart and eyes were only on the man in front of her, and she didn't give Fu Jingzhen another look.

Once the cold and lonely woman softens, she is like a pool of spring water, disturbing people's hearts.

Just not for him anymore.


Seeing Shu Yao turn her back to her completely and never look back, it was like the decision made at the press conference.

Fu Jingzhen watched silently for a while. He was already slender and extraordinary, so he attracted a lot of attention.

Seeing that her fiancé was so outstanding and attractive, Shu Murou hurried over to Fu Jingzhen's side.

She happily hugged the man's arm, "Brother Jing Zhen, you are late."

The object of envy and the man these people want is her Shu Murou's fiancé.

"Hmm." Fu Jingzhen looked away.

His eyes fell on the girl's pure and sweet face, and when he looked closely, he was so dazed that it somewhat overlapped with the shadow of Shu Yao from before.

This wonderful feeling forced Fu Jingzhen to turn around and take another look.

Today's Shu Yao is mature and cold, if you say that she was just a flower in the greenhouse back then, she is now a rose in full bloom.

Compared with when she was with him back then, she was a little less immature and pure, but she had a unique style.

"Uncle, I'll give you..."

Originally, Patriarch Rose was by Shu Murou's side. She turned around and was about to introduce her family to Fu Jingzhen.

But Patriarch Rose patted her hand, staggering his figure with Shu Murou.

"Uncle?" Shu Murou was puzzled.

The other side branches who were just about to post greetings just walked to the side, but they were pushed away impatiently by Patriarch Ross.

In his position of power, such insolence is allowed.

"What's going on here?"

"Didn't you see, the mistress is angry."

"My God, Cofilo will be angry in my lifetime!"

He chased after his wife Kofilo, completely ignoring Shu Murou, after all, his wife is still a wife.

What's more, Cofilo is virtuous and gentle. He has paid a lot for him and this family over the years.

It's rare to be angry.

"Little Luo." Patriarch Rose chased after the shadow.

Cofilo walked quickly, but when he heard her husband's voice behind him, he still subconsciously stopped.

She walked out of the banquet hall and came to the garden outside the banquet hall.

The garden is safe and quiet, and it can be regarded as a good chatting environment, surrounded by floating fireflies.

Beautiful and reassuring, Cofilo looked back and vaguely felt that her husband was still as amazing as the first time he saw him.

It's not that he didn't know why Kefilo was angry, "I'm sorry, but Mu Rou is my sister's child."


"You know what Yunrong suffered back then. She was threatened by others. How could you treat her like that?"

They are friends.

If it weren't for Jiang Yunrong, she and Patriarch Rose might not have been together back then.

It was Jiang Yunrong who encouraged Cofilo, telling him to work hard to pursue what he wanted and not to give up easily.

Patriarch Rose's eyes were cold, and he asked, "Then you want me to see Mu Rou being bullied for nothing?"

Seeing that Patriarch Rose cherishes other people's children so much, it somehow touched Cofilo's heart.

As a wife, of course she can understand her husband's difficulties these years, and the position of that adult in the heart of the head of the family.


"I know, Qingyun, I know that you value your sister's children."

"You value it so much that you don't even care about our children."

Patriarch Rose's sculpture-like facial features are exquisite and beautiful, so good-looking that there is no trace of time at all.

His face was distorted by Cofilo's words at this moment, covered with haze, "No."


"of course not!"

But Patriarch Rose was busy with the whole family, and Cofilo was in poor health, so he had no time to take care of it.

She had three children, and the last one seemed to be born but died without a medical condition, and it was difficult to conceive again.

In recent years, because of his son, he has been criticized by people in the family. Of course, Patriarch Rose cares about it.

"I know how important that child is to you, but you can't do this..."

Cofilo didn't know where to start. As the mistress, she watched the people around her turn against the head of the house one by one.

Aisa's disappointment with Patriarch Rose, and Jiang Yunrong's dislike for Patriarch Rose...

How could she turn a blind eye?
"She will change, and people will change." Seeing Cofilo like this, the owner of the Ross family tried to persuade him.

Hearing this, Kefilo shook his head in disbelief, which shows that Patriarch Ross doesn't know, he knows everything.

The Patriarch of Rose didn't turn a blind eye, but deliberately favored him!

(End of this chapter)

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