Chapter 303
Seeing Patriarch Rose's arrival, Shu Murou hurriedly withdrew from Fu Jingzhen's arms for fear of being seen.

Patriarch Rose is most particular about etiquette, and she is afraid that she will be looked down upon by the patriarch.

"Uncle, it's fine." Shu Murou straightened the decoration on the front of her skirt and said hurriedly.

Patriarch Rose glanced at Fu Jingzhen calmly, with a cold smile on his lips.

Fu Jingzhen nodded slightly, "Patriarch."


When some side branches around Patriarch Rose approached, most of them naturally bent down and saluted.

It can be seen that the position of the head of the Ross family in the Ross family is very lofty.

Qin Jiuxiao turned a blind eye, he just shook the wine in his hand, just watching the show.


Zhang Shiwen nodded slightly. As the designer of the Ross family, he also needs to salute.

He glanced at Patriarch Los's unfriendly expression, hummed twice, and there was a good show to watch next.

"Why are your eyes red?" Patriarch Rose raised his hand and stroked her eyes.

Shu Murou closed her eyes subconsciously, "No, nothing."

"Patriarch, it's Miss who wants to worship Mr. Huo as her teacher, but it's a pity..." Zhang Shiwen pretended to be profound.

He took a meaningful look at Shu Yao, and then stopped talking.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see what this means.

"Mr. Huo." Patriarch Rose glanced at Shu Murou, then at Mr. Huo, "What's going on?"

Huo Lao glared at Zhang Shiwen, and said, "Miss Shu Murou's aptitude is poor, but she's not good enough."

Concise, direct and simple.

Although the short sentence gave Patriarch Ross the answer, it directly slapped Shu Murou in the face.

Under the attention of so many people just now, Shu Murou was rejected by the old senior.

"I see." Patriarch Rose caressed the cat in his hand indifferently.

Shu Murou's face was flushed with embarrassment, and her hands were clenched tightly to the piece of cloth, almost tearing it off.

If it wasn't for Shu Yao, if it wasn't for her——

The Patriarch of Los was not looking at Mr. Huo, but at Shu Yao. He asked, "Is that so?"

"That's right, it's true that the qualifications are mediocre, and I don't like it."

The Ross family mainly answered, and Shu Yao gave him the answer.

As soon as the words came out, there was a sound of laughter, and Shu Murou couldn't help but want to hide from embarrassment and shame.

Fu Jingzhen had no choice but to hide in front of her and protect her a little.

Patriarch Rose didn't expect Shu Yao to be so direct, and said coldly, "It's best."

Judging by Zhang Shiwen's attitude, it is far more than that simple, it is estimated that Shu Yao made things difficult for Shu Murou again.

No wonder Shu Murou doesn't like Shu Yao.


At this moment, the cat in his arms suddenly struggled, and it escaped from the arms of Patriarch Rose.

The cat lightly landed on the ground, but it didn't run away immediately, but approached Shu Yao's feet affectionately, made a weak meowing sound, and rubbed Shu Yao flatteringly.

"Meow meow meow!"

The cat with different-colored eyes put away its paws, raised both hands to grab Shu Yao, and cried obediently.

This place can't help but make people around feel very surprised. After all, the owner's cat is notoriously arrogant, and the cat raised by the owner of Los is almost exactly the same as his own temperament.

"Uncle, I will help you!"

Seeing that Shu Yao actually got the approval of those people because of a cat, she thought she could do it.

Before Patriarch Ross could speak, he squatted down presumptuously, stretched out his hand, "Come here quickly."

The cat meowed a few times, then hid behind Shu Yao, wagging its tail.

"It seems that it doesn't like you." Shu Yao glanced at the cat at her feet and said with a smile.

Seeing that the cat couldn't come over, Shu Murou simply stretched out his hand to grab the cat's stamina.


Someone actually reached out to grab it directly, and the cat screamed and raised its paw and scratched it directly.

Shu Murou was caught off guard by being scratched, she withdrew her hand, "Ah, it hurts."

Subconsciously, she wanted to slap the cat on the head, but thought it was the owner's pet that stopped her.


Redness and swelling appeared on the white and delicate skin, and the flesh was ripped apart, showing how cruel the blow was.

Not only Shu Murou was pleasantly surprised, but even the cat flinched in fright.

"It's okay." Shu Yao just squatted down.

Taking advantage of Shu Yao's open arms, Mao'er immediately jumped into her arms and shrank back.

"Meow, meow." The cat rubbed its furry head against Shu Yao, and called out aggrieved.

Patriarch Ross was also surprised, "..."

This cat is one of a litter of kittens born to a mother cat left behind by her sister.

Especially the one that is most similar to the female cat, even the character is very similar, and the one with the most vigilant heart.

He named the cat the same as the mother cat, Xiao Qi.

Xiao Qi is actually so close to Shu Yao, without any grievances, even this close.

Xiaoqi's aggrieved ears drooped, "Meow."

Fortunately, Shu Yao petted the cat, and the cat's fur gradually smoothed out.

"Take Miss to disinfect." Patriarch Rose quickly calmed down,
Fu Jingzhen saw Shu Murou pulling him pitifully, and said, "Patriarch, I..."

Patriarch Rose waved his hand, feeling a little tired, "Come along."

"I'm sorry, Uncle." Before leaving, Shu Murou lowered her head and looked extremely depressed.

What is this.

It seemed that Shu Murou was still too cautious and did not let go completely.

"It's okay, uncle didn't blame you." Patriarch Rose responded warmly.

He has always been very patient with his family.

What's more, this is my sister's child, my sister's orphan, and my sister's only one left in the world.

Afterwards, Shu Murou turned her head three times and walked away. Before leaving, Shu Murou turned her head and glanced at Shu Yao again.

Those eyes were cold and gloomy, as if being wrapped around a snake.

Shu Yao stroked the cat in her arms, smiled lightly, then looked away, "Patriarch."

She gave away the cat in her arms.

"Meow meow!" Xiao Qi cried weakly, reluctant to part with Shu Yao.

It also wants to be hugged for a while, just for a while.

Patriarch Ross took it calmly, his tone changed, "Thank you, Miss Shu."

Being polite and distant, far less gentle than Shu Murou.

Recalling that when they first met, Patriarch Rose appreciated her own music, she thought——

It is such a kind and noble elder that he thought they would be bosom friends.

"En." Shu Yao responded indifferently.

She was disappointed since Patriarch Rose threatened them to attend this dinner and come to watch the ceremony.

After all, they are not all the same.

"Patriarch, it's getting late, I also saw the good show you let me watch at this dinner party.

"Almost, it's time for us to say goodbye."

Shu Yao nodded slightly to salute, and she pulled Qin Jiuxiao over.

But Qin Jiuxiao still had an indifferent and arrogant expression, and he even muttered.

"He is not a good person, he deliberately bullied me last time." Qin Jiuxiao pointed out.

Patriarch Rose nodded slightly as a return gift, "Okay."

Seeing them leave, Patriarch Rose stared at the too familiar figure and even felt regretful.

Unfortunately, why is my sister's orphan not...

No, you can't have that kind of thinking.

"Patriarch, tell the truth."

"At the beginning, I couldn't talk about my friendship because of you, but I couldn't bear to see my disciple suffer wronged."

Seeing Shu Yao leave, Mr. Huo sighed leisurely.

He glanced at Zhang Shiwen, who was shining brightly just now to add fuel to the fire, and watching the excitement was no big deal.

"It was I who asked Shu Yao to speak for me just now. I'm getting old, and I can't handle so many apprentices anymore."

"I hope you don't misunderstand my apprentice, she is hard-spoken and soft-hearted, she is a good child."

(End of this chapter)

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