Chapter 304 The Death of Qin Siwen


Seeing that his cautious plan was exposed, Huo Lao opened his mouth, and he had no choice but to use any tricks.

Zhang Shiwen carefully raised his eyes to glance at Patriarch Los's face, then quickly lowered his head.

Seeing that Patriarch Rose was not angry but thoughtful, he was slightly relieved.

"Didn't Master just protect Shu Yao?" Zhang Shiwen still remembered Shu Yao's contempt at the beginning.

So many people in the catwalk competition were looking forward to his selection, but Dudu Shuyao dismissed it.

"Yes, I understand what you mean." Patriarch Ross nodded slightly.

Huo Lao suddenly remembered something, and said again: "Why hasn't Yun Rong seen her recently?"

Although Jiang Yunrong is not considered to be Huo Lao's apprentice, but Jiang Yunrong is the disciple of his best friend.

After he passed away, Mr. Huo was always in charge of watching Jiang Yunrong.


"I do not know."

Mentioning this, Patriarch Los's face turned cold when he thought of Jiang Yunrong's rudeness just now.

"I don't know what I'm busy with recently, and I don't answer the phone." Huo Lao was worried.

Probably busy with Qin Siwen's affairs, Patriarch Ross can guess a point or two.

Jiang Yunrong's broken voice was still in his ears, "We're done."

She was forced to come here by Qin Siwen back then, and was threatened by her loved one to leave country S.

Those people hurt her deeply, so it is not difficult to guess why she hates being threatened by others.

Just thinking of Qin Siwen, Patriarch Rose thought for a moment, am I wrong?

"Master, I'm sorry."

He stood in front of the cold corridor, with his hands hanging powerlessly on his sides, his face ashen.

Jiang Yunrong sat slumped on the ground, the bone-chilling coolness spread from her legs, she didn't notice it at all.

She couldn't believe the news she heard, she couldn't believe such a fact.

Qin Siwen is dead.

He didn't die on the operating table, and he didn't even have time to operate. Someone injected poison into the infusion tube and died of poison.

Before leaving, Qin Siwen was fine. Although he didn't get better, all indicators were normal.

When Jiang Yunrong came back, there was only a cold corpse.

"How is that possible?" Jiang Yunrong raised his head and asked in a trembling voice.

Opening her mouth was a trembling that she didn't even notice, she had never been so weak before.

Sitting on the ground so embarrassed and weak, how ugly, but she didn't have the strength to stand up.

Shu Nanxun stretched out his hand to help Jiang Yunrong, but just as he stretched out his hand——


It was Jiang Yunrong who swung it away fiercely, and the back of Shu Nanxun's hand turned red instantly.

"Tell me, how is this possible?! How could he die?" Jiang Yunrong asked sharply.

She was completely soaked, and when she came back, it was pouring rain and drenched her all over.

Her long hair was messy and sticking to her face, making Jiang Yunrong look poignant and pitiful, her makeup ruined.

"Master, someone changed the needle water."

"His body was originally..."

Shu Nan Xun hesitated to speak, he knew that as smart as Jiang Yunrong, he would definitely understand the meaning behind his words.

Jiang Yunrong shook her head, she shivered unconsciously from the cold.

"Master, there are ghosts in our hospital, and ghosts around us," he said.

Jiang Yunrong suddenly raised his head and asked, "Who is it?"

"I can't see clearly, the one who broke into the hospital broke the surveillance, and only one picture can be restored."

"You, Shu Yao and Qin Jiuxiao are going to the dinner tonight, and he knows about it."

Only the people around Qin Siwen could know so clearly, but Shu Nanxun didn't.

He didn't know the people around Qin Siwen. He had studied with Jiang Yunrong since he was a child.

"Master, do you know who Qin Siwen had contact with before his death?" Shu Nanxun guided little by little.

Qin Siwen died.

To Jiang Yunrong, it was like the sky falling, but he had no feelings for Shu Nanxun.

He is a person who has walked through the gate of hell, life and death are bearish, and he can still calmly analyze it now.

Not long ago, about half an hour earlier.

The nurse informed Shu Nanxun that something had happened to Qin Siwen, and it was already too late when Shu Nanxun arrived.

"That person has to go in and out of Qin Siwen's side frequently, and he can even change his medicine."

"Besides, this toxin is a chronic drug, which is why there are generally no problems detected. I think that person has been lurking beside Qin Siwen for a long time, so it can only be someone close to him..."

Before she finished speaking, Jiang Yunrongru suddenly seemed unable to listen anymore, she lowered her head deeply.

She shook her head desperately, murmuring something vaguely in her mouth.

Shu Nanxun looked at Jiang Yunrong who was so sad, he stopped talking as if he was choking on his throat.

"Master, it's going to be cold." He took off his warm robe and covered Jiang Yunrong.

This little bit of warmth made Jiang Yunrong's tears flow even more fiercely.


Back then, she had just walked through the door not long ago.

"As the mistress of the Qin family, how is it appropriate to dress like this?"

Mr. Qin pressed his chopsticks heavily on the table, making a loud bang because of Jiang Yunrong's clothes.

She was wearing a cheongsam designed by herself, with high slits, elegant and dignified.

But from Qin Lao's point of view, it was neither fish nor fowl, "When you enter this house, you have to behave yourself."

Jiang Yunrong turned a deaf ear to it, she still went her own way.

It's not because of Jiang Yunrong's stubborn temper, it's because she doesn't want to be a puppet of the mistress and be at the mercy of others.

She married into the Qin family, Qin Siwen, not the whole Qin family.

"Take it off, change it." Elder Qin said again.

Jiang Yunrong put down his chopsticks, wiped his hands, his eyes were cold, "Dad, this is my freedom."

"Freedom?" Elder Qin sneered.

If it wasn't for the Qin family's action, the Jiang family would have been finished long ago, and now she is still talking about freedom with herself.

Jiang Yunrong really thinks of herself as something!
Elder Qin pointed to the outside of the house, "If you don't take it off, go out and kneel, and then come in when you are awake."

"Okay." Jiang Yunrong answered kindly.

When she got up, the chair rattled and made a harsh sound, which was a naked provocation.

"Dad, what's the matter? I think it looks good." Qin Siwen opened his mouth at this moment, and he smiled.

Only then did Jiang Yunrong turn his attention to her husband in a contract marriage.

The man was born very well, his appearance was like a peach blossom, and he had the appearance of a man and a woman, with red lips and white teeth.

Generally speaking, this wave of Jiang Yunrong is not bad.

She had never expected her husband in a contract marriage to stand by her side, but he spoke for her.

However, Jiang Yunrong doesn't want the pity of men.

Elder Qin still didn't change his words, "Go out."

"Okay, Dad." Jiang Yunrong nodded slightly, and walked straight out.

The people around him raised their hands to grab, but Jiang Yunrong flinched, letting him grab nothing.

Qin Siwen glanced at the beautiful figure from the corner of his eye, and sighed secretly, he really married an ancestor.

Outside the house was pouring water, like the gods in the sky pouring water, splashing down.

There was thunder and lightning outside the window, and even the inside of the flashing house felt scary, not to mention Jiang Yunrong was still outside.


"Master, it's still raining!"

Qin Siwen, who couldn't stand it anymore, got up suddenly, causing the waiters beside him to panic.

Elder Qin's eyes widened, "Where are you going, brat?"

Qin Siwen took the umbrella without answering, walked straight into the wind and rain, and followed Jiang Yunrong.

As soon as he went out, he could barely see where Jiang Yunrong was due to the heavy rain.

Looking for the light, he quickly determined where Jiang Yunrong was, and walked over quickly.

Jiang Yunrong knelt in front of the main gate and drenched in the rain, her whole body was drenched, her hair was sticking to her face with wetness, and she lost her usual sharpness.

It looks pitiful and cute, like a discarded kitten.

"Having a temper?" He approached and put the umbrella on Jiang Yunrong's head.

(End of this chapter)

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