Chapter 306

Thinking only for a few seconds, Shu Nanxun quickly adjusted his mood and rhythm.

Qin Jiuxiao wouldn't let him check, and he had never been close to him, so he wasn't sure if he was really stupid or not.

If he was really stupid, the Qin family would lose two patriarchs in a row, and all the buried threads would be uprooted.

It was only a matter of time before the Qin family collapsed.

If it's fake, it'd be better if it's fake, Qin Jiuxiao is still there, and he will definitely be able to calm down those demons.

Right now, he has to block the news.

"Are you back?" He put on his glasses and asked in his usual tone.

Qin Jiuxiao didn't seem to like Shu Nanxun very much, he walked straight past Shu Nanxun.

"Yes, brother, what's the matter with you?" Shu Yao took a look and wanted to catch up, but felt that something was wrong.

Why is there water on Shu Nanxun's body? It was even drenched inside the building.

"It's okay, I went to the balcony just now, it's raining."

He tactfully avoided Shu Yao's probing, and he could probably guess why Shu Yao came here.

Qin Jiuxiao recovered and was discharged from the hospital, so there should be nothing wrong with him.

But Shu Yao has been taking medicine, about her headache problem.

"Have you finished your medicine?" Shu Nanxun asked pretending not to care.

Shu Yao nodded, "Yes, it seems that after taking the medicine, I often think about the past."


"Then I'll change the medicine."

A trace of deepness flashed in Shu Nan's Xun's eyes, and he turned and walked in the direction of Qin Jiuxiao just now.

The direction they left was the medicine collection area.

Shu Yao chased after her and grabbed Shu Nanxun's hand, "Brother, wait for me."

She is so clingy, her memory is still in her childhood.

I remember that the relationship between Shu Nanxun and Shu Yao has not been very good since they became adults.

Firstly, Shu Nan Xun was withdrawn by nature, and rarely cared about the Shu family's affairs, so she regarded her as idle.

The second reason is because of Shu Yawen, Shu Nanxun never wanted to see this aunt since she was a child.

On the contrary, Shu Yao felt that Shu Yawen was her only family member who took care of her and cared about her everywhere.

Shu Nanxun, who can't see Shu Yao being stupid, can't help but speak ill at each other, they are always arguing.

Of course it's good that my sister likes him...

Although he cherishes the current Shu Yao, she looks like a different person no matter how you look at it.

Seeing Shu Nan Xun stunned, Shu Yao whispered, "Brother?"

"Well, it's okay." Shu Nanxun came back to his senses and noticed the woman's little hands fumbling.

He held down Shu Yao and pinched his hand.

Shu Yao felt something was wrong, her phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, "You are so strange."

Regarding this, Shu Nanxun was noncommittal.

There was no one in front of the medicine collection table, but Shu Yao found Qin Jiuxiao in the inner room of the pharmacy.

He didn't know what to look at, a series of lists were listed on the screen, and it was closed when they came in.

"Get out of the way." Shu Nanxun warned.

This kind of place can also let anyone come in and look at it casually?

He looked coldly at the nurse at the side, who was ashamed and lowered her head directly.

"Doctor Shu, I'm sorry." The nurse said submissively.

Qin Jiuxiao twitched the corners of his mouth and said casually, "This is from my family."

"Ninth brother!" Shu Yao couldn't laugh or cry when she heard that.

Unexpectedly, Qin Jiuxiao, after his degenerated mind, was so—

It's unreasonable, like a little bully.

If you are upset, you will shake your face, and you will hit anyone who is not used to it, and your emotions are almost written on your face.

"Your house is good, but don't forget, you have a problem." Shu Nanxun pointed to the brain.

Qin Jiuxiao smiled disdainfully, "I know more about my problems than you do. What medicine did you prescribe?"

"..." Shu Nanxun was silent for a moment, then said again, "Do you understand?"

Of course he could understand.

Qin Jiuxiao is Jiang Yunrong's son, even though his mind has degenerated to a child, he still has the knowledge of medicine.

What's more, Qin Jiuxiao's young genius is as good as Shu Nanxun.

"That's right, of course you can understand." Shu Nanxun suddenly remembered something.

The reason why he can be friends with Qin Jiuxiao is partly because they are similar and evenly matched.

Shu Nan Xun Bi said lightly, "I drove the wrong car, I will replace it."

"D-wrong?" Shu Yao was taken aback.

Shu Nanxun doesn't seem to be such a careless person, what's going on with this bland and breezy brushstroke.

Taking the wrong medicine can be a big or small thing.

Shu Nanxun asked instead of answering, he has always been very good at deceiving people, "I will harm you?"

Hearing this, some fragmentary images suddenly flashed in Shu Yao's mind, and she started to have a headache again.

After taking the medicine, the headache that didn't appear seems to appear frequently again.

"Of course not!" Shu Yao frowned, and she quickly gave the answer.

She used to believe that Shu Yawen was brainwashed, and she gradually drifted away from Shu Nanxun, until in the end they were separated by life and death.

If I had listened to Shu Nanxun earlier, my previous life would have been more than this...

Even forced Shu Nanxun to death.

Shu Nanxun didn't expect Shu Yao's reaction to be so strong, so he responded in a low voice with some discomfort, "Yeah."

"It's best not to hurt you." Qin Jiuxiao was not so relaxed, he sneered.

Those medicines are not for headaches at all.

Shu Yao hurriedly tugged at the corner of the man's clothes, and whispered, "Okay, he's my brother."

Under Shu Yao's comfort, the man calmed down slowly, he snorted coldly and stopped talking.

Seeing Shu Nanxun grabbing medicine with her back turned to her, Shu Yao took this opportunity to report to Shu Nanxun.

"Brother, I have to go back to Yecheng tomorrow."

Shu Nanxun's hand that was looking for medicine paused, but he still didn't turn around, "Oh."

Need to tell him this news?

However, she likes it.

The time to reunite with Shu Yao was too short, too short, and the time lost was too long.

So much so that Shu Nanxun didn't get used to this younger sister who was still so clingy after adulthood for a while.

"Brother, what about you?" Shu Yao asked cautiously.

Shu Nan Xun pondered for a moment, thinking seriously, "Let's talk."

"Oh..." She felt a little sorry.

It wasn't long before they met Shu Nanxun, but they were about to separate again.

"Brother, grandpa misses you too."

Shu Nan Xun hummed, and kept moving his hands, "Grandpa's health is getting better, you should watch it."

The words were calm and breezy, but Shu Yao could hear something different from the calm words.

What is he implying?
"Qin Jiuxiao's mind is not normal, you should pay more attention to it, the Qin family is kind to us brothers and sisters, please help me."

"Go back and say hello to grandpa for me, and see if you lost anything in your bedroom."

the end.

What Shu Nanxun wanted to say came to his lips, but he still struggled to say it, "Bon voyage."

"Brother..." Shu Yao was startled, and then slowly laughed.

She stepped forward, lowered her head and rubbed Shu Nanxun's shoulder with her forehead.

This was Shu Yao's secret code to beg for mercy after they fought when they were young, and it was also a coquettish act.

Shu Nanxun's body froze, his tone was suppressed, "What a grown-up."

"You're still your younger sister." Shu Yao pressed her forehead on his shoulder and complained softly.

Looking at Qin Jiuxiao from a distance, his stern brows became gentler little by little.

Family is indeed very important.

He was standing in the right direction to face Shu Nanxun, and the two of them met their eyes and communicated silently.

Shu Nanxun moved his eyes and motioned for him, "Take her away quickly."

"Hard mouth and soft heart." Qin Jiuxiao commented.

She obviously hated Shu Yao, but still pretended not to care.

It's not that the family does not enter the family, Shu Yao and Shu Nanxun have the same virtue.

But Shu Nan Xun never looked back at Shu Yao, nor sent Shu Yao away.

When Shu Yao left, the footsteps gradually faded away...

"Doctor Shu, Ms. Shu has already left." The nurse reminded.

(End of this chapter)

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