Chapter 307 Catch the Cat In

After hearing what the nurse said, Shu Nanxun turned around slowly, his cold and similar face was slightly moved.

He believes that the current separation is short-lived, just so that their family can stay together for a long time in the future.

"Doctor Shu, I have an appointment for you here."

"It seems to be someone who has seen the doctor before, and a follow-up visit."

The nurse was operating the computer, and when she saw the relevant information, she reported it to Shu Nanxun.

Although Shu Nanxun works in the hospital, he does not accept outpatient consultations, and usually accepts acquaintances from famous families and aristocrats.

The nurse saw that there was a note on the side of this person's information registration that Shu Yao was related to Dr. Shu's sister.

"Let me take a look." Shu Nanxun moved closer to the computer, with one hand propped on the computer desktop, while leaning closer.

With the suddenly shortened distance and the magnified senses, the nurse blushed suddenly.

Dr. Shu is really fragrant and good-looking, no wonder so many nurses in the hospital like it, it's really not surprising at all.

He glanced at it and nodded, "Go ahead."

For the sake of the people brought by Shu Yao, it only takes a few minutes to receive a doctor, so it's not a problem.

And from the information, he found out that Cofilo was actually the mistress of the main line of the Ross family.

Originally, Shu Nanxun was worried that he would not be able to get in touch with people in this area, but it happened that people from the Ross family came to the door.

"At that time..."

"Anytime, anytime."


"It hurts, can't you take it easy!"

Shu Murou pushed the assistant on the ground fiercely, her shoulders heaving up and down in anger.

The assistant Nana shrugged her shoulders, and answered obediently, "Yes, yes."

She was sleeping well at home, but Shu Murou called her to Los Manor in the middle of the night, calling her loneliness.

Nana is an assistant, but she is not Shu Murou's servant.

But Shu Murou is not aware of this problem at all, Nana is very clear about the meaning of her existence.

It was Shu Murou who had just arrived at Rose Manor, she didn't dare to be arrogant to those servants, she only dared to do this to her.

"What's your attitude? You're an assistant, my assistant, you deserve the money."

Shu Murou saw the struggle in Nana's eyes, and she lifted her clean foot to step on Nana's shoulder.

She played with the new gift on her hand with high self-esteem, "If it weren't for me, where would your brother's tuition come from?"

"I, I always remember." Nana said quickly.

It is precisely because of thinking about Shu Murou's goodness that Nana has endured until now and stood by Shu Murou unconditionally.

When Nana was in the most difficult time, fortunately, she became the assistant of Shu Murou and the salary was not low, so she was rich.

"Humans, you must know how to repay your kindness." Shu Murou reminded her bitterly.

She kicked away Nana who was applying medicine to her, and raised her hand to look at the scars on her hand repeatedly.

"This beast is really cruel."

Where Xiao Qi scratched left a few bloodstains, now that she has been given an injection and medicine, it hurts Shu Murou to death.

Seeing that her hand was already fine, she didn't have to suffer this kind of pain, ruining her carefully cared for hand.

"Meow meow meow!"

At this time, a meowing sound suddenly came from outside the door.

A smug smile appeared on Shu Murou's lips, and she quickly said, "Nana, go and help me catch that cat."

Hearing this cry, he knew that it must be Xiao Qi raised by the head of the Ross family, and only Xiao Qi could run around in the manor.

The mother cat gave birth to a litter of kittens, and Xiaoqi was the one most loved by the owner, who was allowed to run around.

Not only allowed it to run around, but also specially sent someone to look after it.

"Huh?" Nana was taken aback.

Shu Murou turned cold and commanded, "Are you deaf? I said get the cat in quickly."

There was no chance to refute what Shu Murou said, so Nana had no choice but to obey.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw a kitten squatting on the side of the handrail and smoothing its fur. It was so cute.


Nana didn't have time to think about it, and was afraid of being seen by others, so she rushed forward and grabbed Xiao Qi by the back of the neck.

"Meow meow!" Feeling the danger, Xiao Qi screamed strangely.

She quickly returned to the room, holding Xiao Qi in fear of the cat meowing too loudly, and coaxing Xiao Qi quickly.

Nana had raised cats before, so she would more or less smoothen the cat's fur, and soon Xiao Qi stopped barking.

But in the face of such a strange person, Xiao Qi is still very vigilant.

"Sister Mu Rou, what are you doing?" Nana asked tentatively.

The cat's fur is smooth, fragrant and clean, and it looks like it has been well-raised.

Xiao Qi's eyes were round and round, and his moist eyes rolled around, looking around.

"It was this little bastard who caught me, but she gave Shu Yao a good look." Shu Murou said bitterly.

Nana suddenly realized something was wrong, and said in a low voice, "Sister Mu Rou?"

"give it to me."

"But it, what if it tickles you again?"

Seeing Nana hesitate like this, Shu Murou didn't bother to talk nonsense with Nana, and directly grabbed Xiaoqi's hand.

Nana couldn't bear to see her direct and rough methods.

"Meow meow meow!"

The cat meowed, and Shu Mu couldn't get angry.

Originally, Shu Murou invited Shu Yao to participate because she wanted Shu Yao to see her own beauty, but she didn't expect to make a fool of herself.

It's all because of damn Shu Yao.

Do you like Shu Yao?

"Sister Mu Rou!" Nana exclaimed.

Shu Murou actually pressed the pillow on Xiao Qi's body directly, and repeated it several times.

Nana who saw it was frightened, and didn't dare to step forward to stop it, because it was Nana who caught the cat in.

Xiao Qi's voice gradually became weaker, and it seemed that the ups and downs of Xiao Xiao's body were also much weaker.

"It's getting late, you can throw it away when you go back." Shu Murou was tired, so she sat down and drank tea.

Seeing that it was almost done, Shu Murou wiped her hands, thinking that she had soiled herself.

Nana quickly grabbed Xiaoqi and was about to take her away and 'throw it away'.

Seeing Nana leaving in a hurry, Shu Murou reminded, "Nana, don't let me see."

Having been with Shu Murou for so long, Nana understood that what Shu Murou meant was to stop Xiao Qi from appearing in the manor again.

She nodded repeatedly, the cat's body was very small, because the assistant had to pack things, so he happened to be carrying a big satchel.

Nana put the cat inside and left the manor as if fleeing.

"Sorry, I can't take you back, I, I can't..."

As soon as she left the manor, Nana took Xiao Qi out after a while, and she put her in a corner.

This is the owner of Los's cat!
Nana didn't dare to take it home, and she didn't dare to raise it by herself. If she took it away, she would be accused of stealing a cat.

It would be a big risk not to deal with Nana.

Seeing Xiaoqi's meowing, and looking at Nana expectantly, Nana turned her head and left quickly.


Xiaoqi struggled to get up, searched around, found that it was raining, and then retreated under the tree.

It was raining heavily, and it was useless to hide under a tree, as it drenched it in one fell swoop.

It couldn't find its way home, couldn't find its owner, didn't even know what happened, flustered and hesitated.

But Xiaoqi realized that it couldn't hide here forever, so it calmed down a little.

It started running in an unknown direction, running and stopping, and it was dark and bright again.

I don't know how far and how long I ran.

"Whose cat is this?"

Suddenly, a huge shadow loomed in front of Xiao Qi, and someone noticed its existence.

(End of this chapter)

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