Chapter 310

"You are popular, Shu Yao."

These two sentences did not fully react until Shu Yao was escorted back to Shu's main residence.

The nanny car drove two almost identical cars to different places at the intersection to prevent chasing cars.

Taking advantage of no one's attention, Shu Yao got out of the car and quickly dodged to hide in the main house.

"Is this true?" Shu Yao murmured.

The huge and frightening number of fans in the airport really told Shu Yao that she became popular overnight.

Unknowingly, Shu Yao walked to the back garden of the main house, where the sun was just right and the birds were singing and the flowers were fragrant.

There is an old-fashioned deck chair in the garden, shaking it.

Shu Yao called out slightly in surprise, "Grandpa?"

Hearing that the figure on the couch froze, he stopped shaking and straightened up as fast as he could.

Mr. Shu is right.

She couldn't believe her eyes that Mr. Shu could come out to bask in the sun.

Before leaving, Mr. Shu was still lying on the bed, needing a lot of medical equipment for maintenance.

Now, Mr. Shu can actually lie in the back garden and bask in the sun.

Shu Yao couldn't help but be amazed, how superb is Shu Nanxun's medical skills?
This is simply the degree of resurrection.

"Yaoyao! Yaoyao, you're back." Mr. Shu anxiously clung to the handrail to stand up.

As soon as he moved, he triggered something around him, making a loud noise.

Immediately after hearing the sound, someone rushed over, and a fat figure hurried over.

"What's the matter, master?" It was Mama Xu.

The moment Xu Ma saw Shu Yao, she was also stunned.

After realizing it, Mother Xu exclaimed, and hurriedly stepped forward to help Mr. Shu stand up, "It's Missy!"

"Yaoyao, you're back." Old Master Shu looked Shu Yao up and down.

Looking at Shu Yao's face is rosy, she is not thin, and she has a little flesh compared to when she went there.

The more Mr. Shu looked at it, the more he felt relieved, his eyes narrowed when he smiled, it was better than when he was with Fu Jingzhen.

At that time, Shu Yao always cared that she was too fat and felt too thin for a while, and her diet was irregular.

During that time, I almost broke my body, and my skin is almost a lot.

Shu Yao is so good, healthy and beautiful.

"Grandpa, you can stand up now." Shu Yao was both surprised and delighted.

Shu Nanxun really gave Shu Yao a big surprise.

But at the same time, when Shu Yao saw Master Shu's spirit, she suddenly remembered her brother's instructions.

"Yes! Much better!"

Mr. Shu could also feel the power gradually returning to his body, he was being helped to turn around for Shu Yao to see.

Compared with lying on the bed all the time, with hemiplegia, it is already a qualitative leap in a short period of time.

Xu Ma wiped her hands casually on the apron, and warmly pulled Shu Yao over to speak.

"Of course, that doctor from the Qin family is amazing, he's just rejuvenated."

"If it wasn't for that doctor to help, Mr. Shu would be pissed to death by Miss Shu Yawen sooner or later."

After hearing that person's name again, Mr. Shu glared at Mama Xu.

Mama Xu quickly lowered her head, realizing that she had said something wrong, but she was unwilling to reconcile, "I'm not wrong."

"What's going on?" Shu Yao frowned and asked.

Mr. Shu was busy trying to smooth things over, and said again: "It's nothing, it's nothing, Yaoyao is back now, can she go?"

"I'm not leaving, grandpa, don't worry, I'm not leaving." Shu Yao pulled Mr. Shu back to sit back.

Using this excuse, Mr. Shu immediately commanded and dismissed Mama Xu.

He winked at Mama Xu, "Cook more dishes tonight, go get busy."

Mama Xu opened her mouth and then closed it again. If she didn't feel sorry for her old employer, she must have a sense of proportion.

If you don't say it, you don't say it. After all, it's because Mr. Shu is protecting his weaknesses.

Shu Yawen is his own daughter, but she doesn't need to be protected.

You treat her as your own daughter, but you don't see her thinking that way, you're just being sentimental.

"Understood, sir."

Mama Xu dragged the ending, and turned and left in dissatisfaction.


Country C Yecheng, the main residence of the Qin family.

Qin Jiuxiao played with the Rubik's cube in his hand, lowered his eyes and said nothing, completely like a puppet.

And Ling Heng stood by his side, as if standing on a pile, motionless, surrounded by people from the Qin family who were solemn and solemn.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the hall was very solemn and uneasy.

"Look at what you've done!"

A newly printed newspaper that still smelled of ink was thrown over, and was slapped on the table with a slam.

Elder Qin propped up the newspaper with one hand, his face full of fear, "Is this why you turned back just to read?"

If he knew that Qin Jiuxiao would make a move, it would be impossible for Qin Lao to let him get out of the car and meet Shu Yao on that side.

It was clearly photographed in the newspaper that Qin Jiuxiao and Shu Yao had a close interaction.

Who is Shu Yao now?

Not only does she have a share in the entertainment section, but she also has a share in other current affairs and hot news.

She is a topical person, and her life experience with Shu Murou is not clear, and it is very likely that she is not the real daughter of the Shu family.

Now Qin Jiuxiao is getting together with such a person again, and they are even published in the newspaper together!

"Old Qin, Master Jiu has always been measured, there must be a reason for doing that."

Seeing Qin Jiuxiao being treated like this when he came back, Ling Heng couldn't help but speak.

He is a real person, not a tool of family inheritance, and he doesn't have to behave in a regular and orderly manner all his life.

Elder Qin glanced at Ling Heng coldly, "When will it be your turn to speak?"

Ling Heng lowered his eyes slightly, he knew his identity, no matter how tall or superior he was in the eyes of outsiders.

He is just a running dog of the Qin family and should not have the right to speak.

"It's dealt with."

Old Qin copied the newspaper, threw it on the person who was serving beside him, and gave the order.

Qin Jiuxiao, who has been silent for a long time and only knows how to play Rubik's Cube, raised his eyes and asked curiously, "What does Grandpa want to do?"

"Of course it's to get rid of the relationship!" Elder Qin didn't hesitate at all.

The Qin family absolutely can't get involved with such a person, and the Shu family is just one of the four great families.

No matter how you put it, no matter how you look at it, it's Shu Yao's high praise!
Qin Laofu said earnestly again, "Xiao Jiu, do you recognize me?"

It is reported that Qin Jiuxiao's mentality has only degenerated into a certain age group, and he has not completely become a fool.

But why did Qin Jiuxiao act so unfamiliar, as if he didn't know him at all.

"I know, you are grandpa." Qin Jiuxiao nodded.

Elder Qin breathed a sigh of relief, and forced himself to hold back his temper, "Then why don't you speak, just..."

Like they are strangers.

"Because you are mean to me, and you want me to see a doctor, and I'm not sick." Qin Jiuxiao said simply and bluntly.

The person is still the same person, Qin Jiuxiao is still Qin Jiuxiao, but Qin Jiuxiao couldn't say such a thing in the first place.

Inexplicably, this Qin Jiuxiao seemed to have been replaced by someone.

Not to mention Mr. Qin, even Ling Heng, who was called a personal servant, couldn't help but look sideways.

Elder Qin found the key, so he softened his voice, "Xiao Jiu, I won't kill you."

He followed the look of the person beside him, and the person immediately took back a stack of heavy documents.

The height of the stack of files surprised Ling Heng, but there was nothing he could do about it. He had been missing for too long.

Qin's many highly confidential things, only he can know, there is no way to deal with them without him.

"These are your tasks, you have to do them well, you know?"

Since the time is urgent, it is impossible to force it. The child has been stubborn since he was a child, so Mr. Qin had no choice but to talk like a child.

(End of this chapter)

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