After being reborn, she became the palm of a big boss

Chapter 311 Suspected Hidden Marriage

Chapter 311 Suspected Hidden Marriage
For a file of such weight, not to mention the depth, just looking at the thickness is outrageous.

Ling Heng opened his eyes and opened his mouth. He wanted to say something for Qin Jiuxiao, but he still didn't speak.

"Grandpa, you taught me the principle of equivalent exchange." Qin Jiuxiao took the heavy document without any burden.

The mountains of documents were held in Qin Jiuxiao's arms, and he didn't pay much attention to the weight and difficulty of them.

His eyes were bright and innocent, shining with the innocence unique to young people.

"I'm done with this, what will you reward me for?"

With that look in his eyes, Old Qin's thoughts froze, as if he had really returned to when Qin Jiuxiao was still young.

He didn't recognize Jiang Yunrong back then, and he would never deny Qin Jiuxiao.

Qin Jiuxiao was almost carved out of the same mold as Qin Siwen, but it was more perfect than Qin Lao thought.

Sitting opposite Qin Jiuxiao, Mr. Qin asked in a deep voice, "What reward do you want?"

"Say more."

Qin Jiuxiao thought about it seriously, frowned and thought about it, there was nothing in particular he wanted, and he urgently needed to be seen.

Measured by absolute rationality, it is not worth him to exchange rewards now.

"I need an assistant to handle such documents, but the basic requirements are not rewards."

Qin Lao felt something was wrong when he heard it, and looked at Ling Heng, "Don't you have an assistant?"

Before the accident, Qin Jiuxiao always had a personal assistant, Ling Heng.

"I want Shu Yao."

"Without Shu Yao, I won't deal with it."

Qin Jiuxiao folded his legs together, put his hands in front of his knees, and his innocent eyes were too quiet.

He pushed the document back in front of Mr. Qin, indicating that he was not bargaining, but asking.

"Xiao Jiu!" Elder Qin couldn't believe it.

Qin Jiuxiao didn't bother to speak again, he still pushed the document forward a bit.

"I can wait until Grandpa has nothing to do, but how long can Grandpa wait? How long can Qin Shi wait?"

Men talk more than before, but they are more ruthless than when they are concise.

Ling Heng couldn't help but look sideways. The former Qin Jiuxiao somehow respected Mr. Qin, but now...

Looking at Qin Jiuxiao secretly, he saw that the man still had the same stern face as before, but with a bit of cynicism.

"Okay, you're fine, let's make a deal." Elder Qin gritted his teeth and agreed.

The so-called principle of equivalent exchange was taught by Mr. Qin to his eldest grandson before, and he never thought that he would turn against the general.

But now that Mr. Qin has been ignoring the world for a long time, he is not as good as before, let alone Qin Jiuxiao's understanding of the Qin family.

He had to rely on his eldest grandson.


"Master, don't stare at Miss, you have to see a flower." Xu Ma joked when serving the dishes.

The table is full of home-cooked dishes, which can't compare to Qin's high-profile luxury, and Shu's has never asked for dishes.

With this comparison, Shu Yao had to think of that man again.

Is he doing well in the Qin family?Have you been wronged?Have you been bullied?
Old Master Shu said cheerfully, "I think Yaoyao has more meat than before."

Before Shu Yao went on a diet to maintain her figure, she was so hungry that she was skinny, which made Mr. Shu tremble with fear.

How can a girl be so skinny, how ugly is her skin covered with bones.

Now Shu Yao's complexion is ruddy, and every gesture reveals the charm of a mature woman, with an elegant atmosphere.

Shu Yao came back to her senses and jokingly said, "Grandpa, I'm going to be so fat that I can't be photographed so it's funny."

"If you can't be on camera, you can't be on camera. Could it be that Shu..."

Could it be that the Shu family can't afford to support their own young lady?

In the middle of the conversation, Mr. Shu found that he was not able to continue talking, he didn't have the confidence.

If Shu Boyan hadn't died back then, he wouldn't have lost his son, and there would have been no white-haired people to send black-haired people to.

If her father was still around, how could Shu Yao be wronged like this.

"Ouch! Master!"

"Is that Missy?"

The embarrassing atmosphere was broken by Xu's mother, she excitedly stepped forward to observe the people on the screen carefully.

Checking again and again, Mama Xu is even more sure that the person on TV is not Shu Yao.

"The latest entertainment news headlines, actress Shu Yao's new love affair is exposed, but according to the latest news..."

Not only the picture on the TV, even the anchor is broadcasting relevant information.

Mr. Shu was immediately attracted, his eyes widened, "This, this?"

The woman on the screen is clearly Shu Yao, and the man standing in front of her has a very low hat and a mask.

Even if it is magnified several times, it is still a blurred face, and the real appearance cannot be seen clearly.

"Yaoyao, is this true?" Old Master Shu asked Shu Yao indifferently.

His only granddaughter actually let go of Fu Jingzhen and really threw herself into a new relationship.

is this real? !

Shu Yao didn't expect the incident to become so big, she hesitated for a moment.


All kinds of possibilities flashed in Shu Yao's mind, both good and bad, forcing Shu Yao to be unable to choose the answer.

She didn't know how she would answer if it was the media now.

"Yes, Grandpa, the other person on TV is—" Shu Yao's hands paused.

Mr. Shu quickly took over the conversation, "From the Qin family?"

"How do you know?" Shu Yao raised her head in astonishment, she didn't expect Mr. Shu to know.

Hearing such an answer, Mr. Shu was relieved, why is this girl so memoryless.

Shu Yao had revealed the person she liked a long time ago.

It's not that she has a new love now, but that she has cultivated to perfection. Of course, Mr. Shu, the elder, is blessing her.

"Silly girl, when you come back, tell me you have someone you like."

Mr. Shu has always kept in mind what his granddaughter said.

He said again, "Have you chased him so quickly? Why doesn't Grandpa know that the kid from the Qin family is so easy to chase."

Qin Jiuxiao.

The majestic overlord of Yecheng, the white-faced King of Hades on the road, was not close to women and was even rumored to be a man with broken sleeves.

He was actually chased by Shu Yao!

"Grandpa, it's not like this." Shu Yao bumped into the table in agitation, causing the dishes and chopsticks to shake.

In such panic and embarrassment, Shu Yao, who has been well-cultivated since she was a child, has never tried it.

It was really a rude reaction, how could she expect to watch TV and also see entertainment news related to herself.

Now it seems that, as Shen Huaiyuan said, she has become popular.

Otherwise, they don't even know who you are, let alone pay attention to your relationship.

Surprised, Mr. Shu also stopped, he noticed Shu Yao's embarrassment, "What's the matter?"

"Yes..." Shu Yao opened her mouth and was about to answer.

Immediately afterwards, even more exciting content was broadcast on the TV. The anchor pronounced the words clearly and read the cards in his hand in a correct manner.

"But according to the latest revelations, a man who has a close interaction with actress Shu Yao wears a ring on his left ring finger—"

"The two are suspected of being married in secret!"

Xu Ma, who reacted first, had her hand empty, and the spoon she was holding to hold the soup fell to the ground with a bang.

She turned her head to look at Shu Yao stiffly, only to find that Shu Yao, the person involved, was also full of astonishment, as if she didn't know.

That is, there is no hidden marriage.

Mother Xu was so frightened that she quickly patted her heart a few times, "It scared me."

"Yaoyao, this—you have privately decided to live forever?" Mr. Shu saw that there were no outsiders around, so he asked directly.

The person involved is my granddaughter, and others can only gossip, but Mr. Shu can get the answer based on facts.

Stared at by two pairs of fiery eyes, Shu Yao unconsciously felt a little guilty, "I..."

(End of this chapter)

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