Chapter 313

And Shu Yao didn't understand the situation at all, if she didn't open the curtains accidentally, she wouldn't even know that the Qin family was coming.

Could it be because of what was photographed today?
"I..." She frowned.

Madam Xu hurriedly pushed Shu Yao into the room, yelling, "Miss, quickly change clothes."

"It's Mr. Qin who's here."

This time she finally coaxed Shu Yao in and changed her clothes.

Due to the rush of urging, I just washed my hair and didn't blow dry it. I didn't have enough time, so it was half dry but not wet.

Shu Yao didn't wear any makeup, not even lipstick, and just changed into a simple white dress.

Xu Ma ran in front, Shu Yao followed behind and slowly walked down the handrail, and heard Grandpa talking to Elder Qin.

"Mr. Qin, is it appropriate to invite a girl over in the middle of the night?" It was Grandpa Shu's voice.

Shu Yao stopped, she didn't come down, she stood quietly at the corner.

Mr. Qin sneered, his tone extremely sarcastic, "Old Shu, you can't blame me for this."

"How to say."

"If it weren't for Miss Shu Yaoshu's ability, I, Mr. Qin, wouldn't have to put down my face to invite someone."

In and out of the words, it seems that they all insinuate Qin Jiuxiao, who was seduced by Shu Yao.

Shu Yao raised her lips silently, and heard Elder Qin continue.

"It's my Xiaojiu important person, not me. I don't think you are very willing, Lao Shu. Do you think I am happy?"

Hearing this, Shu Yao stepped down the stairs.

As long as that man speaks, Shu Yao is willing to go with Mr. Qin, as long as he speaks, as long as Shu Yao can do it.

She came in front of Mr. Qin, nodded slightly, "Mr. Qin."

The woman is dressed in a plain white long dress, without any makeup, her face is clear and beautiful, like a lotus flower emerging from water, clean and refined.

Rao, who had lived for so long before, and had seen so many beauties of all colors and ages, Mr. Qin still couldn't help being a little surprised.

This little girl does indeed have some capital.

"Shu Yao, would you like to come with me?" Qin Lao didn't have time to deal with a junior, so he spoke directly.

Madam Xu dared not speak behind Shu Yao, but complained inwardly to see how impolite and rude her words were.

It's really bullying people by relying on their family status!

Shu Yao pushed back her damp curly hair, and said lightly, "Of course."

the end.

She looked at old man Shu again, "Grandpa, I'm going out for a while, you should rest first."

"Okay." Mr. Shu knows that Shu Yao has a lot of ideas now, so he just supports it.

Before Elder Qin could speak, she was the first to walk ahead and leave.

Even Xu's mother was shocked by this move, "This!"

Logically speaking, it should be Elder Qin, who is the master over there, who should go first and walk in front.

But Shu Yao took the initiative and walked out of Shu's mansion first, as if she was the leader.

The personal bodyguard was eager to protect the master, and wanted to step forward to hold Shu Yao.

But seeing this, Ling Lei, the personal assistant of Mr. Qin, raised his hand to stop him, and lowered his voice, "Are you blind?"

"Brother Lei, it's obviously her..." The bodyguard didn't know why.

It is obvious that Shu Yao is disrespectful to Mr. Qin, isn't this a slap in the face of Mr. Qin, shouldn't it be stopped.

Ling Lei's eyes were deep, and he pointed out, "Look at what Miss Shu is wearing."

"That - the token of the Patriarch." The personal bodyguard was stunned.

The personal bodyguard was with Ling Lei when he was young, and he was with Ling Lei to serve Mr. Qin, he was familiar with this thing.

But this thing has only appeared in the previous patriarchs of Qin Lao, Qin Siwen, and Qin Jiuxiao.

Now it's in the hands of a woman!

Sensing the astonishment of his brothers, Ling Lei just calmly reminded them, "Speak carefully."

Immediately afterwards, Ling Lei sensed Elder Qin's intention to stand up, and hurriedly bent down to help Elder Qin.

Elder Qin glanced at Ling Lei and sighed, "Fortunately, I have you, so keep an eye on me."

Otherwise, just because the people under him are so stupid, wouldn't Mr. Qin have to teach them a lesson one by one.

Qin Lao had discovered the bracelet a long time ago, even though Qin Jiuxiao had become like this, he did not forget to change ways to protect Shu Yao.

Now Mr. Qin could see that even Qin Jiuxiao dared to give that thing away. He really liked that attitude.

His eldest grandson—

So perfect, even more perfect than his father, how could there be such a stain?
"Staring?" Ling Lei was taken aback, but he didn't understand for a second.

Mr. Qin forgot that the batch of good seedlings brought up by the Ling family are good and loyal, but they are too dull.

"Bring all the people to him, don't make a person at night!"

When it comes to this, it is estimated that I can understand it.

The more Qin Lao thought about it, the more outrageous it became. Why does his grandson like Shu Yao?
He kept shaking his head, the veins on his hands popped out of anger, he walked a few steps faster and was helped into the car.


At night, Qin's main house.

"Miss Shu!"

A young figure came in a hurry, and his voice even echoed in the vast and spacious hall.

It is not as simple and low-key as the Shu family. The Qin family's decoration and structure style is as solemn and solemn as it is rumored.

From the moment Shu Yao stepped in, she could feel the oppression of the building structure.

"Ling Heng." Shu Yao also smiled a little.

Ling Heng smiled gently, making people feel very warm and comfortable, dispelling a lot of haze in one go.

He made a gesture of invitation, and still greeted as warmly as he remembered, "This way please, Master Jiu is waiting for you."

Shu Yao followed Ling Heng upstairs, and along the way she met many waiters of the Qin family, most of them had the same expression.

Everyone is in a hurry, performing their duties, methodical, and there are not a few of them.

These people look in a hurry, walking around, if you don't look carefully, it will create an illusion that there are few people.

Shu Yao couldn't help being a little curious and slowed down, probably because this was her first visit to Qin Jiuxiao's house.

"Miss Shu, here we are. This floor belongs to Master Jiu, who works in the room at the end of the corridor."

After arriving at the destination, Ling Heng reminded him that he didn't go any further.

Shu Yao withdrew her gaze from looking around, nodded slightly, seeing that Ling Heng was about to turn around and leave.

She hurriedly shouted, "Ling Heng, wait."

"Miss Shu, do you have any orders?" Ling Heng stopped and turned around.

Facing Shu Yao, she even deliberately walked back a few steps to narrow the distance between them.

This is the Qin family's special assistant, and his etiquette is almost impeccable.

Shu Yao felt that she might be overly curious, "Was Master Jiu always lived in this environment when he was a child?"

"Yes." Ling Heng replied without hesitation.

Shu Yao nodded thoughtfully, "No wonder."

No wonder Qin Jiuxiao is still Qin Jiuye who cherishes words like gold, like a big iceberg that can't be pried, a big ice cube.

"Does Miss Shu have any other orders?"

"You don't have to worry, if you need tea and snacks, there will be a pager button in each room, and I will be there at any time."

Ling Heng was considerate and thoughtful as always, his voice was calm and gentle, gentle and clear.

Shu Yao shook her head, she was not used to such overly considerate service for a while, "No more."

Seeing this, Ling Heng nodded slightly, turned around and walked away slowly.

Seeing Ling Heng leave, Shu Yao also walked to the door at the end of the corridor, she raised her hand and pressed on the doorknob.

The next second the doorknob was turned from the inside, Shu Yao loosened her grip and followed the doorknob for a while.

She was caught off guard as she walked forward and bumped into the cold fragrance, warming her body.

"I miss you Yaoyao so much, why don't you come in?" It was her familiar voice, deep and hoarse, with a pitiful tone.

Shu Yao closed her eyes to stop the heat from pouring out, and hugged the man tightly, "I miss you too."

Obviously, we only parted for a while, but Shu Yao found out that she was deeply in love with each other when she got in touch with her.

She liked Qin Jiuxiao even more than she imagined.

"Yaoyao, today is so beautiful." The man spoke again.

Shu Yao buried her head in the man's neck, unable to see his expression, "Do you like it?"

If Shu Yao raised her head, she would find that Qin Jiuxiao's eyes were stained with a layer of gold under the light.

This endowed him with an inexplicably sinister stern demeanor, compared to the defenseless woman in a white dress in his arms.

It is simply a cheetah and its prey.

His eyes were getting darker and darker, "I like it."

(End of this chapter)

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