After being reborn, she became the palm of a big boss

Chapter 314 You Are Different From Them

Chapter 314 You Are Different From Them

He likes every Shu Yao, no matter what kind of Shu Yao he is.

But liking is liking——

He can't do this, he can't be so selfish and want Shu Yao to belong to him alone, and he can only see it alone.

This is not good.

Shu Yao is an actress, she is destined to stand on the screen and shine brightly in front of the stage.

She is not a canary raised in a cage, she is a phoenix soaring nine days.

Qin Jiuxiao touched the end of her hair that was still dripping, and asked strangely, "Yaoyao, why is your hair so wet?"

The water from the tail of her hair seeped onto the white dress, and the thin white dress was blurred by the water, and the purple underwear inside could be seen.

However, Qin Jiuxiao did not remind this.

"Going out in a hurry, I'm afraid I won't be able to see you in time." Shu Yao said bluntly.

Her eyes were bright, she was completely defenseless, and she even had a slightly complaining tone.

It's not at all like Shu Yao when she was facing other people. That Shu Yao was all on guard, full of armor, and she couldn't be offended.

"I'll help you blow it up, but the sockets in the study are not enough..."

The softness in front of Shu Yao kept squeezing the man's chest, and when he saw the purple inner lining, he became more and more unbearable.

While talking, he left Shu Yao.

Shu Yao saw many computers on the desk, and the sockets of the computers almost filled the study room.

She found a mountain of documents on the desktop, "It's outrageous."

Even if you know the mission you are here for, you know that she is here to help share the work.

With such a workload, what exactly does Qin Jiuxiao think of?

"Yaoyao, you can come here and check the outlet here." Qin Jiuxiao played with the hair dryer seriously.

Shu Yao walked over only to find that there was only one chair over there, and Qin Jiuxiao motioned her to sit down.

"It's okay for me to stand up conveniently..." Qin Jiuxiao immediately realized that Shu Yao was looking at him.

He smiled innocently, like a boy who just fell in love, at a loss and reserved.

A pair of ignorant eyes, like a deer who has accidentally entered a new world, with a hint of eagerness to move in the ignorance.

With Qin Jiuxiao like this, Shu Yao couldn't get out the phrase "I'll do it myself".

She whispered, "My hair will be longer."

Because Qin Jiuxiao liked it, she kept it all the time. It was already a bit long, and it was very laborious to blow it.

"Whirring whirring--"

Before Shu Yao could say anything else, Qin Jiuxiao turned on the hair dryer.

He picked up Shu Yao's long hair and blew it, watching the black hair passing by his fingertips, feeling slightly cool.

This length is just right.

"Can I help you later?" Shu Yao asked suddenly.

The action of blowing hair in the man's hand did not stop for a moment, he said calmly and decisively, "No."

Shu Yao was not surprised to hear this answer, because although she knew that she was here to be an 'assistant' task.

But this is basic common sense, how can a person who has never been in contact with Qin's business talk about it.

After a while, Shu Yao still felt that she wanted to say that she was always very honest when she was with men.

She was inexplicably lost, "Then what can I help?"

Even the current self has not been able to help Qin Jiuxiao. I don't know if it is Master Jiu?

Would Master Jiu feel a little disappointed in her? She grew up too slowly and couldn't keep up with Qin Jiuxiao even now.

"Yaoyao, do you really want to help me?"

The man suddenly leaned over, and the hair dryer also stopped and put aside.

The deep voice flowed through her ears like an electric current, making Shu Yao's heart flutter, the man withdrew, and she turned her head.

From the bottom-up perspective, Shu Yao's sense of innocence, clean, pure and elegant girl is further deepened.

Shu Yao blinked and asked seriously, "How can I help you?"

is hers.

From the height the man looked down, he could see the deep gully in front of her, a bulge of white.


He couldn't bear it anymore, raised his hand and gently lifted the woman's jaw, forcing her to lift her neck.

The beautiful and delicate collarbone was exposed, and even the front of his body was ups and downs, and his eyes became deeper and deeper as he watched.

The two kissed each other, and the entanglement caused the ambiguous sound of water.

Qin Jiuxiao couldn't help raising his hand to caress the woman's smooth and slender thigh——

"Knock knock knock!"

The door was knocked.

This was like a wake-up call, instantly waking Qin Jiuxiao up, and he let go of Shu Yao.

"Ninth Brother?" Shu Yao was still in a trance for a moment.

Qin Jiuxiao's white and stern face was flushed, as if he had done something too much.

He backed away in a panic, "Yes, I'm sorry, Yaoyao, I don't know..."

Just suddenly, he really wanted to hug Shu Yao.

"I'll go and open the door." Before Shu Yao could speak again, Qin Jiuxiao turned around and left.

As if he was afraid of saying something hurtful, he left so quickly that Shu Yao was about to see afterimages.

The one who opened the door was none other than Ling Lei, the special assistant who had been greeted by Mr. Qin.

"Master, your tea." Ling Lei said formulaically.

Qin Jiuxiao took it, and heard Ling Lei say pointedly, "Old Qin said, the Qin family can't treat others badly."

bad treatment.

Qin Jiuxiao was silent for a moment, he understood.

After closing the door, Shu Yao got up from the sofa chair. She had been with Qin Jiuxiao in Country S for so long.

She came to Qin Jiuxiao, "Brother Jiu, what's wrong?"

Now Shu Yao knows a little bit about men, she obviously feels that the man's mood is much worse than before.

"I'm sorry Yaoyao, I'm sorry..." Qin Jiuxiao seemed a little incoherent.

Obviously Shu Yao came to accompany him, but at that moment he lost his mind as if he couldn't control himself.

How can he do such a thing?
There was always a voice in his heart telling him, no.

Shu Yao was slightly taken aback, then asked again, "Why do you say sorry?"

"Because I offended you, I obviously..."

Obviously it shouldn't be like this, and everything is just right.

Qin Jiuxiao's bright eyes dimmed little by little, and he lowered his eyes slightly, looking indescribably lonely.

"Why do you have to apologize?" Shu Yao raised her voice unconsciously.

Qin Jiuxiao thought she was angry, and he was even more disappointed, "Because I kissed you without your consent."

Messed up.

Originally, I just wanted to see Shu Yao, why did I do such a thing.

How is this different from the Fu Jingzhen I saw at Ross's family banquet? They are all bad guys spying on her.

"Brother Jiu, are you an idiot?"

"Obviously you are so good, don't do it for me, don't do it because it's me—"

Shu Yao's voice trembled a little, not for herself, but for Qin Jiuxiao.

In fact, she is the fool, otherwise how could she miss such a precious person in her previous life?

"Of course you can kiss me."

Qin Jiuxiao listened to her, his cold eyes widened slightly, and he blinked very slowly.

Then there was a long silence, and after the silence, Shu Yao's words sounded like a dust-settled oath.

"I love you, of course you can kiss me."

She stood on tiptoe, grabbed the man's collar, and sent herself up, kissing her lips and teeth.

The man seemed to be relieved, he gently hugged the woman in his arms tightly, and raised his hand to press her black hair.

He was relieved because it turned out to be different, there was a difference between him and Fu Jingzhen.

Shu Yao loves him, but she doesn't love Fu Jingzhen.

She parted, panting and said slowly, "Brother Jiu, I want to tell you something, promise me, okay?"

Shu Yao didn't make a request.

This was the first time she made a request to Qin Jiuxiao.

The man tilted his head and asked in confusion, "What?"

That was the question Mr. Shu asked at dinner not long ago.

"Then, does Yaoyao want to make it public?"

At this moment, Shu Yao had an extremely clear answer in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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