Chapter 316 Take me with you?
Leaning on Fu Jingzhen's shoulder, Shu Murou's thoughts fell far away through the window.

Shu Yao will never let Shu Yao take away all that she has worked so hard to get.

"Brother Jing Zhen, do you think my sister will come too?" Shu Murou asked casually pretending to be unintentional.

When she spoke, she trembled, as if she felt very scared when mentioning this person.

She hurriedly raised her small face again, her eyes were watery, and her voice was soft and soft, as if she was easy to bully.

"Brother Jing Zhen, I have no other intentions. I'm afraid of my sister..."

"I'm just afraid that my sister will see that I am unhappy. You know that the last few times have been very unpleasant."

Shu Murou pursed her lips, and she clenched the man's big hand tightly under the coat, trying to untie it for herself.

"But I don't want to miss any important moment of Brother Jing Zhen."

Fu Jingzhen hesitated for a while, and held her hand back, "She will come, don't be afraid."

"She will come? Why is Brother Jing Zhen so sure?" Shu Murou grasped the point.

Fu Jingzhen's unhesitating tone showed that Fu Jingzhen knew it from the beginning, and he did it on purpose.

"The manager told me. What's the matter?" Fu Jingzhen's face turned a little cold.

He doesn't like his women questioning himself very much.

Shu Murou panicked for a moment, then hurriedly said, "No, no, I was just surprised and happy for my sister."

It turned out that Fu Jingzhen knew that Shu Yao would come.

So Fu Jingzhen knew that Shu Yao would attend the opening ceremony of Beijing Film Academy, did he attend on purpose?

Or, he knew it, but this event was of great significance, and he had to attend it as a last resort.

Shu Murou was not sure, she was just afraid that Fu Jingzhen and Shu Yao would secretly meet in Yecheng while she was away!

Now, they will inevitably meet at the opening ceremony of Beijing Film Academy.



In the quiet and quiet study room, the mobile phone placed on the table suddenly lit up, buzzing and vibrating continuously.

Even the glass table resonated, but the owner of the mobile phone lay on the sofa next to him and didn't notice it.

Until someone came over, picked up the phone and walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows slightly away from the sofa.

"Hey, Sister Yao, the date of the opening ceremony of Beijing Film Academy has been knocked down, and it will be the day after tomorrow."

"The recent itinerary has been arranged for you. Beidu is a little far away from Yecheng, so we have to go there one day in advance."

"Look at the accompanying people to bring..."

Ari on the other end of the phone excitedly reported the itinerary, and gradually she found that there was no response from Shu Yao.

This is not right, and the other party's breathing is very light and strange.

"It's Ari?" Qin Jiuxiao called out according to the vague name in his memory.

There was a moment of silence over there, and immediately answered loudly, "It's me, Master Jiu, where is Sister Yao?"

Ah Li thought it was bad for him to tell others these words at first, but it turned out to be Qin Jiuxiao.

Qin Jiuxiao belongs to Shu Yao——

He can't be counted, can't be counted as someone else.

Qin Jiuxiao walked to the French window and played with the tassels hanging from the curtains in his hand.

"She's sleeping. What's the matter?"

Even if they didn't face each other, Ari still had to be impressed by this man's aura.

Such a strong sense of oppression, she didn't dare to say no for a moment, "I, I..."

"It's the same for telling me." The voice over there was cold and deep, methodical and unusual.

Ari pursed her lips, thinking that it shouldn't be a big problem, so she said it.

"It's like this, Beiying has a school opening ceremony..."

Ari gave Qin Jiuxiao almost all the details of the upcoming itinerary.

She did not miss a single word, and dared not hide anything.

"Okay, I'll tell her." Qin Jiuxiao didn't respond, and he listened quietly the whole time.

Before Ahri could speak again, the phone at hand had already indicated the end.

Ahri felt as if she had gained a breath when she saw the end of the call. She was really afraid of Qin Jiuxiao from the bottom of her heart.

At the same time, there were rustling sounds behind Qin Jiuxiao, as well as the sound of rubbing against the leather sofa.

It was Shu Yao who got up from the sofa, and she woke up.

"What are you doing?" Shu Yao felt that the light over there was dazzling, so she raised her hand to block it.

Wait, no, sunshine?

It was clearly midnight when she came.

Shu Yao subconsciously wanted to touch the phone, but found that the phone was not on the glass coffee table beside her.

The man came to her side, saw her flustered look with a smile on his lips, "Here, Yaoyao, what's wrong?"

In the palm of his hand lay Shu Yao's cell phone safely.

"I, I stayed overnight?" Shu Yao grabbed the phone and glanced at it.

Qin Jiuxiao nodded, and analyzed clearly and rationally, "Don't worry, Grandpa invited you over last night."

The visitor is the guest.

Shu Yao was personally kissed by Mr. Qin, no one would gossip about her.


The time on it shows that it is already eight o'clock in the morning of the next day, and she still has work!
"Ari just called me. Your next schedule is a film and television interview at one o'clock in the afternoon."

"Don't worry, Yaoyao."

The man's voice was deep and hoarse, like her teacher's, perhaps because he had been a professor at K University.

Inexplicably, Shu Yao felt very at ease, as if she was encouraged by her teacher, she suddenly felt at ease.

She took the phone, "Ari called me?"

"Well, not long ago, she said that you were going to attend the opening ceremony of Beijing Film Academy?" He raised his eyes and asked.

Unexpectedly, Qin Jiuxiao would be interested in this, Shu Yao raised her eyes with a smile.

The two looked at each other, she caught off guard into the man's deep and pure eyes, and was momentarily stunned.

Without waiting for her to speak, Qin Jiuxiao asked again, "Can you take me with you?"

"But Qin's—" Shu Yao wanted to look at the tabletop that was still piled up like a mountain before going to bed.

However, when she glanced over, the desktop was neatly piled up with documents, clean and tidy.

The categories are orderly, the stacks are neat, and they have obviously been processed by humans.

He actually finished it overnight!
"Are you a robot?" Shu Yao muttered to herself, unable to believe it.

Qin Jiuxiao seemed a little anxious, and he repeated, "It's all done, I've done it."

Facing Qin Jiuxiao like this, Shu Yao inevitably became childish with him, but she still shook her head.

"Old Qin, I can't do it either way, just by looking at you, he wants to pull me out and beat me up."

If Shu Yao went to tell Elder Qin now that I want to take your precious eldest grandson away, Shu Yao might not be able to get out of this door.

"Yaoyao is a coward, so let me tell you." Qin Jiuxiao accused her of being wrong.

the end.

He asked again, "Did Grandpa agree that you will take me with you?"

"Yes, Mr. Qin agreed, and I will definitely take you away."

Shu Yao gave the man an affirmative answer.


Eleven o'clock.

Ever since Ari picked up Shu Yao at Qin's house, Shu Yao has been yawning in the back seat, looking like she hasn't had enough sleep.

But in fact, aside from other things, Ari likes Shu Yao's state very much.

Lazy and carefree, with a ruddy complexion, there is flesh where there should be flesh on his body, he looks like a cat that has been fed.

At first glance, it was well-raised, and it was a cat raised by Qin Jiuye's family himself.

"Sister Yao, you have to cheer up for the interview later." Back to the topic, Ari reminded Shu Yao.

Before "The Long Song of Blood" had finished broadcasting, and the influence of the feedback was not that great, Shu Yao flew to country S.

Now that she came back, she became popular overnight, and the amount of accumulated resources is beyond counting. Now that the drama is popular, it's time for her to 'pay off the debt'.

Announcements, interviews, variety shows, meetings and other film and television resources come one after another, this is the feedback of becoming popular!
Shu Yao said indifferently, "It's not my first time entering the entertainment industry, don't worry."

Those media reporters like to speculate, and she can almost predict the questions they ask.

"Sister Yao, this is not a joke. You were photographed talking to Master Jiu when you got off the plane not long ago—"

Others didn't know, but Ari knew that the man must be Qin Jiuxiao.

"I will definitely be asked later, how do you want to answer?"

(End of this chapter)

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