Chapter 317 Special Interview
"Well, I've made up my mind." Shu Yao's voice was determined, and she looked into the distance through the car window.

In the quiet car, Shu Yao's voice suddenly sounded again.

"Is this interview with the Four Posters of Yancheng Rising? Is it exclusive?"

"Yes, what's the matter, Sister Yao?"

She chuckled, hiding the dark light in her eyes, "It's nothing."

The car slowly drove into the underground parking lot.

The light in front of her eyes gradually faded, and Shu Yao knew that they had reached their destination.

The location of the special interview is set at Huangteng Building, which is the headquarters of Huangteng Entertainment, an entertainment group under Shen Huaiyuan.

Because the special interview is aimed at Shu Yao alone, it is set here.

Ari turned off the engine, turned to look at Shu Yao in the back seat, "Are you ready? Sister Yao."

"Who are those outside?" Shu Yao vaguely saw the shadow of someone outside the window.

Ari suddenly remembered, and explained, "That's the boss's person, who escorted you, and now you are different from the past."

Hearing this, Shu Yao didn't pursue too much.

They got out of the car with Ari, and there was a pair of well-ordered security guards outside the car. When they saw Shu Yao, they naturally formed a protective circle, quietly protecting Shu Yao in a relatively comfortable range.

"Look, it's Shu Yao!"

"She actually came back. I thought she went to country S to seek refuge, but she came back."

"Hush, whisper, what are you talking about, don't slander my new idol!"

"My God, no wonder there are so many media coming today."

It turned out to be Shu Yao, the Queen of Topics, and she is back.

No matter where Shu Yao went, she could hear the small voices talking about her, she turned a deaf ear and went straight into the elevator.

"This way please, Ms. Shu Yao, wait a moment in the meeting room, I invite them in."

When they are promoted to the top, someone will guide them.

She walked into the conference room.

The meeting room is spacious and decorated just like Shen Huaiyuan's bohemian style, with a bold and bold atmosphere.

Sofas, wallpapers, and lampstands are all made of extremely dazzling gilt gold, which is overwhelmingly luxurious.

"Hello~" There was a knock on the door, it was the voice of a young lady with a soft and cute voice.

Ari opened the door, nodded slightly, "Hello."

"Hi, I'm a reporter from Sihai Entertainment News, and it's Xiao Yu who is interviewing this time."

At first, I thought that Shu Yao was going to be on the top as she was once the actress who won three consecutive championships, but now she has become popular again.

In other words, she or the people around her should be high-profile, but I didn't expect to be so approachable.

Feeling flattered, Yu took Ahri's hot tea, "You don't have to be so polite."

"It's okay." Ari smiled.

Yu looked around holding the notebook, and saw Shu Yao sitting there.

Shu Yao didn't see her, her back was turned to her, leaving only less than a slender back.

With a plain white dress and slightly long curly hair, only half of her beautiful side face was exposed, as if she had noticed someone coming in.

Shu Yao turned around and the wind from the window blows in, raising the broken hair on her sideburns.

"You're here." Shu Yao said with a clear voice.

Xiao Yu couldn't help being stunned for a moment, even girls were amazed by such a beautiful and quiet scene.

When she came in front of Shu Yao, she stretched out her hand and called respectfully and cautiously, "Hi sister Yao, I'm the reporter Yu."

"Hello." Shu Yao held her hand.

Shu Yao's hands are not like those of other artists, Shu Yao's hands are not delicate, not as rumored.

Long before there was a problem with the Globe Newspaper, there was a lot of black material criticizing the Shu family's capital manipulation and coddling Shu Yao.

If you really spoil her, how could her hands...

"Sister Yao, the interview hasn't started yet, I'm here to ask you first." Yu Yu hurriedly recovered.

Shu Yao nodded, she gestured for Yu to sit down, "Sit down and talk."

Yu Yu's nervous palms were sweating, at first she thought Shu Yao was a difficult person to get along with.

Although as someone in the media industry, she is suspected of being pretentious and exaggerating, as a media person, she understands.

But less than the first time I felt such a big gap.

"Okay, okay." Yu Yu sat down.

Shu Yao chuckled, looked at her calmly, and waited for her to ask questions.

"Do you have any taboos for the interview later? It means topics that cannot be mentioned, or people and the like."

"Our Four Seas Entertainment newspaper will never report indiscriminately like other newspapers, you can rest assured."

Shu Yao is far from being as unbearable as the Global News has reported extensively, at least Yu thinks she is not.

At that time, the Globe newspaper was the only one, so it can be seen that the influence of a single media can deceive people's hearts.

Shu Yao was slightly taken aback, "Taboo?"

"That's right, we printed some of the interview questions first, take a look."

Yu Yu handed the manuscript to Shu Yao.

In the past, who would care about your taboos in interviews? It's not bad for an outdated actress to have resources for you.

"No question, you can ask." Shu Yao glanced around.

Yu Yu was surprised, his mouth was faster than his head, "Sister Yao, can we also ask you about casting?"

At first.

Before Shu Yao left, there was a hot search.

The hot search was Liluo's casting, which should have belonged to Shu Murou, but Shu Yao took the role of Liluo's heroine directly by airborne.

Since there was no answer, it was regarded as a hot topic, Yu Yuan thought that Shu Yao would avoid it.

"If you have no questions, you can ask, if you know everything, let's start."

Shu Yao nodded affirmatively and raised her hand as a signal.


The interview began, and the staff moved into the conference room one after another to prepare.

The staff performed their duties and got ready quickly.

Less than going through the process over and over, waiting for an opportunity to start.

"Yes." The staff gestured to Xiao Xiao with their lips.

Seeing this, Ah Li hurriedly walked out of the camera, and left behind a special interview between Xiao Yu and Shu Yao face to face.

"Hi, nice to meet you, Ms. Shu Yao." Yu Yu went through the procedure in a regular manner.

Shu Yao nodded slightly, and followed the flow, "Hello."

"Facing the camera with the tone of Princess Liluo, say hello to your fans in front of the camera, your fans of the show."

"Hello everyone, I'm Shu Yao, the actor who played Liluo in the TV series "The Long Song of Blood."

The process is going down in an orderly manner, and the previous questions are all related to this TV series.

The question is very easy, Shu Yao's answer is also perfect, so far everything is going well.

Until the next question, Yu Yu licked his lips before hesitating to ask, fearing that something might go wrong.

"Miss Shu Yao, I heard that there was a controversy about the heroine of this show before, and about the controversy with Shu Murou who played Li Qing, how do you respond to this matter?"

Shu Yao spoke unhurriedly, her leisurely attitude didn't seem to be affected.

"The selection of the heroine of this show has gone through a fair and open audition. I can guarantee this."

"I believe that some of the staff on the set also knew about it, and they can verify it."

the end.

Shu Yao added, "Cheng Lao, the chief director of this drama, will return to China soon. He is also the casting director. If you have any questions, you can ask him, and you don't need to speculate privately."

At the beginning, it was because Shu Yao was away from country S, and he couldn't get in touch with Mr. Cheng who was on vacation abroad.

Under many doubts, this matter became more and more serious. Maybe someone bought Hei Hot Search on purpose at that time.

I believe that after this interview is broadcast, there will definitely be a new debate about who is behind the scenes.

Soon after Mr. Cheng returned to China, he was quite convincing as the chief director, and everything would be solved easily.

"Okay, then actually everyone is still very concerned about a personal issue of yours recently." Xiao Yu looked at the card in his hand.

The heart that had just been let go was brought up again in an instant, and there was no such problem at first, who added it and didn't tell her.

But the words had already been exported, and they were recorded in real time, so Xiao Yu had no way to stop.

She had no choice but to follow the question on the card in her hand, look at Shu Yao and ask, "About your latest relationship, is it true?"

(End of this chapter)

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