Chapter 318
As soon as this question was asked, the conference room was extremely quiet for a while, only the sound of each other's breathing was left in the silence.

Everyone was waiting for Shu Yao's answer.

"this matter……"

"It's true, I have someone I like."

Facing the camera facing her, Shu Yao pinched the quaint bracelet on her wrist, and said these words seriously.

Immediately there was a hissing sound in the meeting room, and it was hard to believe that Shu Yao would say this from Shu Yao's mouth one day.

Everyone in Yecheng knows that Miss Shu loves Young Master Fu.

The one who loves Fu Jingzhen is so crazy that he doesn't hesitate to withdraw from the circle and kill himself. A woman's reputation is stained because of him.

Now it is clear from Shu Yao's mouth that she has another love.

Nothingness, ethereal, unreal.

Yu Yu gasped, but forced herself to stabilize, "Then, would Miss Shu Yao be willing to reveal it?"

"We have to refute the rumors here first, we don't have a hidden marriage."

"I have someone I like, and I'm trying to become better and pursue him. Above AUO, but not enough lovers."

"He is the other protagonist in my scandal, Qin Jiuye."

It was as if the time pause button had been pressed in the meeting room for an instant, and there was a sudden silence.

Immediately afterwards, there was an uproar, they had grabbed big news, first-hand big news!
The interview hastily ended here.

"Thank you sister Yao for your cooperation, we will try our best to edit, we—"

"We swear, we will never mess around like the Globe newspaper!"

Yu Yu stepped forward excitedly and almost hugged Shu Yao, but at the same time calmed down and was surprised at Shu Yao's daring to speak.

Shu Yao had just become popular, she was photographed, and she confessed that she had a love, which would definitely cause waves in the entertainment industry.

What's more, the person she likes——

That was Qin Jiuxiao, a well-known business giant in Yecheng.

In this way, it is not surprising that Shu Yao said that she is pursuing.

"This is big news!"

"It's expected to appreciate in value, oh my God, it's better than having vision to win it for us right away."

"Isn't that right? I originally competed for the position of deputy agency, and the other side went to interview Shu Murou who just came back..."

"You have a vision, and you have led the whole team. After following Sister Yu, you will have a good time and drink hot food. It's not called Xiao Yu."

After the interview, the excitement of the working team who followed Xiao Xiao to record was beyond words.

Even being smaller than myself was a surprise.

Originally, they were given the opportunity to do a special interview this time, and the other one who was on the same level as her chose Shu Murou.

Shu Murou is a popular floret, with a lot of traffic, backed by strong capital, and participated in the role of Li Qing in "The Long Song of Blood".

Another person at the same level chose Shu Murou for the interview, while Yu chose Shu Yao——

It seems she made the right choice!

Shu Yao's latest response to the role of the heroine, revealing the secret of her latest love affair!

"Thank you sister Yao for your cooperation, I really appreciate it." Yu Yu bowed deeply to Shu Yao.

Not only because Shu Yao gave them first-hand information, but also because Shu Yao cooperated very well throughout the process.

There are very few artists who have no airs, no taboos, and no requirements.

Shu Yao hurried forward, a little helpless, "It's okay, what is this?"

"The Globe newspaper used to smear you so much, I was afraid before the interview..."

"By the way, Sister Yao, we will make a film as soon as possible, don't worry!"

Before Xiao Yu was going to come for the interview, she was terrified of Shu Yao, so she prepared the manuscript for her in advance and asked her about her taboos.

Who would have thought that Shu Yao had no demands and no taboos.

Yu Yu swore, "I will definitely clarify for you, Four Seas Entertainment will never lie!"

"That's enough." Shu Yao nodded and breathed a sigh of relief.

Because Shu Yao couldn't help it anymore, it's true, I really want to see the day when the Globe Newspaper office is replaced soon.

"Then, why don't we give you another interview next time to clarify some things in the past?" Yu asked.

Such a good artist dare not be buried because of being discredited by the Global Newspaper.

Shu Yao shook her head, "No need."

"No need?" Xiao Yu repeated in doubt.

Shu Yao's phoenix eyes were calm and firm, and her voice was soft but powerful, "What they owe me, time will return."

Globe News' branch in country S collapsed.

Tang Lingxi's crime was recorded in the file and kept as a record, and he was sent to other countries to have a family and could not return.

The valuation of the Globe newspaper plummeted, and its influence was not as good as before. Other newspapers, big and small, had no suppression and sprung up like mushrooms.

Now she exclusively broke the news to the almost evenly matched Sihai Entertainment News, what she wanted was to add influence to Sihai.

Hurry up and grow up, Four Seas Entertainment——

replace it.

Shu Yao's liquidation began from the day she came back.


At night, Shu's mansion.

"Yaoyao, are you going to give a speech at the opening ceremony of Beijing Film Academy?" Mr. Shu asked while eating.

North Shadow.

This is the place where Shu Yao and Fu Jingzhen met and fell in love, and Mr. Shu also knew about it.

After all, Shu Yao was brought up by him alone, Mr. Shu is older, and knows many things far more than Shu Yao.

Thinking of that, Mr. Shu still felt a little uncertain, afraid that Shu Yao would fall in love with the scene.

Shu Yao nodded, and said again, "Yes, Grandpa, I will probably go for about two or three days."

"Two or three days? Don't you just leave after school starts?" Mr. Shu wished that the date would be as short as possible.

Why would it take two or three days? Wouldn't it be an overnight stay? Wouldn't it give Shu Yao a chance to make love.

The more he thought about it, the more wrong he was.

"Because the principal said he would stay here to give advice, maybe he will stay for a few days after the speech." Shu Yao was not very clear.

Hearing this, Mr. Shu's sorrow was written all over his face, "Then, is that bastard from the Fu family going?"

It turned out that Grandpa beat around the bush, he was worried about this.

But when I think about it, it's normal for grandpa to worry that I have done so many excessive things for Fu Jingzhen in the past life.

"Grandpa, don't think about that, it won't happen."

"In this life, in the next life, there will be no more."

Shu Yao put her hand on the back of her grandfather's old and skinny hand, she stroked it, hoping to bring comfort to the old man.

Regardless of this life, the next life, or the next life, Shu Yao has only one lover, Qin Jiuxiao.

"Old man always thinks about these things, hey..." Mr. Shu laughed at himself thinking wildly.

But Mr. Shu himself didn't want to, who would think about this for Shu Yao.

Shu Yao lost her mother when she was young, and lost her father not long after, and her relatives passed away unexpectedly one after another——

He felt sorry for Shu Yao.

Shu Yao put down the bowls and chopsticks, and she looked at Old Master Shu seriously, "By the way, Grandpa. Do you know Li Qingya?"

When she came back, she would definitely get involved in Shu Yawen's disputes.

True or false daughter, is it Shu Yao who secretly changed other people's lives, or Shu Yawen with ulterior motives.

She must know clearly, to restore her mother's innocence, and to restore herself to be clean.

However, these things have been going on for too long, those who knew died, those who disappeared disappeared, and not many people are still awake.

Shu Yao was thinking, would grandpa count as one?
"This—" Mr. Shu's face was troubled.

The name Mr. Shu is no stranger to him. When his son Shu Boyan was still alive, that woman had repeatedly pestered him.

It was all thanks to this vicious woman that he caused his innocent son to be branded as murdering his wife and child.

Originally he raised his breath and wanted to say something, but Mr. Shu sighed heavily again.

"You may not believe what Grandpa said."

Li Qingya is quite famous in Yancheng, she is the No.1 girl in Yancheng, the eldest lady of the Li family, the ancestor family of Yancheng.

The beauty is like a banished fairy, like a mountain snow lotus, which is beyond reach.

Who would believe that she was such a person——

"Now the Li family is dead and scattered, and no one will testify. Even if grandpa says it, you have the right to listen to the story."

Shu Yao was startled, frowned and said, "Will you die, or loose?"

(End of this chapter)

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