Chapter 331
"Do you know the rules?"

"Let's go there once alone, we can't look back, and then come back together."

The running water polished the uneven stones very smooth, and the water flow was easy to slip.

It is easy for one person to go there, but it is a bit difficult for two people to go back.

Especially the lights are dim, and if the soles of the feet slip, they will fall, which is not an easy thing to say in the past.

Seeing those people come back in the past, it seems that it is not very difficult.

There were so many people, and there was still a queue to pass, Shu Yao had already pulled the man into the queue in a daze.

"Don't frown." Shu Yao raised her hand and pressed the man's brow.

Qin Jiuxiao pursed his thin lips slightly, his eyes were full of worry, "If something happens—"

People who have seen the bridge made a fuss, shouting for a while and falling out, not everyone went smoothly.

But the vast majority of them went smoothly, and those who came back smoothly had joy on their faces.

"Isn't there you, what can I do?" Shu Yao interrupted him.

Although there is a current, the water is not deep. It is a shallow stream and nothing will happen.

Seeing people walking forward one by one, Shu Yao began to direct, after all, it was not the first time for her to come.

"It's our turn, you go there first and wait for me on the other side." She explained in advance.

No matter how reluctant Qin Jiuxiao was, he couldn't say much, and he still couldn't understand the reason why he had to go.

Isn't this a kind of superstition?

"It's so dark here, I can't even see the road, hey—!"

A scream successfully attracted the attention of the people in line.

"Hey, isn't that Fu Jingzhen?"

"Yes, national actor Fu Jingzhen."

"The one next to him is his fiancée, Shu Murou, right? She's so loving."

"I heard that it's a return visit to his alma mater. Fu Jingzhen and some other famous artists are back."

Taking a closer look, it was actually Fu Jingzhen and Shu Murou.

Probably because Shu Murou accidentally stepped on something, she couldn't help screaming in pain, half clinging to the man's arms.

Fu Jingzhen didn't pretend at all, not a little more than Shu Yao.

He is so generous, with a high degree of nationality, that he was recognized almost instantly.

"Hiss, it hurts, Brother Jing Zhen." Shu Murou frowned and rubbed her ankle, but luckily she wasn't sprained.

Otherwise, not to mention the delay in the work of these resources when returning to China, Shu Murou felt that it would be a big loss if he couldn't make it to this bridge of lovers.

Fu Jingzhen's tone was not very happy, "Are you okay? Everyone said not to come."

"But I also want to go with Brother Jing Zhen."

"Could it be that my sister can do it, but I don't deserve it?"

Shu Murou lowered her eyes slightly, and gradually loosened her hold on the man's hand, and her tone became erratic.

She pursed her lips, and her voice was also very small and weak.

"Mu Rou, that's not what I meant." A trace of apology flashed across Fu Jingzhen's handsome face.

During the ball game, Fu Jingzhen knew that he had wronged the people around him, but Shu Murou didn't say anything.

Now she just wanted to walk across the lover's bridge, and Fu Jingzhen couldn't tell where the inexplicable resistance came from.

Maybe, it's just—

Seeing that the atmosphere between the two of them became a little stiff, the basketball team members who couldn't see behind them booed.

"Hi, brother! Lover's Bridge."

"It is said that the marriage in this life will be perfect after crossing the Lover's Bridge. Girls are careful."

"There are a lot of people, brother, hurry up and line up."

Surrounded by the familiar group of people from the basketball club, headed by Yang Zhenhuan, followed by booing, and also accompanied by girls.

They also came in groups, and those who came came in pairs.

It is human nature to want to come and walk the Lover's Bridge. It is always a good intention for those who are in love who do not want to seek perfection.

After such a fuss, the atmosphere eased a lot, and Shu Murou didn't intend to back down.

Fu Jingzhen had no choice but to lead them forward, but his face suddenly changed when he approached.

"Hey, hey, that, that seems to be Senior Sister Shu Yao?"

Approaching the queue, it was Yang Zhenhuan who spoke first.

Although Shu Yao made a disguise, Qin Jiuxiao beside her didn't. He was tall and had a particularly outstanding appearance.

Such a person is easy to recognize even if he is placed in a crowd.

"Don't look, it's our turn." Compared to Qin Jiuxiao who noticed the visitor, Shu Yao seemed very serious.

She didn't care who it was.

"It's for playing ball—"

"I know."

Shu Yao pushed the distracted people around her, and urged Qin Jiuxiao to go first.

Seeing the man stepping on the smooth stone, Shu Yao finally understood Qin Jiuxiao's mood.

She couldn't help but speak, and her voice became uneasy, "You have to be careful."

The other people who lined up were also idle, paying attention to whether the pair of them could cross the river smoothly.

The running water is rushing, and you can hear the sound of running water if you listen carefully.

Generally speaking, people who are not in a hurry, but those who look at the light that is not very bright feel panicked and inexplicably frightened.

"It's over!"

"This little brother has passed, and it's his girlfriend's turn."

"Girls really had to be careful in the past. Boys have a relatively stable center of gravity. The current is very fast tonight."

As soon as Qin Jiuxiao passed by, the onlookers who hadn't yet had their turn to cross the bridge also heaved a sigh of relief.

Shu Yao also let go of her heart, it was her turn to cross the river.

As she approached the stream, the voices around her grew louder, but in her world all voices gradually faded away.

There was only that person in front of Shu Yao's eyes, and she felt more at ease with every step she took.

In her previous life, she and Fu Jingzhen failed to walk across this lover's bridge, and the ending was really not happy.

Even if it was a coincidence, Shu Yao, who had experienced it once, had to believe it.


Qin Jiuxiao looked at Shu Yao from the opposite bank with inexplicable uneasiness, and he took a step forward.

No way--

Shu Yao showed Shu Nanxun a headache in country S, the headache is intermittent, what if?
However, the other people who crossed the river beside him didn't take it seriously, they all came over, it's just that there is no need to be nervous about such a small matter.

"Don't go there, let her come over."

"Yeah, it's just crossing the river. So many of us have come here."

"You go to pull her now, even if you go back, it won't work!"

The people around thought that Qin Jiuxiao didn't understand, and while holding him back, they also became popular with him.

"Hmm..." Just when Qin Jiuxiao was stunned for a moment, memories of the past flashed through Shu Yao's mind.

It hurts so much, and it's an inertial headache, and returning to the old place is a memory that flashes frequently.

She couldn't help closing her eyes.

Seeing that Shu Yao had already walked to the middle of the stream, her feet stepped on the stones, her figure swayed forward unsteadily.

That figure flashed, and actually slipped and fell!

When the incident happened, there was a low cry from the bank, sweating for Shu Yao above.

Fortunately, it was just a slip and fall, not a fall.

"Shu Yao!" Fu Jingzhen who was on the bank couldn't help shouting.

Yang Zhenhuan didn't expect Fu Jingzhen to react, and subconsciously looked at Shu Murou beside him.

Qin Jiuxiao's eyes changed, and he broke away from the people around him, trying to catch Shu Yao.

"You do not want--"

"do not come!"

But because of Shu Yao's eyes, he seemed to be under a curse and couldn't move forward.

Shu Yao bit her lower lip slightly and stood up again, her eyes were always looking at him.

She insisted on walking over alone, otherwise the blessing of the Lover's Bridge would not work.

Past life——

Shu Yao also failed to meet Qin Jiuxiao before she died, and she failed to tell him that no matter what, she never thought of harming him.

It doesn't matter if Shu Yao dies well, but Qin Jiuxiao shouldn't!
If it wasn't for liking him, why would Qin Jiuxiao be here.

She didn't dare to gamble, so she must have a consummation.

(End of this chapter)

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