Chapter 332 Congratulations

Seeing that Qin Jiuxiao really stopped moving forward, but Fu Jingzhen couldn't stop moving forward, he knew what Shu Yao was obsessed with.

Back then, he and Shu Yao couldn't come to an end and couldn't achieve consummation.

In the dark, the rules of the Lover's Bridge seem to have come true, and now Shu Yao is so persistent in crossing the bridge for others.

She wants to seek fulfillment.

What Shu Yao wanted was Qin Jiuxiao's consummation, not him anymore.

How is this possible?

"So senior sister Shu Yao won't come down?"

"It looks like it was shaking just now, so I don't know if I fell or not. It's too dangerous."

"That's right, it's scary to look at."

The people in the basketball team next to him were also shocked, they couldn't understand the reason for Shu Yao's persistence.

Didn't it mean that Senior Sister Shu Yao liked Senior Brother Fu Jingzhen very much back then, but now she actually works so hard for another person.

It seems that Senior Sister Shu Yao doesn't like Senior Brother Fu that much either.

"It's too dangerous, it can't be like this." Fu Jingzhen's handsome face was especially cold under the dim light.

Shu Murou agreed no matter how unwilling she was, "That's right, sister, come down quickly."

Regardless of whether it works or not, Shu Murou doesn't want Shu Yao to really walk over.

How can Shu Yao achieve consummation in this life——

For the first half of her life, she lived in the Shu family, taking over her father, her family, and her grandfather!
Shu Yao has obtained so much before, yet she still dares to ask for perfection.

People are too greedy!

"Brother Jingzhen, I think my sister is so dangerous, I'll go and persuade her to come down."

With an idea, Shu Murou broke free from the hands of the people around her and wanted to step forward.

Everyone else was frightened by Shu Murou's actions, and there are people who are really stupid enough to save their rivals.

Who doesn't know the past between Fu Jingzhen and Shu Yao, and now Shu Murou actually wants to help Shu Yao.

Fu Jingzhen frowned, and followed, "Mu Rou, it's dangerous, don't go."

"But isn't brother Jing Zhen also worried about sister?" Shu Murou pursed her lips, holding up the smile on her lips.

It seems to be telling Fu Jingzhen that it doesn't matter, as long as it is what you want, I can do it.

Shu Yao on the stone was indeed not good, Fu Jingzhen's heart tightened when he saw it, but he still stopped Shu Murou.

Compared to Shu Yao, now Shu Murou is his fiancee, the one he should care about.

He said softly, "Mu Rou, don't make trouble, I know you are worried, but I don't want you to be a teacher."

"But sister?" Shu Murou's face was full of worry and bewilderment, and she was secretly happy in her heart.

See it.

No matter what, Fu Jingzhen will never return to Shu Yao's side.

Shu Murou was overjoyed in her heart, she intended to put on a show for them to see, and once Fu Jingzhen stopped her, she stopped moving.

"Move! Move!"

"It's okay to fall so hard, she passed!"

"This young lady is really brave. If I am sure, I will go back halfway."

"It's over, it's over, but it's coming back."

With a cheer, Shu Yao's figure on the rock swayed, and she stood firmly, trying to move to the next block.

Just as Shu Yao lifted her foot, she felt pain from her ankle, which made her bite her lower lip unconsciously.

The pain made Shu Yao more sober, she must walk over, and walk through the scars that she dared not face back then.

To die and then to live.

"It's great, then you have to pass the persistence, and you have to treat your girlfriend well in the future!"

"That's right, you see, no matter whether it works or not, she must come here just in case."

"She's coming, you must catch her!"

The spectators on the other side saw this scene and joked about the man waiting on the other side.

One step, another step, Shu Yao looked up at every step that Shu Yao carefully stepped over the stone.

The people on the other side are her courage to move forward.

"It's almost there! Young lady, come on!"

"Come on! Persevere and we'll be here!"

"It's here, it's coming!"

Qin Jiuxiao's mind was in a turmoil, and he was like a wooden stake in place, unable to move.

The surrounding voices gradually faded away, only Shu Yao in front of him was left between the sky and the earth, he almost couldn't hold on anymore.

It took all his strength to restrain himself from stepping forward to pull him down.

This is very dangerous. Others know, but Qin Jiuxiao doesn't know?

"The last piece!"

After reacting, Qin Jiuxiao's body was faster than his brain, and he suddenly stepped forward to catch Shu Yao who came from the opposite bank.

The place Shu Yao touched was wet, and her body was also cold, because she fell just now.

It's just for a bridge and an unfounded legend. Does Shu Yao care about Consummation or Fu Jingzhen?
Before Qin Jiuxiao could speak, Shu Yao lightly clenched her hand, and she said, "Let's go back."

"Shu Yao." He closed his eyes and tried his best to restrain himself.

Shu Yao was startled, and turned to look at him, "What are you calling me?"

The voice was cold and forceful, and for a moment Shu Yao thought it was Qin Jiuye who had returned.

However, under the dim light, it is impossible to see clearly, and Shu Yao can't tell the difference.

She was stunned for a moment——

Time spun before her eyes, she bumped into her strong chest, and the familiar cold fragrance came to her nostrils.

"Hold tight, Yaoyao." The man's voice was hoarse and powerful.

Shu Yao realized that she was actually picked up by the man directly.

Now that Qin Jiuxiao actually wants to cross the river with her in his arms, isn't it more dangerous?
"No, this way..." Shu Yao struggled subconsciously.

But the man didn't listen to the persuasion, it was the first time he was so stubborn and couldn't listen at all.

What he did was like revenge for Shu Yao's disobedience just now, he stepped on the rock without hesitation.

Shu Yao didn't dare to move anymore, she was afraid that if she moved, Qin Jiuxiao's unstable body would make it easier for her feet to slip!
Qin Jiuxiao lowered his head, spying on the emotions of the woman nestled in his arms, "Are you afraid?"

The woman in his arms was extremely nervous, her hands gripping his neck tightly, her whole body tensed.

The wet clothes revealed the tender whiteness on the chest and squeezed out the deep gully, adding a layer of water color to the tender whiteness.

The light was dim, and the softness was faintly visible, making the mouth feel parched.

"How can you not be afraid!" Shu Yao leaned on him a little more.

The man's body was hot and warm, solid and full of security, she subconsciously approached.

completely unaware of what he was doing—

The tighter she leaned, the softness on the chest was almost deformed in the man's chest, and she pressed against it softly.

The man didn't speak, he held him firmly and continued to move forward.

Shu Yao wanted to get down, and moved slightly, "Put me down, I will go by myself."

She was not afraid that something would happen to her, but she was afraid that Qin Jiuxiao would be hurt, but he never let Shu Yao walk alone.

Isn't it more dangerous for him to walk unsteadily with a person in his arms?
Just like reality, Shu Yao doesn't want to be just a man's weakness, she also wants to be a man's armor.

"Don't move around." The man said, his voice was hoarse and a little unbearable, and he couldn't move his hands to hold her down.

Shu Yao really thought that he was about to lose his footing, so she didn't dare to move any more and was hugged obediently.

One step at a time, Shu Yao was safely hugged without the difficulties and obstacles when she came, safe and comfortable.

Even the coldness on his body was dispelled by the hot body temperature of the man, leaving nothing but warmth.

She just walked towards Qin Jiuxiao for the first part of the way.

It's like just taking the first step, and he will come for you after all the hard work.

"They're here!"

"It's over, it's over, it's all over like this."

"That's considered complete."

Seeing that it was getting closer and closer to the origin, those onlookers booed accordingly.

The people who come to Lover's Bridge are infected by it, and the gurgling puddles and rocks are no longer dangerous.

They are witnesses.

Qin Jiuxiao stepped over the last rock and almost bumped into Fu Jingzhen who was on the bank.

Fu Jingzhen froze for a while, then came back to his senses and said slowly, "Shu Yao, as you wish, I have finished walking the Lover's Bridge."

The road that I couldn't walk with Shu Yao back then, now I have someone to walk with her.

What she asked for was fulfilled, and now she has got her wish.


It is no longer about him.

"Congratulations." He gritted his teeth.

(End of this chapter)

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