Chapter 333 You Fall in Love First
Hearing this, it was not Shu Yao who responded to Fu Jingzhen first, but Qin Jiuxiao.

Looking at each other, Fu Jingzhen found that the man's eyes were as cold as ice for ten thousand years, which was different on the court.

Ru Mo's eyes are full of chilling hostility, just a slight glance is extremely serious.

This look is clearly——

There was a possibility, but Fu Jingzhen didn't dare to draw a conclusion.

Qin Jiuxiao was indifferent and wanted to leave, but was blocked by the basketball team.

"It turns out that sister also walked with brother Jing Zhen back then?" Shu Murou pretended not to know, and said in surprise.

Back then, it was Shu Murou who called to interrupt all this.

How could she not know, she knew better than anyone that this was Shu Yao's sore spot.

Fu Jingzhen suppressed all the nostalgia in his eyes, and said in a noble and arrogant tone, "I walked, but I didn't finish."

the bridge.

Even if he is no longer for Fu Jingzhen now, Fu Jingzhen believes that he must have an indelible existence in Shu Yao's heart.

The reason for Shu Yao's persistence was conveyed by Fu Jingzhen intentionally or unintentionally through words.

"Back then, the Lover's Bridge was on fire. Senior Sister Shu Yao must have walked with Senior Brother Fu."

"That's right, but it's not over yet."

"Isn't this efficacious? I haven't completed it, so I haven't reached consummation."

"So it's because of this..."

Those gossips from the basketball club seemed as good as the girls, and they were on Fu Jingzhen's side, laughing lowly.

So, isn't Senior Sister Shu Yao still Senior Brother Fu's licking dog?
It's because they didn't finish walking the Lover's Bridge back then, so Senior Sister Shu Yao was so persistent this time.

"The past is the past, so you don't have to be fond of it." Fu Jingzhen smiled silently.

A man's self-esteem does not allow Fu Jingzhen to show the slightest regret, even though it really existed.

He raised his eyelids and looked at Qin Jiuxiao.

So what if this man is the overlord of Yecheng, even if he is the overlord of Yecheng, the people he likes don't love him.

People on the tip of their hearts will always live in other people's feelings, so it's not good.

Shu Murou heard Fu Jingzhen's meaning, and naturally agreed, as if he was hesitant to say it again.

"Sister too, don't be so obsessed with the past."

At this time, Fu Jingzhen and Shu Murou seemed to be a particularly good match, and they naturally divided the barrier.

It seems that they are the real couple together, and Shu Yao is the third party who destroys them.

"Twisted melons are not sweet."

"Did you say so?"

Fu Jingzhen looked at Qin Jiuxiao provocatively, and he tilted his head, quite arrogantly.

Anyway, the current Qin Jiuxiao is just a fool, oh no, his mind has degenerated, he is a child.

What's so scary?

He lost a game in a ball game before, and now Fu Jingzhen has to get his place back.

Qin Jiuxiao was still indifferent, he knew that Fu Jingzhen said some words to himself on purpose.

Shu Yao liked Fu Jingzhen, she already knew that.

It's just that she didn't expect that the reason Shu Yao insisted on walking the Lover's Bridge was because of the past——

That's it.

He didn't want to listen and wanted to leave, the man in his arms reached out and gently hooked the man's hand.

"Enough said?"

There was no sound all the time, and the person nestled safely in Qin Jiuxiao's arms spoke softly.

Her voice was cold and tough, and it was not difficult to hear the hidden anger in it.

Qin Jiuxiao bent down slightly, first a pair of jade feet lightly stepped on the gravel ground, and Shu Yao withdrew from his arms.

She whispered to the man, "Wait for me."

"it is good."

Just now Shu Yao kept silent, just because she didn't want to embarrass herself too much in front of her classmates.

It's just that some people are shameless!

It is said that Shu Yao admitted those things that Shu Yao did back then, and she admitted what she did.

But Fu Jingzhen dared to provoke Qin Jiuxiao in front of her repeatedly, so nakedly hurting the person she cherished.

How many times in previous lives, when Shu Yao fell in love with Fu Jingzhen.

Didn't Qin Jiuxiao have been provoked like this countless times?

"Back then, I walked across the Lover's Bridge with you, and it was indeed not finished." Shu Yao twitched the corners of her mouth and spoke slowly.

Fu Jingzhen frowned, "Then what else do you have to say?"

Shu Yao sneered, and walked up to the man step by step, raising her eyes so that she was almost at eye level with Fu Jingzhen.

"I'm here because I should be thankful for the bridge."

"Thanks for not walking across this bridge back then, and not consummating with you."

"The consummation I seek is not you at all."

Fu Jingzhen was startled, but his mouth was still stubborn, "But you begged, didn't you?"

"Yes, it used to be." Shu Yao didn't deny it.

As soon as these words came out, the people in the basketball team looked at each other in blank dismay, but they dared not speak small words because of Fu Jingzhen's presence.

Listening to Fu Jingzhen's words, it is clear that Shu Yao came to this bridge of lovers because of her unforgettable old love.

But that doesn't seem to be the case now?

Yang Zhenhuan clicked his tongue, seeing Shu Yao's cold face, Yang Zhenhuan was sweating for Fu Jingzhen.

"Sister, I know you have hatred in your heart—" Shu Murou took Shu Yao's hand, and stepped forward softly.

She repeated her old tricks, trying to be a good person in front of her juniors.

Shu Yao sneered, then she would do what Shu Murou wanted!
She immediately brushed it away fiercely, with such force that even Shu Murou didn't expect the brute force.

Being thrown like this, Shu Murou staggered and fell to the ground, her hand was suddenly pierced by a stone on the ground.

Her tears came out immediately, "Ah, it hurts so much."

"Shu Yao, what are you doing?" Fu Jingzhen said angrily, and hurriedly helped Shu Murou up.

Shu Yao raised her lips, and said sarcastically, "Don't you like girls like this the most? It's so beautiful to cry."

Fu Jingzhen didn't like Shu Murou's weak and pitiful appearance the most.

Shu Murou will always be affectionate and righteous, and she will always understand righteousness, but she, Shu Yao, will never be as good as her. No matter what she does, it will be wrong.

"You—" Fu Jingzhen frowned.

Shu Yao was not like this before, but now she said such outrageous words.

Shu Yao bent down and carefully looked at Shu Murou who was crying out in pain.

"Do I still need to greet a mistress with a smile?"

Those juniors from the basketball club who were listening to the gossip changed their faces, and looked at Shu Murou in disbelief.

The version they listened to was not like this.

"The third person?"

Shu Murou, who was stabbed in pain, shed tears even more fiercely, and she looked at Fu Jingzhen desperately.

Because Fu Jingzhen's words hurt Shu Yao far more than Shu Murou's, which Shu Murou always used.

Shu Yao sneered, her phoenix eyes were slightly cold, not waiting for Fu Jingzhen to speak.

"Young Master Fu, you think that now you are talking about my liking for you back then."

"You have a lot of capital, don't you have a bright face?"

In the ups and downs of Yecheng, Miss Shu was the licking dog of Young Master Fu, shameless and despicable.

He just laughed it off and didn't care about Shu Yao's reputation.

Now it seems that it's not that he doesn't care, but that he cares too much. That's his capital to show off as a man.

Everyone thought it was Shu Yao who fell in love with her and lost first.

In fact--

"But Fu Jingzhen, don't forget, you were the one who confessed your love first back then, and you were the one who pursued me first!"

Her voice trembled slightly, her eyes were red, and she felt physically nauseated when she saw Fu Jingzhen.

Back then, he vowed to shelter her from the wind and rain, and pay for her——

The ridiculous thing is that Fu Jingzhen gave the big wind and waves.

"Want to see the evidence? How did you beg me to love you back then?" Shu Yao sneered and said sharply.

(End of this chapter)

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