Chapter 336 Nightmare
Ling Heng's words were very clear, his voice echoed in the small apartment.

The seriousness of the matter is self-evident.

"Master Jiu, come back quickly, Mr. Qin has fallen ill." As if he couldn't wait, Ling Heng spoke again.

Shu Yao stared blankly at the man's expression, for fear of missing half of Qin Jiuxiao's expression now.

She was afraid that the current Qin Jiuxiao would not be able to bear the urgency of what happened, so she raised her face and stared at him cautiously.

"I know, I know."

However, there was still not much expression on the man's face, just like a child being urged to go home for dinner.

Seeing that Qin Jiuxiao didn't object to coming back, Ling Heng felt relieved.

Who knows what Qin Jiuxiao's weird temper would do wrong now?

"Master Jiu, it's late now, I'll pick you up early tomorrow morning." Ling Heng hurriedly said, fearing that Qin Jiuxiao would regret it.

Qin Jiuxiao's eyes were calm, "Yes."

He hung up the phone, and when he was about to throw the phone away, he accidentally caught a glimpse of Shu Yao staring at him.

That appearance is completely different from the cold and inviolable look on the TV screen, and even a little cute and dull.

He leaned forward and hugged Shu Yao, "Yaoyao, what's the matter?"

The man's tone was cheerful, as if he didn't care about such a big event.

"Ninth brother, you—"

Before Shu Yao finished speaking, the man straightly picked her up and hugged her in his arms.

She came out of the hurried bathrobe with nothing underneath, and with this movement, the bathrobe was loose and half exposed.

The deep ravine in front of him was exposed, and the soft white swayed softly with the movement, half covering it.

"Dry your hair, you'll catch a cold." The man looked away and snatched the hair dryer from her hand.

Shu Yao hurriedly closed the bathrobe that was opened in front of her body, her face flushed slightly, "I know, I know."

She didn't move, her legs hung obediently in the air, half leaning in front of the man.

Sitting on the man like this, through the thin bathrobe, Shu Yao can still feel the problem of the man's thigh.

The posture was ambiguous and unspeakable, and Shu Yao couldn't say it, because she was afraid that if she said it, she wouldn't be able to explain it clearly.

"Don't be afraid, Yaoyao, I won't let anyone hurt you."

The hair dryer was turned off, and the apartment was quiet again. He casually picked up Shu Yao's hair to try whether it was dry or wet.

Shu Yao pursed her lips slightly, and turned her head to look at him, "Do you know the seriousness of the matter now?"

Seeing the calm appearance of the man, it seems that he doesn't take this seriously.

Qin Jiuxiao like this is probably due to his degenerated mind, unable to comprehend the current situation at all.

"Grandpa just fell ill." Qin Jiuxiao answered eloquently.

Shu Yao gritted her teeth, she shook her head, and said again: "No, yes, it's Mr. Qin—your father."

In the past, he always followed Qin Siwen, and subconsciously called Mr. Qin.

In an instant Shu Yao realized something was wrong, afraid that Qin Jiuxiao might not understand.

"What's up with him."

"Qin Siwen, dead."

Astonishment flashed across Qin Jiuxiao's cold eyes, and then a layer of confusion appeared in his eyes.

Soon, he twitched the corners of his mouth and responded plainly, "Is this the seriousness of the matter?"

"Be sober!" Shu Yao felt at a loss.

Seeing Shu Yao nervous, her usually calm and reserved eyes were full of worry, and even her body was full of his breath.

Now she only showed this side in front of her, and the man's cold eyes moved slightly.

"I used to come here too."

"I was taken to Qin's house. My father left soon after, and grandpa didn't care about me."

"What's the difference between this and the current situation? What's so scary?"

Speaking of the past, the man unconsciously carried a bit of anger in his words.

There is a lot of the kind of you who didn't care about me before, what is the difference between death and death, and you say it lightly and insignificantly.

In understatement, it is not difficult for Shu Yao to guess the danger.

"Don't be afraid, Yaoyao, don't be afraid."

He was still ignorant, and even smiled, innocently.


Maybe I was too anxious that night.

Shu Yao didn't sleep well, tossing and turning on the bed in the apartment.

Gradually, she didn't know how she fell asleep, but felt pain all over her body and finally fell into nothingness.

I don't know how long it took, the dark area became a little brighter, causing Shu Yao to subconsciously close her eyes.

She looked around and found that she was surrounded by an unfamiliar environment, which she didn't recognize.

"Master Jiu, it's time to take some medicine."

It was a familiar female voice, Shu Yao suddenly looked in the direction of the door, it was Tang Lingxi.

Tang Lingxi came out more mature than now, that girlish playfulness was a little less, and a little more gentle.

Her dress, her appearance Shu Yao will never forget in her life.

Obviously it was the day that Da Shuyao died!
Probably after Tang Lingxi turned her away, she returned to the main residence of the Qin family.

"Where have you been?" The man's voice was cold, even questioning.

Shu Yao heard the man's voice, and then realized that there was actually a person sitting under the shadow in front of the French window.

It was Qin Jiuxiao.

It was him in the previous life, Qin Jiuxiao who she hadn't seen once until her death.

Tang Lingxi was a little guilty, she forced a smile, "I, I didn't go anywhere, I went to get the medicine."

"My leg is broken, not my brain is broken." The man's tone was very cold.

Tang Lingxi squeezed the tray of the hand gesture instantly. Could it be that Shu Yao was seen so much in front of the gate just now?


Such a long distance, and the floor-to-ceiling windows are not facing the main entrance.

"Your trousers are water-stained. It's raining heavily outside. Isn't the medicine outside the house?"

Hearing this, Tang Lingxi heaved a sigh of relief. It turned out that he didn't know.

He didn't know that Shu Yao was taken away and locked up!

Tang Lingxi suppressed the smile on her lips, she came to the man and looked at him admiringly.

She said again, "Master Jiu, I didn't mean to hide it from you. It's, it's because I met Miss Shu Yao just now."

Shu Yao was responsible for Qin Jiuxiao's broken leg, and half of Qin's family was ruined.

It caused Qin Jiuxiao to be ridiculed by everyone and humiliated everywhere——

Not only in front of Qin Jiuxiao, but also in front of the Qin family, this name is a taboo.

"What is she here for?" the man hesitated for a moment and asked.

Shu Yao shook her head, but unfortunately she couldn't speak, and she had no substance, she could only watch the scene in front of her.

Not wanting to see the trace of hope in the man's eyes being snuffed out again, she was so uncomfortable that she couldn't say a word.

Shu Yao really wanted to say don't ask, Tang Lingxi is lying to you.

If it wasn't for Tang Lingxi, if it wasn't for the Tang Family Global Newspaper—

Why did she, Shu Yao, be labeled as mentally ill? No one would believe that she was telling the truth until she died!

Others thought she was crazy and gave her drugs, but no one believed her, all thanks to the Tang family!
"She came with Fu Shao and said that she hopes you will sign this statement."

"Say, say she'll make you regret it if you don't sign it."

Tang Lingxi handed over a document.

The man took the file and smiled desolately, "Regret?"

This pair of legs, most of the Qin family's country, isn't it enough.

"Let her go, bring the pen." Qin Jiuxiao closed his eyes, he was tired, and his voice was hoarse and unpleasant.

This document is the equity transfer agreement!

It was Shu Yao's elder brother Shu Nanxun's shares in the Qin family, and the agreement was for Qin Jiuxiao to transfer Fu Jingzhen——

How cruel, it is nothing more than a heart-breaking pain.

This was not drawn up by Shu Yao at all, it was an agreement made by Shu Murou, only Shu Murou has the official seal!
Tang Lingxi and Shu Murou are best friends, they planned it all by themselves but they used the excuse that she, Shu Yao, did it.

What does this mean to Qin Jiuxiao?
Shu Yao's heart was broken, and she experienced her previous life again.

She hissed in pain and screamed unbearably, the scene in front of her was fragmented and collapsing.

Shu Yao finally shouted out.

"No, not me!"

"It's not me, you trust me trust me—"

"Ninth Master."

(End of this chapter)

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