Chapter 337 Teaching
In a panic, he swept away and knocked down the lamp beside the bed.


The bedroom was suddenly plunged into darkness, just as dark as in a dream.

Shu Yao suddenly stood up from the bed, panting like a dehydrated fish.

It was as if she was suffocated when she was reborn, and that feeling of suffocation has always surrounded her.

She couldn't help trembling all over, and couldn't recall the man's ashen eyes again.

Such emptiness and loss of light are all due to her stupidity.


The bedroom door was opened at some point, and the lights were turned on.

It was Qin Jiuxiao.

The man appeared, as if lighting up her whole world again, and all the fears receded one by one.

Shu Yao raised her eyes and stared blankly at the door.

She didn't care much, she threw off the quilt and jumped off the bed, ran and plunged into the man's arms.

It's the familiar warmth, it's him, he's fine.

"What's the matter? Yaoyao." Qin Jiuxiao took a small step back from being bumped into, but still caught it firmly.

Shu Yao didn't answer, but kept tightening the hand around the man's waist.

Gradually, Qin Jiuxiao felt the coldness in front of him, and it was Shu Yao's tears that permeated the thin drowsiness.

She cried so loudly that she couldn't help sobbing, as if she was about to shed all the tears in her life.

Shu Yao clenched the corner of the man's pajamas, and said in a muffled voice, "I'm having a nightmare."

"What nightmare?"

The person in his arms shook his head, unwilling to utter a word, but hugged him tightly.

After a while, Shu Yao let go of her hand.

After turning on the light, Qin Jiuxiao could clearly see that her crying eyes were obviously red and swollen.

Qin Jiuxiao was wet in front of him, he tore off his pajamas, and was about to speak.

"Ninth brother, I want to sleep with you." She avoided the man's sight and whispered.

Shu Yao was surrounded by that sense of fear of loss. It was not yet dawn at this time, and she didn't want to leave the man's side.

I'm afraid this is a good dream, and I wake up with nothing.

Qin Jiuxiao was heartless, and he laughed shortly, "Yaoyao is a coward."

"..." Shu Yao rarely refuted.

Obviously the person in front of him was terrified, the man raised his hand and gently wiped away the tear that was about to fall from the corner of her eye with the back of his hand.

Is it too much?
With that being said, there was no way to refuse her.

While laughing at her, Qin Jiuxiao dragged her into her bed, and led her into her quilt.

After turning off the lights, Qin Jiuxiao covered her with the quilt on her body to make sure that she was not exposed to the cold.

The bed in the apartment is a single bed, which is not big, but she is not honest.

It was warm and smelled of a man's special cold fragrance, but Shu Yao was still not satisfied, she pressed Qin Jiuxiao tightly.

"Yaoyao, go to sleep, I'm so sleepy." The man complained, wanting to leave.

Shu Yao pursed her lips vigorously, her lower lip turned a little bluish white, "Sleep with you."

She was still clinging to the man's cool, firm body.

Gradually, after an unknown period of time, the sound of even and long breathing finally resounded around him.

On weekdays, the fierce and powerful woman nestled in front of Qin Jiuxiao obediently, as obediently as a newborn kitten.

"Yaoyao, that's too much."

In this way, Shu Yao slept comfortably.

The man showed bitterness, and fiddled with her long black hair boredly, his eyes were full of connivance and helplessness.

She really valued a man's self-control too much, and underestimated her own charm too much.


The next day, early in the morning.

After a good night's dream, when Shu Yao woke up, there was nothing around her.

The bed next to her was not warm, probably because she had been away for a while.

If it wasn't for the continuous vibrating reminders of the memo on the phone, Shu Yao probably wouldn't have woken up now.

The nightmare in the middle of the night really frightened Shu Yao, so she calmed down and thought about it, it should indeed be her previous life.

It is the world after her death.


The cell phone that was obviously turned off vibrated again, reminding Shu Yao not to indulge in the past, but to prepare to wash up and leave.

Today is not the day to give a speech at the opening ceremony, the memo reminds Shu Yao that it is time to prepare for teaching.

The teaching faces some students who are in school and who are about to graduate and want to enter the entertainment industry.

She should be ready to go.

"Jingle bells!"

There is also an alarm bell for class on the university campus, and the last student who rings the alarm will click in almost at the same time.

This class is an art class, in short, it is about vocal music and body.

When Shu Yao rushed to the corridor, she saw the principal in the corridor.

In the corridor of the classroom, there were not only the old principal, but also Shu Murou standing beside him, but Fu Jingzhen was nowhere to be seen.

"Shu Yao!" The old headmaster waved warmly and greeted Shu Yao.

"Hello." Shu Yao came to the old principal and nodded slightly.

When Shu Murou saw Shu Yao coming, she immediately showed joy, "Sister, you are here, just right."

just right?

"Shu Yao, I heard that Mu Rou is your younger sister, so that's just right!"

"There are many people in this lecture theater and the space is large. There are three classes together. You cooperate with the teaching."

The old headmaster is an old pedant, he has never cared about things in the entertainment industry, and he only superficially cares about many things.

And long before coming here, the old headmaster had met Fu Jingzhen.

Fu Jingzhen recommended Shu Murou to the old headmaster, and the old headmaster also knew about Shu Murou.

The popular and newly promoted Xiaohua must have two brushes to explode in such a short period of time.

He pulled Shu Yao over, "Hey, I heard from Jing Zhen that Mu Rou is good at art, so I can help you."

"Where is it, I'm not that good, it's very average."

Shu Murou blushed from the praise, so she should be more modest.

Seeing this situation, Shu Yao followed the trend, she was not polite, "Then what else can I do? Help me slow down."

Shu Murou's face turned pale when she was told, she never thought that Shu Yao would dare to talk to herself like that!
This is still in front of the old principal, Shu Yao is not even willing to pretend.

"Oh, I'm modest, you said that." The old headmaster didn't take it seriously either.

We haven't seen each other for many years. The old principal misses Shu Yao very much. Shu Yao was one of the top ten students in the school before.

He is a role model in Beiying, a well-behaved student, the kind that teachers like most.

Excellence is unquestionable, and some tempers are normal.

The old headmaster patted Shu Yao cheerfully, "Of course I can't compare to you, juniors, you should support me more!"

Juniors, can't compare.

Shu Murou gripped her handbag tightly, twisting it until it was out of shape.

"Mu Rou, teach your sister more, she is a three-time actress, a rarity!" said the old headmaster.

It's just a queen!

This year's Best Actress Award might go to whoever won it, this old thing is simply a dog's eye.

Shu Murou forcefully held up a smile, and said softly, "Yes, of course I should learn more from my sister."

Seeing Shu Murou clearly unable to take the breath but still holding on, Shu Yao was really happy to hear it.

Shu Yao wanted to part her red lips, and raised her hand to fiddle with the broken hair that blocked her eyes, with a casual and lazy tone.

"You don't need to study, I don't like imitators."

"Because no matter how you imitate, the truth is still true, and no matter how much you imitate a fake, it will not become true."

"Isn't it?"

Inside and outside the words, the finger pointed at Shu Murou who debuted as 'Xiao Shuyao'.

Her debut model, character setting, and resources are all replicas of Shu Yao back then, and her appearance is somewhat similar.

But I have to admit that Shu Murou's popularity is indeed not comparable to that of Shu Yao back then.

Shu Murou's face was pale, and she couldn't help but said, "Sister, you are too bullying."

(End of this chapter)

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