After being reborn, she became the palm of a big boss

Chapter 343 You've admitted the wrong person!

Chapter 343 You've admitted the wrong person!
Speaking of this, Ahri has no reason to refuse.

"I see, sister Yao."

"I only promised you to delay, to delay your return to work as soon as you finish."

This is already Ahri's biggest concession, she can't just watch Shu Yao make the same mistake again.

Whether you say Ahri is selfish or heartless, her ability is not as great as those upper class figures.

Ari just wants to protect Shu Yao, an artist whom she regards as her family.

"Tomorrow's speech, sister Yao, don't be distracted."

The speech was in the morning, Shu Yao could finish it, I'm afraid Shu Yao didn't have the heart to give the speech.

Shu Yao smiled helplessly, "I will."

After Shu Yao hung up Ahri's call, she slipped tiredly on the sofa and crushed something.

She raised her hand and saw that it was the sweater that Qin Jiuxiao had left unintentionally.

Simple, clean, with the fragrance of laundry, and the unique fragrance of men.

She closed her eyes and rubbed against each other, as if the man was still by her side.


Country S, Manston Manor.

After going back and forth, Li Zhaoran ran back bouncing, not realizing the seriousness of the matter.

"Sorry, ma'am, she doesn't see any visitors." She shook her head regretfully.

There are only a few scattered servants left in the huge manor, if not for Li Zhaoran, it would be Shu Yao.

She was afraid that she would be fired by his wife too.

"Huaiyuan, forget it." The woman tugged at the man beside her in a low voice, and she shook her head.

Originally, the Qin family was already in chaos, but even though Jiang Yunrong was the former mistress of the Qin family, she had already stayed away from the disputes.

Now that Yecheng was in chaos, Jiang Yunrong still closed the door and saw no one.

"She doesn't care about Qin Jiuxiao's life or death?" Shen Huaiyuan's beautiful fox eyes were slightly angry.

Seeing the man's appearance, Wen Wan looked at the little guy apologetically.

This is also a matter of concern.

"The Qin family is obviously being controlled by others. Apart from Brother Nine, she is the closest to Qin Siwen—"

"Huaiyuan, stop talking."

Fearing that Shen Huaiyuan would really disturb Jiang Yunrong, Wen Wan hurriedly grabbed him to go out.

"I helped spread the word, but my brother is still very fierce." Li Zhaoran muttered in a low voice.

Wen Wan also saw this kid, and she hurriedly knelt down with an apologetic expression, "I'm sorry."

"It's okay!" Li Zhaoran shook his head.

And Shen Huaiyuan looked serious, unlike the usual cynical fool, he shook off Wen Wan's hand.

Walking slowly outside the house, he turned his back to Wen Wan who followed behind him.

"Wanwan, you don't understand the seriousness of it at all. Why did you stop me?"

Wen Wan stepped forward hesitantly, she wanted to grab Shen Huaiyuan's hand, "Huaiyuan, I..."

"Okay!" Shen Huaiyuan was upset.

The moment Wen Wan stretched out his hand, Shen Huaiyuan subconsciously threw it away.

The force was a little stronger, and Wen Wan staggered from being thrown, almost unable to stand still.

A wound flashed across her face but it disappeared quickly, "Huaiyuan, Aunt Jiang also just lost Uncle Qin."

Seeing that Wen Wan had adjusted himself, Shen Huaiyuan put down his outstretched hand again, his voice still cold.

"She's about to lose her son," he reminded.

Wen Wan pursed her lips, folded her hands in front of her in confusion, not knowing how to comfort the person in front of her.

At this moment, Wen Wan clearly felt the gap between himself and Shen Huaiyuan.

She can't help.

I can only watch the man worrying about it, but I can't help anything, and it's even annoying.

"From Brother Nine's accident in Country S, everything was a sign."

Shen Huaiyuan was uneasy.

Pacing back and forth in the same place, it seemed like he was talking to Wen Wan, but also to himself.

It's just that Shen Huaiyuan didn't have such a great sense of crisis at the beginning, after all, he didn't understand the history of the Qin family at all.

Until all this happened, Qin Wenyu temporarily succeeded Qin's director.

Isn't that obvious?
"Now the Qin family is basically under the control of others. Ninth brother is probably trapped by others, and it is impossible for him to disappear."

"Except for Jiang Yunrong who can mobilize Qin Siwen's old department, who else can help?"

Qin Siwen's whereabouts are mysterious, and the whereabouts and identities of the people under him are also unknown, so there is no way to start.

The only person who knows is probably his pillow, Jiang Yunrong.

Jiang Yunrong stayed behind closed doors because of Qin Siwen's death, so who can mobilize Qin Siwen's old department, who can make a move.

Yecheng is the territory of the Qin family, and Shen Huaiyuan's family is in Yancheng, so he can't reach it.

Shen Huaiyuan took a deep breath, but he still insisted on meeting, "You don't even know the seriousness of the matter."

"I, I... I'm sorry." Wen Wan lowered her head.

She really didn't know, didn't understand, and was useless.

Once a crisis occurs, they are like people from two worlds.

After recovering for a while, Wen Wan still didn't want Shen Huaiyuan to be alone, even if it was just by his side.

She turned around and caught up with Shen Huaiyuan, but she saw Shen Huaiyuan froze in place.

There was a conversation between two people in the room, it was the little guy who just sent the message to his wife, and an old man.

"Grandma just had two guests, they want to see Madam..."

"Did you see that?"

"The madam said she didn't see any visitors. Maybe they were my sister's acquaintances. Grandpa the gatekeeper let them in right away."

"Is that so? Zhao Ran is so good."

Grandma Li in the hall picked up Li Zhaoran, not noticing that there was no distant figure outside the house.

Li Zhaoran was hugged by Grandma Li, giggling amusedly.

"Grandma, they haven't left yet!" At this moment, Li Zhaoran laughed at the two outside the room.

Grandma Li walked out with the little guy in her arms, and was about to welcome Shen Huaiyuan and Wen Wan in.

As soon as she walked to the door, the smile on Grandma Li's lips froze, and a deep shake appeared in her vicissitudes of old eyes.

"Is that you?"

After a long time, Shen Huaiyuan spoke first.

Hearing this, Grandma Li shook her head subconsciously. She was extremely flustered and took a few steps back.

Grandma Li reacted suddenly, left Li Zhaoran behind, turned around and staggered to leave here.

"Grandma!" Li Zhaoran pouted incomprehension, and complained with his hands on his hips.

Shen Huaiyuan immediately chased after him.

How could an old man run faster than a young and strong adult man, not to mention that Grandma Li is not in good health.

After a while, Grandma Li was caught up.

Grandma Li's first reaction was to raise her skinny and withered arms to cover her face, "You, you got the wrong person."

"It's you."

"It's really you, you are not dead?"

Shen Huaiyuan grabbed the withered and skinny hand at once, the arm in the palm was thin and weak, as if it would shatter when squeezed.

It is not difficult to see how much suffering the old man has experienced, and how miserable he was in the days when he was not seen.

The old man's face was wrinkled and tired, his body was short and shriveled, his back was slightly bulged, and his temperament was mediocre.

At first glance, she is just an ordinary woman in the market, unremarkable.

But Shen Huaiyuan will not remember it wrong, he will not forget this familiar face, even if it is not as good as before.

"It's not me, it's not me, you admit it wrong, please let go." Grandma Li shrank her face and shrank back.

Wen Wan and Li Zhaoran chased after her, and as soon as she saw Shen Huaiyuan treating Grandma Li like this, Li Zhaoran rushed forward immediately.

The little guy hugged Shen Huaiyuan's calf and shouted, "Don't bully my grandma!"

Seeing Grandma Li tremble so timidly, Shen Huaiyuan frowned slightly, and let go of her hand.


"You, how did you become like this?"

It is impossible for Shen Huaiyuan to forget who this person is. Because his mother died young, Li Qingya is equivalent to his adoptive mother.

Therefore, Shen and Li are also very close and can be regarded as family friends.

This person is clearly Li Qingya's grandmother.

She was the old mistress of the powerful Li family, one of the four great families in Yancheng back then.

How could it be reduced to this point?
(End of this chapter)

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