Chapter 344 I Will Die
Seeing Shen Huaiyuan, Grandma Li was shocked and shook her head wildly.

Grandma Li avoided Shen Huaiyuan's gaze, "I, I don't know what you're talking about, you've got the wrong person."

Li Zhaoran blinked and saw that although Shen Huaiyuan was afraid, his small body stood in front of Grandma Li.

"You are not allowed to bully my grandma!"

Obviously Shen Huaiyuan is much taller than the little guy, compared to the little guy, Shen Huaiyuan is almost as tall as a monster.

But Li Zhaoran resolutely stood in front of Grandma Li, she could tell that Grandma didn't like them.

"Go! Go!" Li Zhaoran pushed Shen Huaiyuan with his small body.

However, such a little effort could not shake Shen Huaiyuan at all.

Shen Huaiyuan frowned slightly, and repeated Li Zhaoran's words, "Your grandma?"


Li Zhaoran is not Grandma Li's granddaughter at all, Grandma Li's granddaughter died of illness long ago.

"Where are you from?" Shen Huaiyuan squatted down and looked directly at Li Zhaoran.

Li Zhaoran pursed his lips, "I want you to deal with the big villain!"

This big villain who bullied grandma, Li Zhaoran rushed forward and opened his mouth and bit Shen Huaiyuan's arm.


Unexpectedly, Shen Huaiyuan bit hard, his pretty fox eyes flashed fierce.

But thinking that Li Zhaoran was indeed a child, he suppressed his instincts in order to protect Grandma Li.

"Obviously, obviously don't do this." Seeing this, Grandma Li rushed forward to argue.

Li Zhaoran thumped and yelled, "He bullies grandma, he is a big villain!"

Seeing Li Zhaoran being pulled away, Wen Wan looked at the redness on Shen Huaiyuan's arm and his heart ached.

Shen Huaiyuan's arm was bleeding from the bite, and Li Zhaoran's mouth was also red when he was pulled away, showing how hard the bite was.

Wen Wan grabbed Shen Huaiyuan's arm, her eyes were red, "Does it hurt?"

"It's okay." Shen Huaiyuan was startled, and reacted subconsciously.

Unexpectedly, Wen Wan was so fierce just now, Wen Wan not only didn't care about it, but also reacted so badly when he saw that he was injured.

Seeing as if this bite had bitten Wen Wan's body, Shen Huaiyuan raised his lips unconsciously.

Wen Wan felt distressed and uncomfortable, her gentle voice was extremely anxious, "Why are you still laughing?"

"It hurts, give me a blow."

"Blow it to me every night, and the pain will fly away."

The man smiled lowly, stretched out his arm and raised it to Wen Wan's lips.

At this time, this man is still making fun of her at this time, Wen Wan glared at him.

The teasing meaning in those words made Wen Wan blush, she pursed her lips, "Excessive."

She dodged the man's extended arm, and looked away slightly embarrassed.

At this time.

Seeing that Shen Huaiyuan's arm was so serious, Grandma Li also panicked, and she forgot to dodge.

"Are you all right? Boy from the Shen family." She hurriedly stepped forward and grabbed Shen Huaiyuan's arm.

Shen Huaiyuan saw that Grandma Li was so anxious, and her worry was beyond words, he said softly, "Grandma, I'm fine."

This is the long-lost grandma.

It made Grandma Li's eyes red, she clenched her hands tightly, trembling slightly.

Looking at the deep tooth marks on Shen Huaiyuan's arm, which had sunk into the flesh and blood, Grandma Li felt distressed.

"Grandma, run, why bother with this big villain?" Li Zhaoran wanted to push Grandma Li's hand away.

Grandma Li grabbed Li Zhaoran and said seriously, "Zhaoran, apologize to big brother."

Grandma Li's tone was rare and severe, and Li Zhaoran felt aggrieved when she heard it.

She obviously did this for Grandma Li!

Now grandma wants to kill her and ask her to apologize to the big villain, and the child's rebellious psychology comes up immediately.

"I don't!" Li Zhaoran pouted.

Shen Huaiyuan smiled slightly, narrowing those pretty fox eyes, "It's okay, just a kid."

But Grandma Li couldn't bear seeing Shen Huaiyuan like this, so she pulled Li Zhaoran away.

"Apologize." Grandma Li repeated solemnly.

Li Zhaoran knew that Grandma Li was really angry, and she was really blaming her.

She pursed her lips, "I'm sorry."

After saying that, Li Zhaoran couldn't bear it anymore, sobbed loudly, shook off Grandma Li's hand and ran away.

Seeing Li Zhaoran run away, Grandma Li closed her eyes and sighed wearily.

"Grandma, I'm really fine." Shen Huaiyuan comforted her.

Grandma Li was still worried, opened her mouth, and compromised helplessly, "Go in and sit down first, and get the medicine."

"Thank you." Wen Wan slightly nodded at Grandma Li.

This is……

Grandma Li glanced at Wen Wan unexpectedly. She was so flustered just now that she couldn't care about who else was around her.

After calming down, Grandma Li was surprised and amazed to find Wen Wan's existence.

Originally thought that Shen Huaiyuan's father cast a great shadow on him, so great that it would accompany him for the rest of his life.

This kid actually has a companion now.

"Come in first, ah, come in first."

When she came back to her senses, Grandma Li asked the two to sit down in the castle, while she went to find the medical box.

It's all her fault, it seems that everyone around her is having a bad life, and these bad things have happened.

The bite was so hard, if Grandma Li hadn't pulled it down, this piece of meat would have been bitten off.

"I'm sorry to trouble you, hey, I'm sorry." Grandma Li got the medical kit and handed it to Wen Wan.

The bite is really powerful.

Shen Huaiyuan was also regarded as Grandma Li's favorite since she was a child, how could she not feel distressed?

"It hurts, Wanwan, it hurts so much." Shen Huaiyuan was grabbed to apply the medicine, and leaned on the woman with every word of mouth.

It's not easy for Wen Wan to hide, I'm afraid he's going to attack too hard and let the man act like a baby.

This person is always upright!
She blushed, and said in a low voice, "Stop making trouble, someone is watching."

The corner of Grandma Li's mouth couldn't help but smile when she saw it, and she felt the joy of being the elder of others for a long time.

I'm happy for Shen Huaiyuan, it seems that he also had a good life later, and met very good people.

Wen Wan's eyebrows are gentle, her facial features are exquisite, and she looks very gentle and pitiful, which makes people feel pity at first sight.

is a nice woman.

"It's pretty good." Grandma Li couldn't help but said.

Wen Wan finished the medicine for him, withdrew her hand, looked up at Grandma Li and bowed her head respectfully.

Shen Huaiyuan smiled, and asked again, "Grandma, why are you here?"

Obviously, the fire burned everything in the Li family, and everything was reduced to ashes.

The Li family had long since ceased to exist in Yancheng. The huge family was engulfed in a fire overnight, and there were not many people left.

Back then, it was reported that Grandma Li was also buried in the fire, but unexpectedly she saw her old friend here.

It seems like a lifetime away.

"It's a long story, but Huaiyuan, I beg you, grandma."

Grandma Li suddenly got up and knelt down in front of Shen Huaiyuan.

"Don't tell people that grandma is still here, please."

Shen Huaiyuan quickly reached out to support Grandma Li, "Grandma, don't do this."

"The past is in the past. I'm living a good life here. Please, please." Grandma Li didn't want to talk about it.

Her vicissitudes and old eyes were full of begging, and she seemed as if Shen Huaiyuan would not get up if she didn't agree.

No matter how Shen Huaiyuan dragged her, Grandma Li just didn't want to get up.

"Huaiyuan, please understand grandma, if Li Qingya knows that I am still alive, I will die—!"

After all, she couldn't bear it and was pulled up, Grandma Li finally couldn't help it, and pleaded sadly.

She took Shen Huaiyuan's hand, looked eagerly at it, and her body couldn't help trembling at the mention of that name.

"Grandma, what do you mean?" Shen Huaiyuan frowned slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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