Chapter 349 Disqualification
Seen by such eyes, Shu Murou felt that her ugliness could not be hidden under the daylight.

"Principal, is this the end of Shu Murou's matter?"

Suddenly, Shu Yao spoke again.

Shu Yao looked at Shu Murou's words, her eyes were like torches, and she was about to ignite Shu Murou.

Shu Murou froze and looked at Shu Yao in disbelief.

She has already apologized, what does Shu Yao want from her?
"This..." The old principal also felt that this matter could not be easily settled.

After all, this matter can be big or small, it is related to the opening ceremony, and it aroused the anger of the students.

Such a simple and sloppy thing really can't be outraged by the people, mainly because it was pointed out by Shu Yao.

With so many eyes watching, the old headmaster opened and closed his mouth.

Fu Jingzhen saw the embarrassment of the old principal, so he said, "Teacher, it's better to disqualify me."

"Brother Jing Zhen!" Shu Murou was startled.

The old headmaster frowned, could it be as he thought, "What qualifications?"

Fu Jingzhen's tone was calm and calm, he didn't look at Shu Murou at all, and nodded slightly at the old principal.

"Disqualify me from speaking, I didn't even take care of the people around me, and it's because of me at this time."

"It's better to disqualify me from speaking on stage, it's considered a punishment."

"She is my fiancee, I recommended her, and I am also at fault."

Shu Murou couldn't say a word, because she knew that she was not qualified to speak.

But what about Shu Yao?
It's not that she likes Fu Jingzhen, who even wants to die!
Now she just stands like this, motionless, if Shu Yao opens her mouth to smooth things over, maybe she still has a chance.

Shu Murou looked at Shu Yao and said, "Sister, talk to me."

Shu Yao just sneered and asked, "What do I want to say?"

Shu Yao's rhetorical question forced Shu Murou to be at a loss for words.

It turns out that a person can be so heartless!
Shu Murou knew the influence of speaking at Beijing Film Academy, and this was a great opportunity that she couldn't ask for.

Fu Jingzhen still turned down many announcements at hand, just to attend the speech at the opening ceremony of Beijing Film Academy.

Now, it was actually ruined by such an understatement.

"Okay, Mu Rou, this matter happened because of us." When Fu Jingzhen said this, he was looking at Shu Yao.

He looked at Shu Yao motionlessly, trying to see some concern from that icy face.

However, Shu Yao's eyes were only indifferent, as if they had never been in love.

Shu Yao moved her lips, and echoed in a rare way, "Someone will always be responsible for doing something wrong."

"That's it!" The old headmaster nodded and agreed.

The other students had no opinion, and it could even be said that they liked it.

Shu Murou finally got his retribution, although this time the retribution was not on Shu Murou himself, but there was always punishment.

Then, the old principal began to give orders again.

"But some people really can't get on the stage and corrupt the style of study!"

"Only the students taught by Shu Yao will come on stage, and the others will stay."

The ceremonial dance of the opening ceremony was so good, but the old headmaster felt ashamed to make it like this by accident.

Fu Jingzhen proposed that this punishment was also within the scope of the old principal's consideration, but he just spoke first because of bad feelings.

The old headmaster pinched Shu Yao's shoulder and patted it again, "Shu Yao, prepare well later."

"Yes." Shu Yao nodded slightly.

Immediately afterwards, the old principal went to the next classroom to inspect and left them behind.

After leaving, Shu Murou hurried to Fu Jingzhen's side, full of pity and distress.

It's all her fault, Fu Jingzhen lost this opportunity!

When Shu Murou raised her hand to hold Fu Jingzhen, Fu Jingzhen withdrew without a trace, avoiding her hand.

"Brother Jing Zhen?" Shu Murou couldn't believe it.

This is the first time that Fu Jingzhen has so obviously refused to be close to him.

Fu Jingzhen pinched his eyebrows wearily and said, "It's okay, I just feel a little tired."

He didn't expect things to develop like this.

Now, even Fu Jingzhen's impression of the old principal was greatly reduced.


If Shu Yao hadn't separated from him, they shouldn't have been in such a situation when they returned to school, and shouldn't have been in such an embarrassment.

"Your chance, I accept it."

It's time for Shu Yao to prepare, she walked past Fu Jingzhen and spoke softly.

Fu Jingzhen was slightly taken aback, then looked at Shu Yao, "Yao—"

Is this really Shu Yao?
When did Shu Yao become so eloquent and aggressive.

But what made Shu Yao become like this——

It's him.

"Don't call me that, I'm disgusting." Shu Yao interrupted him in time, brushing past him.

Fu Jingzhen pursed his lips slightly, and stopped the intimacy on his lips, and did not refute after all.

Their relationship is indeed not enough for Fu Jingzhen to be qualified to call Shu Yao that way.

Shu Murou was staggered by Shu Yao's bump, and took a step back. When she looked up, she found that Fu Jingzhen didn't pay attention at all.

His gaze followed Shu Yao.

Even the blind can see the naked nostalgia in Fu Jingzhen's eyes.


opening ceremony.

It was grand and enthusiastic, and there was a dark crowd under the stage, and there was almost no end in sight.

The audience was very quiet because of Shu Yao's speech, everyone was listening, looking up at the people on the stage.

"If you don't forget your original intention, you will always be there."

"I can come to this day, from retiring to coming back, I should thank one person."

"Without him, I would not be who I am now. He taught me to grow, and he made me fall and stand up again."

Speaking of this, the audience was in an uproar!
The old headmaster was also very surprised, he didn't expect Shu Yao to mention others at the end of his speech.

Moreover, Jurong attributes all achievements now to that person!
"Who is Senior Sister Shu Yao talking about?"

"It can't be, it's Fu Jingzhen's gaze. It doesn't mean that they used to be lovers, and they supported each other for many years and separated."

"Is it really Senior Brother Jing Zhen?"

"It's possible. You haven't seen Senior Brother Jing Zhen's fiancée targeting Senior Sister Shu Yao so much, aren't you just afraid?"

"Wow, this, this is a public confession, the rekindling of old feelings?"

All of a sudden, the students in the audience started to make a fuss, excited about what was about to happen.

Under the seat.

Fu Jingzhen stared at Shu Yao on the stage with burning eyes, slightly absent-minded.

"I'm leaving first!" Shu Murou couldn't stand listening anymore, she stood up and turned to leave.

It seems that everyone here is matching Fu Jingzhen and Shu Yao, and they all know their past.

And Shu Murou is an outsider, she looks out of place everywhere, excluded, and hated!

She is the princess of the Ross family, why should she suffer such grievances.

The old headmaster took a look, "This..."

"It's okay, it's just a temper tantrum." Fu Jingzhen's voice was slightly cold, and he didn't care.

It was because Fu Jingzhen was too indulgent that Shu Murou taught the class like that!

He just looked at the people on stage.


Shu Yao's eyes also fell on Fu Jingzhen from a distance across the crowd, and they looked at each other.

It is not the first time that we have met each other tacitly at such a grand occasion.

This is not the first time such a macro scene has occurred.

It's just that every time she stands on a high place, Shu Yao will think of her former self.

At the end of the speech, Shu Yao was relieved. Although he was not there, she felt that the man had never been far away from her.

She once spoke on stage as an outstanding freshman representative, and she was once aloof and incomparable.

It's just that this kind of pride was crushed after falling in love with Fu Jingzhen——

She fell dust from the clouds, and was trampled to death in her previous life!

But now, Fu Jingzhen's eyes are full of deep affection, who is this for?

(End of this chapter)

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