After being reborn, she became the palm of a big boss

Chapter 350 Late Affectionate Than Grass

Chapter 350 Late Affectionate Than Grass
Under the man's pretended calm gaze, this touch of deep affection, which is not obvious, can vaguely glimpse a bit of obsession.

Seeing Fu Jingzhen's obsessive gaze, Shu Yao only felt it was ridiculous.

They have been together for many years, Shu Yao can tell, she still understands that Fu Jingzhen has regrets.

But a man's self-esteem does not allow Fu Jingzhen to admit his regret.

"Who is Senior Sister Shu Yao looking at?"

"Senior Sister Shu Yao seems to be looking at Senior Brother Jing Zhen, they are looking at each other."

"Damn it, the him that Senior Sister Shu Yao mentioned is really Senior Brother Jing Zhen?"

"This is terrible. Didn't you say that Senior Brother Jing Zhen is engaged? This is going to take away love."

"Look at Senior Brother Jing Zhen! It's clearly tempting."

There was a lot of discussion in the audience.

In fact, Shu Yao could hear clearly even on stage, she knew that everyone thought that he could only be Fu Jingzhen.


Shu Yao's red lips parted slightly, her voice was clear and clear, fearless of everyone's words.

"The person I want to thank is the Qin family, Master Qin Jiu."

"He is my mentor, my benefactor, and my..."


As soon as the voice fell, the audience boiled up, like water that had just boiled.

The students looked at each other, stunned, followed by whistles and boos one after another.

"Again, it's a bit like a confession, but this time it's not Senior Brother Jing Zhen."

"Is it true this time? Are you afraid of being like Senior Brother Jing Zhen again?"

"Wouldn't it be embarrassing if we didn't get together in the end?"

"How dare you."

"As expected of Senior Sister Shu Yao!"

There were many opinions and mixed opinions.

That's Master Qin Jiu of the Qin family!

That existence in Ye City was almost unattainable for ordinary people, almost like a god.

In the past, it was an existence envied by everyone, but now the Qin family is in turmoil and the Qin family is overthrown.

It is obvious that there are very powerful people involved in a deeper struggle. In such a situation——

She admitted her liking openly, and said the person's name again.

This is standing in line.

Isn't Shu Yao afraid of her?

Those who stand on the Qin family's side now will definitely be retaliated against.

The old principal who listened gasped, "Shu Yao has really changed a lot over the years. Jing Zhen, what do you think?"

"Changed?" Fu Jingzhen, who was sitting next to the old principal, was slightly startled and repeated those two words.

He hasn't recovered yet.

Because the person Shu Yao said was not him, even though he was mentally prepared, he was still inevitably disappointed.

The old principal didn't notice his sadness, and said, "She has become more sharp and brave."

The previous Shu Yao was very good, but she was too obedient and kind.

Now Shu Yao is good, she is still as kind as before, but her kindness has a sharp edge.

"Yeah, she's changed." Fu Jingzhen echoed in a vague way.

The old headmaster heard a bit of regret, and said, "You, you didn't cherish it."

Fu Jingzhen remained silent, just watched the people on the stage bow and bow, and left gracefully after finishing his speech.

Until the end of the speech and the next show, Shu Yao was still the focus of the audience, and everyone looked back at Shu Yao.

Shu Yao met everyone's eyes and walked back to the old principal.

"Sit, thank you." The old headmaster pulled him to the empty seat beside him.

Shu Yao lifted the broken hair on her forehead and said seriously, "Thank you principal for giving me this opportunity."

"What are you talking about, you are worth it, you should be like this." The old headmaster patted Shu Yao cheerfully.

It should have been like this, as if someone had said the same thing to her?
Shu Yao was taken aback by the words, and felt that the words sounded inexplicably familiar.


It was that night at the family banquet of the Ross family, Qin Jiuxiao took off her mask and let her show her true colors.

Qin Jiuxiao told her, "You were born noble and radiant, as you should be."

Realizing that Shu Yao's eyes were slightly wet, she hurriedly avoided the sight of the old principal and lowered her eyes slightly.

Should she?

In fact, even Shu Yao once denied herself, but her hatred made her unwilling to die like this.

How could she be so stupid!

Thinking of the eldest lady of the noble Yecheng family in the past, she became the laughing stock of the rich and powerful in Yecheng in the end.

Being brainwashed, she regarded Shu Yawen as a close relative, and alienated her elder brother and grandpa, causing them to die tragically one by one.

Being deceived, he regarded Fu Jingzhen as his true love, and mistakenly thought that Qin Jiuxiao was the murderer who forced his brother to death——

Qin Jiuxiao's legs were amputated, and he was disabled for life, ruining the country.

Hurt self and others.

Even Shu Yao looked down on herself, how could she be such a person, she didn't deserve to live a lifetime.


It was Qin Jiuxiao who gave her brilliance and glory when even she spurned herself.

When she came back to her senses, Shu Yao's eyes gradually became firm and indestructible.

"I should be like this." Shu Yao used an affirmative sentence.

The old headmaster didn't know why, and said in a deep voice, "Of course, don't underestimate yourself."

Shu Yao shook her head upon hearing this, "No."

Not anymore, never again.

The old principal smiled, and pointed to the stage again, "Let's watch the show!"

Shu Yao raised her eyes to watch the Beijing Film Academy's students perform as she said, but she was somewhat absent-minded.

She frequently looked at the watch in her hand, and turned on the phone screen from time to time.

With such frequent movements, the old principal sitting beside her clearly noticed Shu Yao's anxiety.

"In a hurry?" The old headmaster saw her uneasiness and was uneasy.

Shu Yao pursed her lips and nodded, "Yes, I, I..."

"What you said just now will be passed on, you have to pay attention to safety." The old principal said meaningfully.

The water in Yecheng is too deep, since Shu Yao likes Qin Jiuye, it's up to each other.

The current Qin family is in a deep quagmire, and it's not easy to intervene. No one wants to take this muddy water.

The old school wanted to say all of this, but he still couldn't bear it.

Shu Yao was slightly surprised, "Principal?"

The old principal turned his face slightly and lowered his voice a little, "You are my student, so I will remind you a few words."

"You say."

"The one who was expelled from the family tree by the Qin family back then, has new and old grudges, you can go and find out."

At this point, the old headmaster stopped.

He still wanted to work hard until retirement, but he didn't want to get involved in it.

Shu Yao's eyes flashed, "I see, thank you."

At this moment, Shu Yao's cell phone rang.

"Principal, I..."

She knew it was time for her to leave.

"Go, go, pay attention to safety." The old principal waved his hand, indicating that he understood.

Seeing that the seat next to her was empty, Shu Yao walked away and gradually disappeared from the sight of the old principal.

He turned around and was about to speak, but found that he was not the only one paying attention to Shu Yao's whereabouts.

Fu Jingzhen, who was sitting beside him, was also staring at Shu Yao. He clearly didn't even care about his little fiancée leaving just now!
"Jing Zhen." The old headmaster said.

Fu Jingzhen came back to his senses suddenly, nodded slightly, "Teacher."

Although the old headmaster is getting old, he can see clearly because of his experience.


Fu Jingzhen was preoccupied, his fingers trembled uncontrollably, he didn't speak, and he didn't dare to speak.

This is obviously the default.

The old headmaster came over and saw it clearly, and beat the rhythm with the stage with his hand.

He seemed to be leisurely and careless, but what he said was extraordinarily stinging.

"Jing Zhen, you have to know one thing, it's not the teacher talking about you."

Fu Jingzhen hesitated for a moment, but still looked at his former mentor and now the old principal, "What are you talking about?"

"Belated affection is cheaper than grass."

The old headmaster's voice was not loud, but his words were exceptionally powerful.

Fu Jingzhen was hit by the words, his eyes narrowed slightly, his face was still calm, but he suddenly tightened his hands.

(End of this chapter)

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