Chapter 352
Qin Shiya walked very carefully in the dark, holding the doll bear in her arms tightly.

Seeing that she was about to cry, she finally saw a ray of light around the corner, so she quickened her pace.

Passing through the darkness, Qin Shiya didn't care about the darkness of the room, so she pulled the door crack and pushed it out.


Qin Shiya pushed open the heavy door, and the little bear in her hand fell to the ground unintentionally.

She picked it up preciously, hugged it in her arms and rushed into the dark room, "Little uncle!"

However, the scene in front of her scared Qin Shiya back a few steps, and sat down on the ground.

"Little, little uncle?" she said in a trembling voice.

Under the dim light, the man didn't know whether he was alive or dead. He was chained in a corner, and there were bloodstains on the ground.

Those bloodstains should have been bright red, but they were reflected in a dark color by the dim light, inexplicably permeating.

Sensing that someone was coming, the man said hoarsely, "Who is it?"

As soon as he moved, the chains rattled, and Qin Shiya crawled back in fright, shaking uncontrollably all over.

Fortunately, the man moved, and she finally saw his stern profile under the dim light.

Despite the predicament, Qin Jiuxiao's eyes were still tempered, as sharp as a knife's edge.

In the darkness, those eyes were like the pupils of a devil crawling out of hell, permeating but inexplicably attractive.

Qin Shiya tightened her grip on the doll bear, "Little, little uncle, don't you recognize me?"

She got up from the ground in a panic, only to find that her body was covered with dust and her hands were still sticky.

He raised his hand and saw that it was blood red, and his little hands were stained with filth.

"Who are you?" The man narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at the little guy in front of him.

"I, I am Yaya, little uncle, you are my little uncle."

"We are relatives, don't you remember me?"

Qin Shiya had heard from her brother about this a long time ago, but she still couldn't believe it.

Brother Qin Wenyu said that the little uncle had an accident and forgot a lot of things, Qin Shiya didn't believe it, how could it be?
But the strangeness of the man in front of him——

She was more than half sure that what her brother said was true.

"I don't know." Qin Jiuxiao's tone was indifferent, but there was no obvious guard in his eyes.

After all, he's just a child.

"Little uncle, I, I miss you so much!"

Qin Shiya pursed her lips. She confirmed that this person was Qin Jiuxiaohou, and she was no longer afraid to rush forward.

The little girl didn't weigh much, but this pounce still caught the man off guard.

He couldn't help grunting from being hit, but he didn't push the little guy in his arms away.

"Ah, blood." Qin Shiya raised her hand.

Immediately afterwards, the little guy lowered his head, and saw that the man's body was covered with horrific scars, dripping with blood, and his flesh and blood turned up.

Just looking at Qin Shiya felt that it must be extremely painful.

Otherwise, how could her little uncle, who is like a god, not be able to hug her.

Even though the darkness is terrifying, and seeing blood is disgusting, Qin Shiya didn't cry, but seeing this scene.

Qin Shiya couldn't bear it anymore, tears fell down, and she burst into tears.

She raised her small hand to touch the man's wound, "Little uncle, does it hurt?"

Thinking of something, Qin Shiya raised her hand indiscriminately to wipe away her tears, for fear that the tears would fall on the wound.

That hurts.

Qin Shiya hurriedly climbed off Qin Jiuxiao's body. She tugged on the chain, but found that she couldn't pull it off at all.

"What to do, little uncle, what to do, little uncle!" Qin Shiya couldn't help crying.

She couldn't help at all.

The chain is indestructible, and without the key, it is difficult to untie it even with a knife.

For a little guy to actually try to break the chain, it's just a dream.

Qin Jiuxiao frowned slightly, but said nothing.

Sitting on the ground, Qin Shiya cried louder and louder, and the whole empty room was filled with the cries of the little guy.

She got up from the ground, threw away the teddy bear, and struggled to pull the chain.

Qin Jiuxiao was silent when he saw it. In his eyes, this was obviously a stupid behavior, but he couldn't get angry for no reason.

"Water..." Qin Jiuxiao hesitated for a moment before speaking.

When Qin Shiya heard this, her eyes lit up, and she immediately knelt down and picked up the doll bear.

She took out her small water bottle from the zipper on the back of the teddy bear, and handed it to Qin Jiuxiao as if offering a treasure.

However, the moment she handed it out, Qin Shiya pursed her lips aggrievedly, trying not to cry.

The little uncle didn't hold it at all!
His hands were all locked, and the little uncle who was omnipotent before was actually bullied like this.

"Hey... hiccup! You!" Qin Shiya cried so hard that she even started to hiccup.

She carefully handed the water bottle to the man's lips, only to realize that the man's lips were pale and almost bloodless.

Seeing this scene, Qin Shiya's hands trembled, and she almost didn't feed it.

Just when Qin Shiya was about to feed her again, the chains in front of her suddenly rang.

"Be careful." Qin Jiuxiao frowned and said sharply.

As soon as the words fell, a brute force immediately pulled her up.

"Shiya?" A familiar voice sounded in her ears, and Qin Shiya opened her mouth.

Before he could react in the future, he could only hear the howling wind——


A slap landed on the little guy's white and tender face, rolling Qin Shiya to the ground.

The severe pain hit, Qin Shiya cried even louder, and she shouted in disbelief, "Dad, Dad!"

"You still have the face to call me daddy?"

At some point, there was another person behind her.

It's Qin Hede.

Half of him was hidden in the dark, casting a thick shadow, looking scary like a ghost.

Qin Shiya covered her swollen face from the beating, and watched her father gradually walk from the dark place to the slightly bright place.

"How did I tell you?" Qin Hede's voice was cold and heartless.

Qin Shiya could taste the blood in her mouth, she covered her face and dared not say a word.

I couldn't speak, but because of fear, tears flowed down uncontrollably, and my body twitched slightly.

Seeing the poor little guy, he was terrified.

Qin Hede wanted to hug her very much, but Qin Jiuxiao broke his legs, and he could no longer stand up.

"Go." Qin Hede gestured to the people around him.

The butler immediately understood, and stepped forward to hug the trembling Qin Shiya.

"Grandpa, what's wrong with your hand?" Qin Shiya was picked up and found that the butler grandpa was using one hand.

The other hand hangs down weakly, which is not normal no matter how you look at it.

She is not stupid.

The grandpa housekeeper shook his head to signal her not to pursue it, then bent down and put Qin Shiya on Qin Hede's lap.

"Miss is obedient."

When she was about to put it down, Qin Shiya reluctantly grabbed the butler's fingers, not wanting to be hugged by Qin Hede.

But Qin Shiya couldn't help it!

She was placed on Qin Hede's lap, in her father's arms, but she couldn't feel any warmth.

"Yaya, when will you be sensible?"

Qin Hede stroked Qin Shiya's black hair with his big hand, and it seemed to be very gentle again.

"Dad has said it many, many times, that he's the bad guy."

Hearing what Qin Hede said, Qin Shiya pursed her lips and shrank, still saying, "No."

"What's not?" Qin Hede asked patiently.

Qin Shiya looked at the locked and scarred Qin Jiuxiao in the corner.

She spoke in an immature but extremely firm voice, "Little uncle, you are not a bad person."

The butler felt that something was wrong when he heard it, and his hands trembled.

(End of this chapter)

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