Chapter 353 No Kindness

In the next second, Qin Shiya, who was still sitting comfortably on Qin Hede's lap, was suddenly pushed away and fell straight to the ground.

The strength was very fierce, and there was no mercy at all.

"Ah! Dad, it hurts, it hurts so much."

Caught off guard by Qin Hede and thrown to the ground like a doll, Qin Shiya couldn't help crying out in pain.

Qin Hede's face was gloomy, and he said angrily, "It hurts?"

Seeing Qin Hede's hand holding the wheelchair bulge, it was a sign that he was about to get angry again.

The butler subconsciously stood in front of him, protecting the little guy behind him.

"Master, Missy is still young and ignorant." The housekeeper nodded and said.

Qin Hede seemed to be persuaded, took a deep breath, and murmured, "It's still young, it's really young."

Qin Shiya is so young and ignorant, it doesn't matter if she doesn't understand good or bad.

He will teach Qin Shiya, after all, as a father, he has the responsibility to teach his children to distinguish right from wrong.

So Qin Hede regained his smiling face, leaned forward slightly, and spoke softly to Qin Shiya.

"Shiya, say it again, say that the little uncle is a bad person, and don't talk to him anymore."

"Father will carry you back home, okay?"

Qin Shiya stepped back, and she turned to look at Qin Jiuxiao.

"Let's talk." Qin Jiuxiao nodded, his eyes stared straight at Qin Shiya, calm and calm.

The butler also squatted down, hugging the trembling little guy, "Yaya, talk quickly."


Qin Shiya opened her mouth, looked at the doll bear she had left aside, and then looked at Qin Jiuxiao again.

Many wounds on her little uncle's body were caused by her father, who bullied others.

Dad is the bad guy.

She couldn't speak, but she was afraid of being beaten, so she looked at Qin Jiuxiao for help, "Little uncle..."

The little uncle had always saved her, helped her, and loved her before. She subconsciously sought the protection of the most powerful person.

She approached Qin Jiuxiao carefully, and stretched out her fleshy little hand to hold the man's hand.

"Say it!" Qin Jiuxiao's cold eyes changed, and he swung that hand away.

Qin Shiya was frightened and sat down on the ground. She didn't expect her closest uncle to treat her like this!
"Little uncle is a bad guy! Big bad guy!" The grievance broke out, and Qin Shiya burst into tears.

It was obvious that he was beaten by his father to see the little uncle, but now the little uncle doesn't recognize him, and he is still fierce.

Don't talk to little uncle again, big bad guy.

After all these things, the aggrieved Qin Shiya got into the butler's arms at once.

Her sobs could be heard intermittently from the butler's arms, and she didn't even care about her favorite doll bear.

"Very good, very good, this is my daughter." Qin Hede showed a satisfied smile.

the end.

He said again, "Take the lady back and get some medicine, and send it to the Tang family to see that genius doctor of the Tang family."

"Yes, sir." The butler nodded slightly.

Hearing this, the butler heaved a sigh of relief, and quickly left the dark cell with Qin Shiya in his arms.

After hearing the butler's footsteps gradually disappearing, Qin Hede swung his wheelchair to Qin Jiuxiao.

Qin Hede looked at Qin Jiuxiao who was shorter than him, and was very pleased.

Qin Hede, who has no legs, has been sitting in a wheelchair, and Qin Jiuxiao has always looked down upon him.

Now, the whims are turning!

Qin Hede approached, and said in a gentle voice, "Jiuxiao, are you still unwilling to promise me?"

"I promise, will you still keep me?" Qin Jiuxiao raised his eyes and asked in a cold voice.


Qin Hede was easily guessed, and immediately became irritated!

It will always be like this, Qin Jiuxiao will always be calm like this, strategizing, and simply see through his mind.

No matter what link he was in, nothing seemed to threaten Qin Jiuxiao.

"You can ignore yourself, but don't you want to think about Mr. Qin?" Qin Hede asked through gritted teeth.

Qin Jiuxiao tilted his ears, "What's wrong with grandpa?"

"Old Qin was hospitalized for a sudden illness. He was admitted to my hospital, and my guards were in charge."

"If you don't agree, think about it..."

Qin Hede deliberately lengthened the tone of the ending to stimulate Qin Jiuxiao.

This is Qin Jiuxiao's relatives, Qin Hede does not believe that Qin Jiuxiao will be indifferent.

"You dare not." Qin Jiuxiao shook his head, and he repeated, "You dare not kill Grandpa."

Qin Hede laughed loudly, then stopped instantly, "Who said I dare not?!"

Qin Jiuxiao straightened his body, the chain rattled as it was pulled, and the tearing pain made him more awake.

"Mr. Qin is the elder of the family, the main vein, the backbone."

"Once he dies, your position as the Patriarch of the Qin family has not yet been settled, and I'm afraid you will be pulled down by others."

"You might do it, but not now."

There was a deathly silence when the voice fell, because Qin Jiuxiao was right.

Qin Lao can't die now, Qin Hede can control everything secretly, but his current strength is far from daring to do anything.

After all, the Qin family, the Qin family, is not Qin Jiuxiao alone, but with Qin Jiuxiao as the backbone.

A small half of the old guys on the board of directors are working hard with Mr. Qin!

Once Mr. Qin died——

Now the situation that Qin Hede had managed to control would be chaotic in an instant, he dare not bet.

"Okay, really nice."

Qin Hede applauded Qin Jiuxiao very much.

But then, he bent down again, and directly raised his hand to pinch Qin Jiuxiao's jaw, forcing him to look directly at himself.

"What about your woman?"

"A young lady from an aristocratic family who has not been tempered by wind and frost, aren't you afraid that something will happen to her?"

Qin Jiuxiao's cold eyes finally became turbulent when he heard the words, his thin lips moved slightly, and he was about to speak.

But when the door was knocked open with a slam, a person stumbled in.

"Master!" It was Qin Hede's thugs.

Qin Hede looked sideways slightly, but still did not relax his hands, "Say."

"Master, the person we sent out to chase Miss Shu's family—"

"A brother who fell off the cliff disappeared immediately, and ran away for her. She has returned to Yecheng safely!"

The voice just fell.

"What?!" Qin Hede loosened his hands.

The thug took a trembling step back, and said, "We stopped the car, but she bumped into me and rushed to the cliff!"

"Trash! You bunch of trash!" Qin Hede was furious.

A woman can't handle it, he is raising a bunch of waste.

"Master, no, no, that woman has practiced it at all, it's not normal."

"This is definitely not what a young lady of a family should have—"

The thugs kept explaining, but Qin Hede only took it as an excuse for his incompetence.

Qin Hede pointed at the door, "Get out! Get out of here!"

Things came crashing down, the thugs put their hands on their heads to dodge, and left the cell scrambling and crawling.

After calming down, Qin Hede turned his head and turned the wheelchair, looking at Qin Jiuxiao again.

Then Qin Jiuxiao laughed lowly, his voice hoarse due to dry cough, "My woman is definitely not a kind person."

He still maintains a lofty attitude, even though he is in such a difficult situation, he still does not change from the past.

There is no wave on the stern face, like an unshakable iceberg, which is chilling.

"You—" Qin Hede was so angry that his eyes split open.

Why Qin Hede still feels that he is at a disadvantage everywhere, not as good as Qin Jiuxiao.



At least he still won!

Qin Hede remembered something and smiled cruelly.

"Do you think you're really omnipotent, do you really grasp everything?"

"At least you behaved well just now, Yaya will completely hate you!"

(End of this chapter)

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