After being reborn, she became the palm of a big boss

Chapter 354 Scream is also a kind of sound

Chapter 354 Scream is also a kind of voice

"At least you behaved well just now, Yaya will completely hate you!"


Qin Jiuxiao just twitched the corners of his mouth and didn't speak. He slowly closed his eyes and leaned against the wall to rest.

He didn't even bother to give Qin Hede a look.

Such a high profile irritated Qin Hede, but the disability of his lower body made him have no strength to move!

"You - talk, talk!"

"Aren't you disappointed? You take such good care of her, don't you just want Yaya to separate from me?"

"Yaya won't like you anymore, you failed, you are a loser!"

As Qin Hede roared, he could hear his own chest resonating.

No matter how furious Qin Hede was, it was as if he had punched the cotton with a fist, and there was no shock.

"Don't talk, right? Good, good!" He nodded.

Immediately after the sound of the wheelchair sounded, Qin Hede moved to the side of the cell and pressed the call bell.

His legs were disabled, he lost support, and became a cripple, even struggling to beat people.

But it doesn't matter, there are so many people taking refuge now, Qin Hede doesn't have to do anything, he can let others come.

Only then did Qin Jiuxiao slowly raise his eyes and look at him.

This time, Qin Hede stopped and did not press the call bell.

"Are you afraid?" Qin Hede smiled cruelly.

As long as Qin Jiuxiao surrenders a little and admits defeat, Qin Hede doesn't mind getting along well, as long as he bows his head and admits defeat.

Qin Jiuxiao laughed shortly, his voice was hoarse, but he spoke clearly outside of class.


If he didn't wait to admit defeat, what he waited for was such a slightly sarcastic remark, and he was instantly set on fire.

"Qin Jiuxiao! If you don't talk to me, I will always find a way to make you talk!" Qin Hede said angrily.

Communicating well but not listening is always such a superior attitude.

In particular, Qin Jiuxiao couldn't say what Qin Hede wanted to hear at all, so he might as well listen to other things.

Screaming is also a sound!


After finally returning to Yecheng, Che Yi stopped at Shu's mansion, and the car door was slammed open immediately.

Ari stumbled out of the car, leaning on the wall to stand firm.

"Ari, are you okay?" Shu Yao also hurried down and came to Ari's side.

Ah Li really wanted to answer Shu Yao's words, but when she opened her mouth, the nauseating feeling in her stomach became stronger.


Ari opened his mouth, but he still couldn't hold it back, holding on to the electric pole by the door and vomited it out.

There were bursts of blackness in front of my eyes, and the feeling of retching became more and more intense, but there was nothing in my stomach, so I couldn't vomit it out.

Only some clear water was vomited out, which made it even more uncomfortable, and my stomach was on fire.

Shu Yao worriedly caressed Ari's back, "I'm sorry, I drove in a hurry."

"No, vomit—!" Ahri wanted to vomit as soon as he opened his mouth.

The huge dizziness and retching made Ari dizzy for a while, and he almost couldn't stand still holding on to the pole.

Shu Yao frowned as she watched, and was about to speak.

A loud voice suddenly sounded from behind, it was Mama Xu.

"Ouch! Miss, Miss, you are back." Mother Xu walked quickly to them.

Seeing this, Madam Xu couldn't keep crying.

Seeing that Ah Li's face was blue and her lips were white, it didn't mean that the eldest lady was going back to her alma mater to give a speech, so why did this happen.

"Mother Xu, open the door first, I'll take her in." Shu Yao ordered.

Xu Ma agreed, and hurriedly ran to the front to open the door, and opened it for a long time with trembling hands.

"Master, Missy is back."

He opened the door, and yelled inside while walking, the loud voice even Shu Yao who was outside the room could clearly hear it.

"Sister Yao, I, I'm dizzy." Ari was supported by Shu Yao, and finally managed to say a word.

Shu Yao's body suddenly felt heavy, and Ah Li completely fainted after saying this sentence.

There was no other way, Shu Yao sent Ali to Shu's mansion.

"Yaoyao is back!" A figure slowly walked out of the house, grabbed Shu Yao and looked up and down.

It's Mr. Shu.

As soon as he heard that his most precious granddaughter was back, he staggered to support his body that was barely able to walk.

"This is?"

At this time, Mr. Shu found Ali who was lying unconscious on the sofa.

Shu Yao pursed her lips, her expression dodged, "I, my manager."

"Didn't you go back to your alma mater to give a speech, why did you make such a fuss, and your manager got carsick?" Mr. Shu was surprised.

Managers shouldn't be in charge of pick-up and drop-off artists often, but now they are motion sick.

"That's right, miss, did you get chased by someone when you came back? How could it be like this?"

Xu Ma came over and handed Shu Yao a hot towel.

It is really which pot is not opened and which pot is lifted!
But how could Shu Yao dare to say that they were indeed being chased, and it would be fine if Mr. Shu knew.

Originally, because grandpa didn't want her to be involved in danger, he even avoided talking about the cause of her parents' death.

What's more, because of the Qin family.

Shu Yao glanced at Xu's mother, and said, "It's because I'm tired from work, and I don't know how to drive properly."

"The car you drove?" Mr. Shu was a little surprised, feeling that something was wrong, "How dare you drive fast?"

After all, Shu Yao is also the eldest lady of the family. When Shu Boyan was still there, the Shu family was in full swing.

She is well-clothed and well-fed, and there is someone to pick her up when she goes in and out, so why would Shu Yao be required to drive?
If it wasn't for what Shu Yao said, Mr. Shu would never have known that Shu Yao could drive, and he could drive fast.

"En." Shu Yao hesitated in reply.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Shu would not give up, so he continued to ask, "Then why are you alright?"

Ah Li is like this, but Shu Yao is like a normal person.

Something seemed wrong, but Mr. Shu couldn't tell why.

Shu Yao opened her mouth, not knowing how to explain.

It just so happened that Madam Xu was not very discerning, and she was holding medicine and a glass on the table.

"Okay, master, don't worry so much, why not worry about yourself, you should take medicine today."

"Yes, Grandpa, how are you feeling recently?" Shu Yao hurriedly followed the words.

Once Mr. Shu was interrupted, he was still seriously ill before he was old, and his concentration was not so focused.

Having said that, Mr. Shu forgot to continue asking.

"It's good, but the medicine is almost finished, and the doctor doesn't know when he will be back." Old Master Shu sighed.

The doctor belongs to the Qin family.

Now that something happened to the Qin family, the doctor probably couldn't be alone.

Shu Yao saw the uneasiness of old man Shu, and said hurriedly, "It will be soon, Grandpa, don't worry."

Physician at home—

That's Shu Nanxun.

But Mr. Shu didn't know about this matter, he just felt depressed when he thought about it, but he never mentioned letting Shu Yao contact the Qin family.

After all, now that the Qin family is in turmoil, it's better for outsiders like them to sit on the hill and watch the tigers fight.

Mr. Shu leaned on crutches and sat down, "Don't talk about these things, I am quite content with my old body to be in this state."

"Grandpa, I can ask..." Shu Yao wanted to say that she could try to contact the people from the Qin family.

This is also an excuse to contact the Qin family!
But Mr. Shu shook his head, "No, absolutely not."

How can a little girl like Shu Yao be able to touch the current affairs?
Mr. Shu only hopes that Shu Yao will be safe and happy in this life, and not to be involved in any dangerous things.

"But grandpa..." Shu Yao hesitated to speak.

Master Shu subconsciously raised his voice to remind him of the seriousness of the matter.

"No but! No but."

(End of this chapter)

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