Chapter 355 Drawing the Line
"No but! No but."

As if out of breath, he put the pill tremblingly into his palm and took a long gulp while pinching the glass.

One sip was not enough, so I slowly raised it and took a sip to catch my breath.

With such slow movements, Mama Xu was bored standing still, so she simply went around and pressed the TV.

"Turn on the TV, it's a quiet home."

The TV screen suddenly lit up, and the TV was still on the previous entertainment news station.

"Sihai Entertainment will continue to report for you, please don't go away."

"Next is a special interview with Ms. Shu Yao, the lead actor of "The Long Song of Blood."

Shu Yao was startled, raised her excited hand, and slammed it on the coffee table.

"What's the matter?" Mr. Shu thought of his harsh tone just now, and felt a little regretful, so his voice became much gentler.

Shu Yao didn't care about Mr. Shu's serious tone just now, but was worried about him watching the next interview.

This makes me really angry!
"Grandpa, why don't you go and rest, why don't you watch TV?" Shu Yao tried to dissuade Mr. Shu.

As she spoke, she was going to touch the remote control and turn off the TV directly.

But Mr. Shu forcefully stopped him, he shook his head and said, "The TV is so good, Grandpa likes it."

Speaking of this, Shu Yao was embarrassed to turn off the TV again, and withdrew her hand resentfully.

Mr. Shu was actually very happy to see Shu Yao appearing on the TV screen, it was a kind of sustenance.

During the time when Shu Yao and Fu Jingzhen ran away, Mr. Shu could only watch Shu Yao on TV countless times.

This has also formed a habit. Mr. Shu likes watching TV very much.

"Okay." Shu Yao rubbed her hands.

This funny look made Mr. Shu feel funny, so what are you doing so excited.

He pointed to the TV again, "You don't have to be so excited when it's broadcasting to Yaoyao herself."

She's not excited, she's just guilty!
Isn't this the special interview where she publicly stated that her rumored boyfriend is Qin Jiuxiao?
"Mother Xu, louder, I can't hear you." Old Master Shu didn't take it seriously, and went to talk to Madam Xu.

As soon as Xu Ma heard it, she immediately raised her voice, "Yes, master."

"No, you don't need to be so loud." Shu Yao's heart skipped a beat.

Originally, Mr. Shu didn't want Shu Yao to get involved in the Qin family's matter, but this interview with Shu Yao's statement——

She clearly wants to stand in line.

Standing at Qin's house, clearly standing beside Qin Jiuxiao.

Old Master Shu didn't see Shu Yao's strangeness, and explained, "I'm old, I can't hear you, so louder!"

Now the spacious living room was filled with the voices of Four Seas Entertainment's special interview with Shu Yao, and Mr. Shu was watching it seriously.

From time to time, Mr. Shu would turn his head and say a few words to Shu Yao.

Shu Yao responded casually and perfunctorily, if Ah Li was not still unconscious on the sofa, she would have escaped.

After the show went on for a while, Shu Yao's palms were sweating.

What should come will always come——

"Okay, then actually everyone is still very concerned about a personal issue of yours recently." Xiao Yu looked at the card in his hand.

Just as the beginning of the problem was shown on the TV screen, Shu Yao subconsciously clenched her fists.

She looked uneasily at the excited old man Shu.

Immediately afterwards, Yu Yu, a reporter interviewed on TV, asked, "About your latest relationship, is it true?"

Hearing this, Mr. Shu frowned more and more deeply, as if he could vaguely predict what was going to happen.

Rubbing the hand resting on the armrest uneasily, he held his breath slightly and concentrated.

Hearing Shu Yao on the TV screen answer this question slowly.

"this matter……"

"It's true, I have someone I like."

Old Master Shu tightened his hands suddenly, remembering Shu Yao's fidgeting appearance just now.

Is it?

Mr. Shu didn't dare to miss a moment, and unconsciously leaned forward slightly, trying to see clearly.

The reporter on the TV screen was a little uneasy.

The reporter gasped, but forced himself to stabilize, "Then, would Miss Shu Yao be willing to disclose?"

"We have to refute the rumors here first, we don't have a hidden marriage."

"I have someone I like, and I'm trying to become better and pursue him. Above AUO, but not enough lovers."

"He is the other protagonist in my scandal, Qin Jiuye."

As soon as the words fell, Mr. Shu's hand trembled, and the glass he was holding fell to the ground with a bang.

The glass fell to the floor and shattered.

Shocked, Mother Xu hurriedly ran out of the kitchen again, "Master, what's the matter with you?"

But Mr. Shu froze completely, and turned his head to look at Shu Yao beside him in disbelief.

The emotions in his eyes were very complicated, his lips opened and closed, but he couldn't say anything, "Hey! You!"

"Grandpa!" Shu Yao hastily went to grab Old Master Shu's hand.

Mr. Shu tremblingly said, "Do you know what you said?"

This is no small matter!
If it was in the past, it would certainly be gratifying, but in the present, the current situation of the Qin family.

Everyone avoids it, but Shu Yao takes the initiative to rely on troublesome things!
"The Qin family is like this now, aren't you jumping into the fire pit?" Mr. Shu said again.

Shu Yao bit her lower lip and said stubbornly, "I know, but I don't regret what I said."

"Shu Yao!" Mr. Shu called Shu Yao's full name for the first time.

Does this girl understand the seriousness of the matter?
If she was retaliated against, what would happen to Shu Yao, Mr. Shu didn't dare to think about it.

His son, Shu Bo'an, died young, so he sent Mr. Shu to a white-haired man.

Now Shu Nanxun's whereabouts are unknown, and he was applied for a death certificate early, and now the only son of old Shu is Shu Yao.

How can he sit idly by?
"Grandpa! When my aunt and Shu Murou suppressed me everywhere, he helped—"

And that unspeakable night in the blues, if it wasn't for Qin Jiuxiao, she would have been unclean!

There was a clear and crisp applause, and Xu Ma was so startled that she didn't dare to move.

Master Shu dared to beat Shu Yao!
This is something Xu's mother never dared to think about before. Mr. Shu treasures his granddaughter the most.

It can be seen that Mr. Shu is really angry.

"Yao, Yaoyao." Mr. Shu was also confused, and couldn't believe that he really hit him.

Shu Yao was startled, her face turned to one side after being hit, and she turned her head to look at her grandfather after a while.

Her eyes were gradually covered with a light mist, her red lips were slightly parted, and her fingertips were trembling slightly.

"Grandpa, did you hit me?"

since rebirth.

Shu Yao has not been wronged anywhere, and Qin Jiuxiao has protected her very well.

Dudushu's slap...

It hurts.

This is the person Shu Yao cares about the most, and Shu Yao's heart throbbed when he hit her.

"Yaoyao, grandpa, grandpa doesn't want to do this either, are you obedient?" Mr. Shu is ashamed.

When it comes to the Qin family, of course he knows how to repay his kindness.

But what is more important than protecting your loved ones?

Mr. Shu has lost too much...

His wife who died of illness, son Shu Boyan who fell to death, daughter Shu Yawen who was eccentric, and Shu Nanxun whose whereabouts are unknown.

He only has Shu Yao left.

"How can I be obedient?" Shu Yao's voice trembled unconsciously.

Mr. Shu closed his eyes, and couldn't bear it, "You hold a press conference again and draw a clear line."

(End of this chapter)

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