Chapter 357

Seeing that Qin Shiya seemed confused and didn't remember what she had said, Fang the housekeeper reminded her again.

"Didn't the little princess say it in front of the master not long ago, saying that Master Qin Jiu is a bad person?"

"Did the little princess forget so quickly?"

Children's anger comes quickly, and the anger is also fast, and they don't remember it all at once.

Qin Shiya opened her mouth, but found that there was no excuse.


Although Qin Shiya didn't want to admit it, she still had infinite nostalgia and love for her little uncle in her heart.

But the little uncle is fierce and a big villain!
Qin Shiya curled her lips, unwilling to admit it, "I, I am a poor little uncle, so I don't like him!"

"You really don't like it? Then you don't want the little bear that Master Jiu gave you." The housekeeper deliberately teased her.

Upon hearing this, Qin Shiya immediately sat up from the bed, and pitifully grabbed the butler's hand and shook it fawningly.

That is the baby who has been with Qin Shiya for many years, even if it is old, even the little bear's eyes have fallen out.

She couldn't bear to lose it.

"Grandpa, I wish grandpa, Yaya wants it! Give it back to Yaya!" Qin Shiya softly shouted.

The housekeeper Zhu raised his hand and rubbed Qin Shiya's hairy head, "Of course, as long as we Yaya are happy."


Qin Shiya was so happy that she stopped crying, jumped up, and got into Butler Zhu's arms and rubbed against her.

She hid in Butler Zhu's arms, her little hands trying to hug Grandpa Zhu tightly.

"I know that grandpa is the best. Apart from my little uncle, grandpa is the best person to Yaya."

the end.

Qin Shiya thought of Qin Hede again, her body trembled, and she whispered, "Dad won't be angry, will he?"

Although Qin Shiya is young and still doesn't understand many things, she knows that Butler Zhu's hand is because of her.

It must be because her father found out that she was secretly visiting her little uncle, so she punished the butler Zhu who took care of her.

"What's the matter, the little princess is so worried about grandpa."

Butler Zhu didn't take it seriously. He knelt down and raised his hand to nod Qin Shiya's chubby face.

"En." Qin Shiya didn't continue to be brave, she lowered her head and responded in a low voice.

Qin Shiya didn't want to wish the steward to get hurt again for herself, and she didn't want someone to be punished by Qin Hede again for her.

It hurts so much for my father to beat someone, even hitting her hard, let alone some servants.

"Grandpa, if Dad doesn't agree, I'll take that doll bear..."

"No more."

When it came to the end, Qin Shiya's voice became softer and softer. It was obvious that she was still reluctant to give up, but she was also afraid.

Thinking that she would never get it back, Qin Shiya pursed her lips hard to keep herself from crying.

"Miss, what do you think this is?"

Seeing Qin Shiya crying sadly, Housekeeper Zhu suddenly smiled, as if conjuring a puppet bear.

"Ah! It's mine!" Qin Shiya jumped forward happily and snatched the puppet bear away.

There is still some cleaning smell on the puppet bear, which is fragrant, but the puppet bear has been washed for a long time, and it will not be clean.

What's more, the doll bear in the cell just now was stained with unclean things, which dyed the brown doll bear a dark brown.

The dark brown part is blood.

Qin Shiya still remembered that she had just been carried out of the cell by Butler Zhu, her body was covered in blood and dirty.

This blood belongs to my little uncle...

With so much blood left, he must be in pain.

"What's the matter, Missy is crying again." Butler Zhu noticed that Qin Shiya's mood suddenly became low.

Only when she received the puppet bear, Qin Shiya was genuinely happy for a moment.

"Grandpa, I want to help little uncle." Qin Shiya pinched the doll bear and looked up at Butler Zhu.

Butler Zhu's smile froze on his face, and he shook his head seriously, "Princess, you can't."

A child's mind is really simple, talking about such a big event is as simple as what to eat tonight.

But how can a child know so many dangers, Qin Shiya tugged at the corner of Butler Zhu's sleeve.

"But, grandpa didn't, didn't he promise me everything?"

"Please, Grandpa."

Zhu Butler sat down, held Qin Shiya's shoulder, and said seriously, "Don't mention Yaya again."

"Why?" Qin Shiya was puzzled.

I wish the housekeeper was angry and funny, "I have been beaten so many times by the master, and I still don't know why?"

Every time Qin Shiya mentioned Qin Jiuxiao, mentioned seeing Qin Jiuxiao, mentioned how good Qin Jiuxiao was, she would get beaten.

If he was allergic to that name, Qin Hede would be furious.

Qin Shiya cried every time she was beaten, and when she cried, she forgot that she still liked her little uncle, poor child.

"Yaya, can you be obedient?" Zhu Butler said earnestly.

Qin Shiya hugged the bear in her arms tightly, and snorted, "Dad is a cheapskate, and he knows how to bully people!"

Beat her every time, beat her brother, beat her mommy, and bully her little uncle.

Dad is either a hero or a villain.


"Isn't Dad just jealous that my little uncle looks better than him! Hmph!"

Children are ignorant, and they speak straightforwardly without any hindrance.

Butler Zhu couldn't help laughing, "The little princess is really joking."

As soon as the words fell, the ancient clock downstairs sounded again, reminding Qin Shiya that it was time for her lunch break.

"Little princess, let's go to bed first." Butler Zhu got up and pulled the quilt for her.

the end.

Fearing that Qin Shiya, a quirky little girl, would mess around again, Zhu Butler reminded her.

"You are not allowed to have this idea, you are not allowed to save the little uncle, you understand?"

"Got it, grandpa, hum!"

Qin Shiya lay down reluctantly, huddled under the quilt and closed her eyes, getting ready for sleep.

Until he heard the door being closed with a bang, the butler Zhu's footsteps gradually faded away.

Qin Shiya immediately opened her eyes, and got up from the bed in a jerk.

She quickly climbed out of bed, came to the door, stood on tiptoe with difficulty and unlocked the door.

After doing all this, Qin Shiya quickly ran back to the bed, got into the bed, and covered herself up.

"Hmph, don't let me have this idea, don't dare me to save little uncle, right?"

"Then others can always do it."

Thinking of this, Qin Shiya licked her lower lip, and immediately opened the zipper on the back of her puppet bear.

Although this doll bear is not too big, it is definitely not small either. Qin Shiya hides many little treasures inside.

She reached out and groped inside the doll bear for a long time, and took out a small smart phone.

After tossing around for a long time, Qin Shiya still didn't make a call.

"Too bad, I don't have a phone number for my beautiful sister." Qin Shiya pouted, very distressed.

How to do this?

Qin Shiya threw the phone aside angrily, thinking that she could save her little uncle by thinking of a way.


Qin Shiya immediately realized that the beautiful sister is so beautiful, maybe she is a big star.

It would be great if she was a big star, she has a solution.

Qin Shiya searched on her mobile phone for a long time, but to no avail, the scope was too wide, she couldn't remember what Shu Yao's name was.

Turn it over again, this time it's done without any effort!

I actually saw the beautiful sister on the topic of the hot search #朱尧特别相话# on the entertainment platform.

"It's a beautiful sister!"

Qin Shiya was so happy that she almost jumped up, and immediately began digging out crayons and small slips of paper from the doll bear to record information.

"What's her name? Shu Yao, the phone number of the studio, the phone number of the agent..." She muttered in a low voice while copying seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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