After being reborn, she became the palm of a big boss

Chapter 358 Opened the telegram chapter!

Chapter 358 Get through the phone!

"Phone, phone..."

Qin Shiya muttered alone in the quilt, as if she was planning an important matter alone.

A small piece of paper was copied by Qin Shiya, but the most regrettable thing is that there is no private phone number of Shu Yao.

"It's normal for a beautiful sister to be a big star without a private phone."

"If I call the studio, that's not right, it's a job handover."

"Then call the agent?"

Seeing that she had copied so much information, Qin Shiya was in trouble, and always felt that it was not good to make any calls.

She doesn't know herself, if she is treated as a child who made the wrong call, wouldn't she have failed.

If it fails, the little uncle will definitely be bullied if he is locked up there alone.

do not care--

Qin Shiya first dialed the phone number of the studio, and she planned to try one by one.

"Hello!" Qin Shiya greeted excitedly as soon as she got through.

But this shout affected Qin Shiya's beaten half of her face, and she grinned in pain.

The other end of the phone asked politely, "Hi, hello, what can I do?"

"I want to find Sister Shu Yao——"

"Hello, what's the matter with you? Please explain your purpose."


"Little sister?"

Seeing that Qin Shiya couldn't tell why, she sounded like a child when she heard her voice.

Maybe it was a wrong number or it was a joke, the studio hung up the phone immediately, Qin Shiya was stunned.

She pouted aggrievedly, and threw her small mobile phone aside.

This was obviously underestimated by others, Qin Shiya was in a hurry, but she endured it and picked up the phone again.

She licked her lower lip and tried to call Shu Yao's manager.

Perhaps the result this time is the same, and he will not be treated as a brat and be underestimated.

However, Qin Shiya still wanted to give it a try, she didn't want to see her little uncle being bullied so badly by her father again.

"Hello? Hello." It was quickly picked up over there.

Hearing this familiar yet unfamiliar voice, Qin Shiya opened her mouth, unable to believe it, feeling like it was and was not.

Shouldn't this be the broker's call?
Why did the voice on the other side of the phone sound so much like a beautiful sister, Qin Shiya let out an ah.

"You, are you Shu Yao?" To be sure, Qin Shiya didn't dare to shout.

She was afraid that if she yelled indiscriminately, it would be bad if the other end of the phone was not Shu Yao, but her manager would cut her off.

Hearing this, there was a pause and then he said, "I am. Are you?"

"Beautiful sister! It's me! Beautiful sister!"

Hearing that the other party was confirmed, Qin Shiya yelled happily, and then realized that she couldn't yell like that.

She hurriedly covered her mouth and lowered her voice, "Beautiful sister, do you still remember me? I'm Qin Shiya."


The other side reacted quickly, and Shu Yao asked back, "Yaya?"

"It's me! Sister, you still remember me, beautiful sister, I'm afraid, I'm afraid I won't find you."

As soon as she found someone, Qin Shiya instantly felt safe in her heart, and couldn't help but want to cry and act like a baby.

Shu Yao comforted her softly, "Don't worry, didn't you find me?"

"Sister, I called your manager, why did you answer it?" Qin Shiya immediately realized.

Shu Yao laughed, and said, "My manager is sick, I will act as my manager temporarily."

The words are exactly the same as the beautiful big sister in Qin Shiya's impression, and people can't help but want to get close.

She quickly grabbed the phone and burst into tears, "Beautiful sister, please help little uncle."

Shu Yao over there suddenly heard the address and hadn't reacted yet, but when she did, she immediately became nervous.

"What's the matter, what's the matter with him?" Shu Yao hurriedly asked, her voice was not as steady as it was at the beginning.

Qin Shiya sobbed and said, "Little uncle, he, he bled a lot, it hurts me to see it, woo woo."

When Qin Shiya was speaking, she was crying hard, and the sobbing sound was mixed with the immature child's voice, and it was very difficult for Shu Yao to hear it clearly.


"He bled a lot."

Shu Yao was startled, and unconsciously repeated Qin Shiya's words, as if she couldn't breathe for a moment.

She couldn't imagine how much a child should say these words.

"Beautiful sister, think of a way, Yaya doesn't know what to do." Qin Shiya sniffed and said again.


Qin Shiya reminded Shu Yao that Qin Shiya had no choice but to ask her for help.

If even Shu Yao panicked, how could she help Qin Jiuxiao.

Shu Yao was silent for a while, and then she calmed down, "Where is he?"

Qin Shiya pursed her lips and thought for a moment, "I, I don't know, it seems to be in the cellar at home."

"Home..." Shu Yao frowned slightly.

A person like Qin Hede is also a hero, and there must be a lot of real estate under his banner.

Qin Shiya said so broadly, Shu Yao had no way of knowing which family she was referring to.

"Yaya, can you tell me more details?"

"But beautiful sister, I don't know where my home is, how can I describe it."

Qin Shiya was in trouble, she didn't know where this place was, and she was picked up every time she went home.

She is still young, so she doesn't know the address or road at all, and there is no way to describe it to Shu Yao.

"I can't help, sister." Qin Shiya panicked.

Shu Yao calmed down quickly, and then reminded in a gentle voice, "No, no, Yaya, listen to me."

Under Shu Yao's guidance, Qin Shiya quickly found information on how to operate.

She directly sent her current location to Shu Yao's mobile phone, and cheered happily.

"Sister, is this okay?" Qin Shiya felt as if she had done a big thing.

Shu Yao was still very gentle, with a very soothing force, "It's great, Yaya did a good job."

For a child to do this, Shu Yao really thinks that Qin Shiya is very good.

At least, Qin Jiuxiao really didn't love her for nothing before.

"Yaya, I'm just asking, if you feel embarrassed, don't agree to sister."

"what's up?"

"Yaya, can you find a way to let me talk to your little uncle?"

Having said that, Qin Shiya fell silent for a moment.

She touched her face that was hurt by the beating, hesitated and asked Shu Yao again and again, "Then will you save little uncle?"

"I must save it." Shu Yao meant that no matter what, she must save it.

But Qin Shiya unexpectedly understood that if Shu Yao could call Qin Jiuxiao, Shu Yao would definitely save her.

It was a bit difficult, but Qin Shiya felt sorry for her little uncle and felt that it was not a problem. Since she must save her, she agreed.

Qin Shiya lifted the quilt and jumped out of bed, climbed onto the balcony, and looked in the direction of the cellar entrance.

No one, this point is the time when she started her lunch break, and it happened to catch up with the shift change, and there was no guard in the middle.

"Pretty sister, don't hang up the phone, I'll find a way to get in now."

"Okay, Yaya, be careful."

Qin Shiya jumped out of bed, stuffed the phone into the doll bear,

She hugged her teddy bear and rushed out of her bedroom.

Now that shifts are changing, there are very few people in the villa, and Qin Shiya almost ran out all the way unimpeded.

She just ran to the cellar door, and the sun outside was very strong, and the sun fell in front of her.


Qin Shiya found out why there was such a big shadow behind her——

There must be someone behind it!
(End of this chapter)

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