359 Hold the call

Qin Shiya didn't dare to turn around, for fear that the person she would see when she turned around would be Qin Hede.

If it was my father, if my father found out——

"Miss, you're running around again." A familiar voice came from behind, which instantly reassured Qin Shiya.

She turned around and plunged into the arms of the person behind her, sobbing, "I was scared to death, grandpa."

As soon as she heard Steward Zhu's voice, Qin Shiya completely relaxed.

She knew that in this big family, only Butler Zhu would protect her forever and love her forever.

"Little princess, didn't you say that you stopped making trouble?" Butler Zhu knelt down and wiped Qin Shiya's tears.

Qin Shiya was so frightened that she shed tears, half of her face was still swollen, and her buttocks on the lower body also hurt from the fall.

This was all done by Qin Hede, if it happened again, Qin Shiya couldn't imagine what would happen to her.

However, she must let the beautiful sister talk to the little uncle, only in this way can the little uncle be saved.

Qin Shiya didn't dare to expose Shu Yao, so she started talking nonsense, "But I want to see my little uncle."

"He doesn't even remember you, what's the use of seeing him?"

"Little princess, it's a good thing I found you. If it was the master, you would be beaten again."

I wish the housekeeper was angry and distressed, half of the little guy's face was still red and swollen, and his eyes were also red and swollen like rabbits.

Even under such circumstances, the little guy still misses her little uncle, really angry and reluctant to beat and scold her.

"I, I..." Qin Shiya became nervous.

If she can't explain why, she will be taken away by housekeeper Zhu, which is not acceptable.

Qin Shiya hurriedly raised her face, hugged Butler Zhu's calf and said softly, "I want to apologize to my little uncle."

"Apologize?" Butler Zhu asked confused.

Qin Shiya nodded quickly, she thought of a reason, which sounded reasonable.

"At that time, I didn't listen to my father and scolded my uncle. I felt bad."

"Little uncle was so kind to me before, how can I scold him, I, I feel so guilty, grandpa."

She spoke vividly and began to cry, holding the little doll bear, her small body shaking.

It makes people feel more distressed the more they look at it, not to mention the housekeeper Zhu who has taken care of her since she was a child?

Even if he knew it was wrong, the butler Zhu still indulged him.

"Little princess, grandpa promised you, don't cry." The housekeeper Zhu took out a handkerchief and wiped Qin Shiya's tears.

Qin Shiyan nodded her head humbly, looking expectantly at the cellar.

This little guy, the thought of rushing to see her little uncle is almost written on his face.

The butler Zhu took Qin Shiya's small arm and told her earnestly that there was really no room for maneuver this time.

"It's only five minutes, if you're late—"

The shift change is 10 minutes, starting now, the most conservative calculation time is within 5 minutes.

If Qin Hede finds out again, Steward Zhu can't guarantee his safety.

"You won't be able to see Grandpa."

Qin Shiya was startled, tears almost burst out again, "I know! I will be punctual!"

Qin Shiya can still understand these words, and now Butler Zhu's hands are still bandaged.

It's all because Qin Shiya recklessly wanted to go in not long ago, but after coming out, Butler Zhu's hand was broken——

It must be because of her, butler Zhu was punished.

"Let's go." Zhu steward urged.

Qin Shiya got into the cellar at once, and learned from the past, Qin Shiya was not so scared this time.

She ran very fast, taking out her phone while running.

"Beautiful sister, I'm coming in. I have about 4 minutes to talk when I run over."

"Thank you, Yaya."

"You're welcome!"

Shu Yao fell silent for a while, she didn't hang up the phone just now.

Shu Yao had been listening to the conversation between Qin Shiya and Butler Zhu, and only after listening did she realize that Qin Shiya was risking herself.

If she had known this earlier, Shu Yao would never have agreed to let Qin Shiya look for her.


Qin Shiya pushed open the door of the cell.

"Who?" The man's hoarse voice sounded.

Hearing the man's indifferent and distant voice, Qin Shiya was so frightened that she sat down on the ground, and shrank back.

Well, so scary.

She was a little afraid of Qin Jiuxiao, because Steward Zhu also said that something happened to her little uncle and his brain was broken.

The little uncle didn't recognize her at all, and he was so aggressive with her. In the past, the little uncle had a cold face and a warm heart.

The little uncle is so fierce now, it's as if he can beat someone!
"Beautiful sister, I dare not go there, because the little uncle doesn't recognize me anymore."

"The last time I came, he was still fierce to me, so fierce that he wanted to eat me."

Qin Shiya held the phone and talked anxiously, and looked at Qin Jiuxiao frequently, but she still didn't dare to go.

What to do with this!

Is it going to waste all previous efforts here? Qin Shiya was thinking whether to grit her teeth and throw the phone over.

"Ya Ya, call him Ninth Brother, and he won't be aggressive." Shu Yao's voice came.

Qin Shiya walked over tentatively, "Ninth Brother, can you, can you answer the phone?"

As she said, she closed her eyes and handed over the phone.

"Bring it here." Surprise flashed across Qin Jiuxiao's eyes, and he said in a cold voice.

He was able to have a normal conversation!
Qin Shiya immediately ran over with her mobile phone in her hands, and the man's hands and feet were locked and restricted.

She lifted the phone up and put it on Qin Jiuxiao's ear.

"Little, little uncle, can you bend down, I can't reach it, my hands are so tired..."

Qin Shiya couldn't take it anymore, and felt unable to hold on after lifting it for a second, the little uncle was too tall.

Holding it like this, Qin Shiya's hand was about to break.

She just said that, and she didn't expect her little uncle who didn't recognize her to be obedient.

But I didn't expect the man to respond, "Okay."

Qin Jiuxiao bent down slightly, Qin Shiya came back to her senses and quickly pressed the phone to Qin Jiuxiao's ear.

"Yaoyao, is that you?" Qin Jiuxiao's voice became a little angry after a long absence, with a touch of joy.

The familiar voice came through the mobile phone, and Shu Yao's eyes became hot.

She suppressed her emotions, afraid of being noticed by the person on the other end of the conversation, "It's me."

"Yaoyao, don't cry, and don't miss me too much." The man smiled lowly, with tenderness in his brows and eyes.

Qin Shiya was dumbfounded, she had hardly seen such a gentle and kind little uncle.

The little uncle likes the pretty sister.

Qin Shiya complained secretly from the bottom of her heart that her little uncle was a villain.

"You—who misses you!" Shu Yao was guessed, but she still bit her lower lip and refused to bear it.

In front of this man, Shu Yao really lost completely, even if others said that she made the same mistakes again, she would admit it.

The man is still extremely gentle and tender, as if the pain in his body is gone.

"Well, I miss you, okay?"

Shu Yao felt a sharp pain in her heart, she said hoarsely, "Is now the time to talk about this?"

Qin Jiuxiao is such a calm and rational person, but there are times when he is irrational.

But it's not impossible, after all, he has lost his memory, and he is no longer just that superior Qin Jiuye.

"But I really miss you." Qin Jiuxiao lost those precautions and spoke rather childishly.

Shu Yao endured it and did not speak, but because of her poor condition, she was holding back her tears, and her breathing seemed a little rough.

The man also quickly sensed Shu Yao's emotions, he said slowly, "Don't be afraid."

"How could I not be afraid?" Shu Yao suddenly became anxious, and asked sharply.

Qin Jiuxiao is such a big man, if he says he can't see him, he will disappear.

Then Shu Yao quickly forced herself to calm down, and she asked again, "How can I help?"

Qin Jiuxiao is the person involved, he should know the current situation best.

Sure enough, the man gave a clear answer.

"First, find Shu Nanxun and ask him to take my mother back to China. My mother knows my father's old department."

"Second, use father's old department to protect grandpa, the sooner the better."

the end.

Qin Jiuxiao knew that it was far from easy, but he could only say, "Thank you, Yaoyao."

(End of this chapter)

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