After being reborn, she became the palm of a big boss

Chapter 361 Grandpa's Difficulties

Chapter 361 Grandpa's Difficulties

"How could the medicine be gone long ago? Didn't Grandpa say..."

"Master, he was worried about you and deliberately lied to you!"

Mama Xu knew that Mr. Shu was the most precious granddaughter of Shu Yao, so she deliberately lied to Shu Yao.

If you want to get medicine from a doctor, you must contact the Qin family.

Because the doctor belongs to the Qin family, and now that the Qin family is in such a situation, Master Shu doesn't want Shu Yao to contact the Qin family.

Master Shu doesn't need to say anything!

Mama Xu is an old servant, and she came in when Master Shu was young, but she can't understand how Master Shu behaved like this.

Obviously old master Shu is also happy that he can get well after taking the medicine and can stand up, but he doesn't say anything because of Shu Yao——

What if it happens, if it rebounds, will it go bad?

Mama Xu couldn't stand it anymore, "Miss, I hope you don't blame the master, you should think of a way."

Just now, Mr. Shu had a dispute with Shu Yao and even slapped Shu Yao.

"Mother Xu, why would I blame Grandpa?" Shu Yao was startled, and subconsciously said.

Mama Xu let out an ouch, and said again, "You used to scare the master to death, don't you remember?"

It's not like Xu's mother has never seen it before. Shu Yao stubbornly liked Fu Jingzhen before, and she tried to have such a feud.

At that time, Shu Yao turned around and left, and she left for several months.

For example, in order to punish Mr. Shu, Shu Yao and Fu Jingzhen left without a word, and it took a long time before they found their whereabouts.

Mr. Shu is in a hurry!

Now I can't bear to do it again, Xu's mother is terrified.

Shu Yao came to her senses, she nodded, "It's because I was young and ignorant, I won't, Mama Xu."

"It's fine if you don't, it's fine if you don't."

"I'm going to trouble the young lady to pay more attention to this matter. The master's medicine has been discontinued for more than a week."

Mama Xu knew that she was speaking loudly, so she kept looking up frequently for fear of waking Master Shu who was resting upstairs.

"do not worry."

With Shu Yao's reassurance, Madam Xu left.

Seeing Mama Xu walking away, Shu Yao lowered her eyes slightly, and subconsciously raised her hand to touch the place where she was beaten just now.

In fact, grandpa has not changed, he is still the grandpa who cherishes her.

It was her grandfather who would rather be tortured by machines than die in her previous life, so as not to let others bully her grandfather.

Now, in order not to put her in danger, she can even ignore her own illness.


At this time, Ari's cell phone rang, and she picked it up quickly, not daring to disturb Shu Yao who was still in a trance.

After finishing the phone call, Shu Yao came back to her senses.

"What's wrong?" Shu Yao asked when Ari was looking at her.

Ah Li's eyes were full of helplessness, she packed up her things and said, "It's not Sister Yao's job, it's all pushed away."

Obviously such a good resource, but why...

"Ari, I'm sorry." Shu Yao also felt sorry, obviously Ari found such a good resource for her.

Ari couldn't see Shu Yao like this the most, pretending to be indifferent, "What's the matter, you're not alone."

Ah Li knew that Shu Yao had made up her mind, and no one could persuade her.

"Forget it! If I don't bring you, sister Yao, I have other artists to bring along."

"Wen Wan is going back to China recently, and there are a lot of resources to contact. I have to deal with it quickly."

Jingsheng Entertainment, a subsidiary of the Shu Corporation, has just been rising steadily because of Wen Wan's fame abroad.

With such a great situation and opportunity, the times create heroes, and it is inevitable for Ahri to win another one.

This is not good for now, the next one will be better.


Country S, private hospital.

"Since you have many signs of miscarriage before, please pay attention to come here and get the miscarriage injection on time."

"Of course, you have to pay attention to the relevant diet during pregnancy."

Almost without raising his head, Shu Nanxun typed out the relevant medicine list through the computer and handed it out.

The whole process was done in one go, without any hesitation or delay.

"Thank you." The lady sitting in front of her was very grateful and stood up to bow.

The young lady at the side was bewildered, and quickly supported the lady.

"Auntie, don't say goodbye, I'm afraid of you, this is a big baby."

It is rare for Patriarch Rose and Cofilo to have a child of their own, not to mention how precious it is!
After being supported, the young lady took the place of the noble lady and bowed to Shunan Xun repeatedly to express her thanks.

It's just that the action seems too indifferent, and it seems a little insincere, but what's the matter!

This is my friend's brother, he's too polite to be rusty.

"Aisa, that's enough." Shu Nanxun frowned slightly, and said in disbelief.

If it wasn't for his sister's friend, Shu Nanxun would ask someone to pull this noisy guy out.


Aisa straightened up hey, and looked at Cofilo beside him, "I've already said it, don't be so polite."

"Anyway, thank you very much..."

As soon as the words fell, a shadow suddenly jumped over from outside the door, and slammed under the stage.


It's meowing.

Aisa was taken aback, feeling that the call was inexplicably familiar, "Shu Nanxun, do you have a cat?"

"I picked it up." Shu Nanxun expressionlessly grabbed the cat who was pulling his trousers under the stage.

However, as soon as the cat was caught, Cofilo was stunned, and his beautiful heterochromatic pupils opened wide.

"This, isn't this Xiaoqi?" Cofilo's voice trembled slightly.

Aisa also recognized it clearly, and she also saw the brand on the cat's neck, which was clearly the symbol of the family.

"It's Xiao Qi! It's the missing Xiao Qi!" Aisa was surprised and delighted.

She didn't expect to see the lost Xiao Qi here, and she didn't expect that her uncle's precious cat would be found again.

After searching for a long time, there was no news at all, and Patriarch Rose almost gave up.

Before Kofilo approached, Xiao Qi slid onto the table and approached Cofilo intimately.

Cofilo raised his hand and touched the cat's head, "Xiaoqi, is that you?"

Xiao Qi rubbed against the warm palm, and it meowed.

"It's Xiaoqi, look, auntie, there's a brand here." Aisa showed Cofilo the brand on the cat's neck.

This is absolutely unmistakable.

Shu Nanxun also raised his eyebrows in surprise, "Your cat?"

Shu Nanxun never expected that it was a cat from the Ross family.

"Of course, what's the matter?" Seeing Shu Nanxun's half-smile, Aisa felt a little creepy.

Shu Nanxun looked at the cat and said calmly, "Do you like to abuse cats?"

How is this possible?
As soon as Aisa heard it, he immediately retorted loudly. Everyone in the cat family knows how precious the owner of Los is.

"What! Of course it's impossible, Xiaoqi is my uncle's treasure."

"Xiao Qi is the most like—"

"No, what are you talking about cat abuse?"

Shu Nanxun twitched the corners of his mouth, quite sarcastically, thinking that Aisa's current appearance was ridiculously stupid.

"This cat came to the hospital by itself, and it was weak and dying when it came." He said succinctly.

Aisa was taken aback, and murmured, "No, it's impossible."

"How could this be?" Cofilo was very distressed, and picked Xiao Qi up and stroked him in his arms.

Xiaoqi saw the former owner shrink back obediently, and raised his claws to grab Cofilo's blond hair from time to time.

It seems to be enjoying itself, which is in stark contrast to the misery at the beginning.

"Maybe I lost it and got injured outside." Aisa couldn't think of any other reason, and said to himself.

Shu Nanxun smiled coldly, "Impossible, it was thrown out."

Los Manor is quite a distance from here, and the cats are still too trotting, so how can domestic cats not go back.

There are various indications that it was obviously discarded artificially.

Aisa asked subconsciously, "Who would lose it?"


Shu Nanxun was about to speak when the phone on the table vibrated suddenly.

He glanced briefly, and the caller, Shu Yao, was displayed on the screen.

(End of this chapter)

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