After being reborn, she became the palm of a big boss

Chapter 362 The code name of the old department

Chapter 362 The code name of the old department

It's Shu Yao's call.

Due to the presence of outsiders, Shu Nanxun was hesitant to pick it up now.

Seeing that Shu Nanxun seemed to be very busy, Aisa was very clever, and spoke first with a sense of humor, picked up the cat and petted it.

"Then, can we take Xiaoqi back?"

Shu Nanxun lowered his eyes slightly, without too much emotion, "Yes."

Since it was determined that this wild cat belonged to the Ross family, Shu Nanxun naturally had no other objections.

What's more, this cat has been eating and drinking for nothing here for a while.

Aisa gave Shu Nanxun a slight nod while holding Xiao Qi in his arms, and then left the consulting room with Xiao Qi in his arms.

As she walked out of the consulting room, she teased the cat's chin, making Xiaoqi's tail wag.


Xiaoqi sensed that something was wrong with Sisi, and suddenly cried out, struggling to escape from Aisa's arms.


When Aisa was about to walk out of the consulting room with Xiao Qi in his arms, Xiao Qi jumped up and broke free from Aisa's arms.

"What's the matter?" Cofilo was also taken aback, and hid for a while.

Aisa was about to be scratched by Xiao Qi, and looked at his hands with lingering fear, "I don't know either."

Xiaoqi jumped out of Aisa's arms, it turned around immediately, stepped on the chair lightly and jumped away.

Finally, Xiaoqi landed on Shu Nanxun's desk, and it nestled cross-legged beside Shu Nanxun's hand.

"Xiaoqi!" Aisa couldn't believe it.

Xiao Qi obviously doesn't want to go home anymore, but wants to be with Shu Nanxun.

It wasn't long before Xiao Qi got lost, but Xiao Qi was actually attached to Shu Nanxun now, and she didn't want to leave.

"What's going on, it's impossible." Aisa turned around and wanted to catch Xiao Qi again.

Seeing the hand stretched out, Xiaoqi raised her hand and gave it a paw.

Fortunately, Aisa withdrew his hand quickly, so he didn't get scratched.


"Forget it, Aisa, maybe we can't take it away."

Seeing that Aisa still wanted to go up, Cofilo grabbed Aisa in time, his face full of embarrassment.

Shu Nanxun's cell phone has been vibrating since just now, and it has not been answered, probably because they are there.

Seeing this, Cofilor pulled Isa back.

Aisa couldn't understand, "Auntie, this is uncle's cat, if it doesn't come with us, why don't we want it?"

"Wait a minute, let your uncle come and take Xiao Qi away when he is free."

"Let's not bother Dr. Shu."

Cofilo nodded slightly to Shu Nanxun, while holding down the restless Aisa.

Shu Nan Xun nodded slightly, "Go slowly."

Cofilo was decent and polite, and pulled Isa, who took a step and looked back, out of the consulting room.

Seeing that her captor had left, Xiao Qi obviously relaxed, and her barking was much more docile than before.

Xiao Qi stood up, shrank towards Shu Nanxun's hand, lowered his head and rubbed Shu Nanxun's hand flatteringly.

Shu Nanxun patted Xiao Qi, then picked up the phone.

"Yaoyao, what's the matter?"

Shu Yao heard the long-lost voice, took a breath, and said again, "Brother."

It's okay if you don't open your mouth, but Shu Yao herself was startled when she opened her mouth, she didn't expect that she could shout so stickily.

Even Shu Nanxun was a little surprised, he raised his eyebrows.

"Speak well." Shu Nanxun heard the over-reliance in Shu Yao's words.

Shu Yao calmed down, adjusted herself, and explained everything about returning to Yecheng in detail.

From the beginning to the end, Shu Nanxun didn't interrupt, and there was only the sound of regular breathing on the other part of the phone.

He is listening and thinking.

"Brother, when are you coming back?" Shu Yao asked without saying anything.

Shu Nanxun was silent for a while, then said slowly, "Qin Siwen's death has had a great impact on her, I'm not sure when she will return."

Now Jiang Yunrong's mood is very unstable, Jiang Yunrong is his former benefactor.

It is absolutely impossible for Shu Nanxun to leave Jiang Yunrong at this time and let Jiang Yunrong have an accident.

"But brother, if she doesn't go back to China, at least tell me about Mr. Qin's old department."

Shu Yao's tone was also surprisingly tough, as if at least Shu Nanxun should give her the news no matter what.

Such a tone, a decisive tone.

Shu Nanxun felt strange for a moment, and he asked back, "You don't know?"

"How would I know?" Shu Yao also answered quickly.

This is a subconscious reaction, at least it shows that Shu Yao is not lying, she really does not know.

"I told you before that Ling Yang knew the code name of the old department, and Qin Siwen used animals as the code name."

"They are the spider, the lone wolf, and the white crane."

Shu Yao's eyes changed slightly, "Okay, I see."

"Why don't you ask me if it's real?" Shu Nanxun suddenly smiled and asked.

Before Shu Yao could speak in the future, Shu Nanxun asked again.

"Does Yaoyao know something? I'm more sure that this code name is accurate?"

Shu Yao tightened her hands on the phone, and was silent for a while.

"Just kidding, don't be so serious." Seeing that the atmosphere became stiff, Shu Nanxun broke the silence.

He raised his hand to caress Xiao Qi's ear, rubbed it, his eyes were dark as if he was thinking about something.

"Yaoyao, you have to remember how Qin Siwen died."

Qin Siwen died by injecting poison into the infusion tube in his own private hospital under the eyes of many cronies.

That proves that the person who killed Qin Siwen was definitely someone close to Qin Siwen.

This means that one of his three confidantes is a traitor.

It's the ghost of the Qin family!

"So it's all about being careful, and don't try to be brave."

"it is good."

This time Shu Nanxun didn't wait for Shu Yao to hang up the phone first, he hung up first.

Shu Nanxun was afraid that if he didn't hang up the phone, he wouldn't be able to pretend to be ignorant, so he saw Shu Yao in danger.


Shu Yao put down the phone that ended the call, and quickly went back to the room.

She sat at the computer desk, opened the keyboard, and typed quickly on the keyboard with her fingers like playing a piano.

A person's profile picture quickly appeared on the screen, along with age and identity information.

Shu Yao quickly dialed the number according to the number displayed on the screen.

"Hello? Is it Ling Lei?" Shu Yao quickly asked after seeing that the phone was connected.

There was a moment of silence over there, and then he spoke again, "You are?"

"I'm Shu Yao."

She was actually the eldest lady of the Shu family.

It's a woman wearing a token that symbolizes the head of the Qin family. What is she calling at this time to do?

Many thoughts flashed through Ling Lei's mind, "It's Miss Shu, what can I do for you?"

"Pick me up, I'm going to Qin's house." Shu Yao almost ordered her.

When the Qin family came to the Shu family and Shu Yao went to the Qin family, Ling Lei recognized the token on Shu Yao's hand at a glance.

Ling Lei is Mr. Qin's personal assistant and confidant, so he should understand the weight of this keepsake.

"Miss Shu, it's not good for you to order me like this." Ling Lei was still unwilling to let go easily.

It's just a lady from a family, a little girl, maybe she doesn't know anything at all.

What's the trouble at this time!

Ling Lei deliberately pretended not to know, just to get away with it.

However, the cold and calm voice from the other end of the phone shocked Ling Lei.

"Ling Lei, don't play dumb."

"You are Mr. Qin's confidant, don't tell me you don't recognize the one I wore that day!"

That is the token of the Patriarch!
Elder Qin had worn it before, and Ling Lei still pretended to be crazy in front of Shu Yao, which was ridiculous.

Ling Lei gasped for breath, and couldn't believe that this sense of intimidation came from a young lady from a family.

He hurriedly opened his mouth to give an answer.

"Miss Shu, I'm sorry—but I still can't go!"

"It's not that I don't want to take you to the Qin family, it's that the Qin family has been taken over."

(End of this chapter)

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