After being reborn, she became the palm of a big boss

Chapter 363 The Patriarch's Order

Chapter 363 The Patriarch's Order
"It's not that I don't want to take you to the Qin family, it's that the Qin family has been taken over."

On the first day that Qin Wenyu temporarily took over as chairman of the board, the Qin family was controlled by Qin Wenyu.

The Qin family has deployed some people, and now the Qin family is not safe due to people or ghosts inside and out.

Shu Yao couldn't even do it.

That's all, Ling Lei originally thought that Shu Yao would give up the idea, but the other end of the phone was silent for a moment and then spoke again.

"Pick me up, right now."


Ling Lei clenched his hands tightly, still stubbornly unwilling to obey for a moment.

Compared with a young lady from a family, Ling Lei believed in his own judgment more. What can a young lady know.

It's just a flower bone raised in a greenhouse. She must have been protected too well by Qin Jiuxiao before.

I simply don't know the heights of the heavens and the depths of the earth!
Ling Lei indulged and refused to listen. In the current situation, who could do anything to him.

A woman's soft voice came from the other end of the phone, "Even Patriarch's orders don't stop, I think this bracelet might as well be melted."

"Miss Shu!" Ling Lei was taken aback.

Taking advantage of the victory, Shu Yao pursued and repeated those two words indifferently, "Pick me up."


In the end, Ling Lei had to grit his teeth and agree.

Shu Yao, who kills one thousand enemies and hurts eight hundred, can do this kind of tough method.

Ling Lei had no choice but to give in to Shu Yao, he signaled the people around him to pick her up.

"Go and fetch Miss Shu." Ling Lei told the people around her.

The people around him were stunned, and said again, "But Qin Wenyu will come over later, it's not a collision."

"What can I do if she wants to come here!" Ling Lei was also forced to rush, and couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed.

When Shu Yao came over and made a fuss to go home, she might not be able to tell who was ugly.

If you don't listen to the old man's words, you will suffer hardship before your eyes.


"Uncle Ling!"

A clear male voice echoed in the huge Qin Mansion, flaunting it, treating it as his own home.

This is the plague god Qin Wenyu coming.

Ever since Mr. Qin was hospitalized and Qin Jiuxiao disappeared, Qin Wenyu came to the Qin Residence time and time again to provoke, and even arranged for his wife.

Qin Hede and his family simply took advantage of the fire and robbed them, lawless.

Today Ling Lei can only watch Qin Wenyu run amok on the Qin Zhai site, but he is helpless.

I can only watch Qin Wenyu show off his power and come to the Qin family to be the master.

Because Qin Hede was kneeling in the hall back then, breaking his leg and kicking out the genealogy and the Qin family——

Their family is now going to avenge their shame!
Ling Lei hurried over, nodded slightly, "Master Wen Yu."

"Uncle Ling, why are you so sad and unhappy to see me?" Qin Wenyu looked at Ling Lei and smiled.


This dog slave, when Mr. Qin was still around, he followed Mr. Qin and looked down on him a lot, just because he was Qin Hede's son.

It's different now, it's different!

Ling Lei pulled out a smile and looked away, "How could that be?"

"I just went to the hospital to see my grandfather today—" Qin Wenyu elongated his tone intentionally.

Ling Lei suddenly raised his head, "Master, is he alright?"


Ling Lei is Elder Qin's confidant, and he is most concerned about Elder Qin's safety.

Now Mr. Qin's wish to live is under the control of Qin Wenyu's people, Ling Lei can't intervene, so he can only understand through Qin Wenyu.

Just a casual remark easily whetted Ling Lei's appetite.

Qin Wenyu smiled slyly, straightened his collar, "Want to know?"

Looking at Qin Wenyu from a distance, he was well dressed, and he still had the gentle and jade-like appearance of Mr. Pianpian when he first met.

In fact, he is Qin Hede's son, and his virtue has been rotten in his bones.

After waiting for so long, I can finally stop pretending.

"Uncle Ling must really want to know, after all, it's been so long since I've lost news of Grandpa—"

"If you want to know, then ask me."

Qin Wenyu raised the corners of his lips cruelly, and tore off the disguise with a smile, as ugly as a demon crawling out of hell.

"You—" Ling Lei gritted his teeth and looked at Qin Wenyu.

This beast.

Fortunately, when Qin Jiuxiao disappeared, Mr. Qin trusted Qin Wenyu so much.

Thinking that the hatred of the previous life should not be brought to the next generation, Elder Qin never doubted Qin Wenyu, and seriously supported him.

Unexpectedly, it was just a story about a farmer and a snake.

"You are shameless!"

Seeing Ling Lei not moving, Qin Wenyu put his hands behind his back and stepped forward to stimulate him.

"I don't want to kneel. For the sake of dignity, can I disregard the old master's life?"

Struggle flashed in Ling Lei's eyes, but he finally relaxed and compromised.

What Qin Wenyu said is right, the Ling family has been favored by the Qin family, and has been the special assistant of the head of the Qin family for generations, so dignity is nothing.

"I kneel." Ling Lei said.

As soon as these words came out, the Qin family erupted immediately.

"No, what is this!"

"Don't kneel, Brother Ling, it's not worth—"

"Don't promise him."

Ling Lei's subordinates started to make a fuss and went forward to hold Ling Lei.

However, at this moment, only a crisp sound came from outside the door, the sound of high heels hitting the ground.

"Brother Ling, Miss Shu Yao is here!"


Qin Wenyu turned around abruptly and looked towards the door. It was the middle of the day, and the sun was so fierce that Qin Wenyu couldn't open his eyes.

He could only vaguely see a shadow, and then heard a familiar voice.

"Long time no see, Qin Wenyu."

is her!

Qin Wenyu panicked inexplicably, and said in a deep voice, "It's you."

It's Shu Yao.

"Miss Shu." Ling Lei was taken aback.

Shu Yao walked in, her phoenix eyes scanned everything in front of her, she raised her lips, "What is this for?"

Although she didn't know the situation very well, Shu Yao could see Ling Lei's posture.

He is about to kneel down.

Kneel who?

No matter who it is, a man has gold under his knees, kneels down to his parents, others are not worth it.

She straightened Ling Lei's waist.

"Uncle Ling, sit down and talk, what are you doing standing there so tense?"

Ling Lei was shocked, and slowly straightened up, "Yes."

Seeing this, the rest of the Qin family breathed a sigh of relief, thankfully Shu Yao's arrival was really a coincidence.

"What is Miss Shu doing here?"

"Shhhhh, look at that thing in Miss Shu's hand."

"what is that?"

"Can't you recognize this? It's the owner's token."

Immediately, Shu Yao ignored Qin Wenyu's murderous gaze, and went straight to the head of the Qin family and sat down.

She sat without any hesitation, with her hands resting on the armrests on both sides, in the attitude of the master.

"Shu Yao, what are you doing!" Qin Wenyu's eyes widened.

That position should belong to him—no, it should belong to his father Qin Hede!
Shu Yao dared to sit up in front of so many people.

The strange thing is that the group of people in the Qin family were indifferent, watching a woman sit on it——

How could they be indifferent?

Even Ling Lei, who is the most conservative and polite, did not stop Shu Yao's crazy behavior.

"Sit down." Shu Yao tilted her head innocently.

Qin Wenyu said angrily, "Do you know that you are sitting in the main seat, the head of the family should be sitting?"

"I know, so I didn't sit wrong." Shu Yao looked at him fixedly, and then fell behind him again.

Behind Qin Wenyu, Shu Yao also found an acquaintance.

The thief who came to the private hospital and stole Qin Siwen's case was Qin Wenyu's bodyguard, Hu Zheng.

Hu Zheng shuddered at the sight, it was this terrifying woman again.

"Master, Young Master." Hu Zheng hastily pulled Qin Wenyu, who was furious.

Qin Wenyu shook off Hu Zheng's hand, "Don't pull me!"

"Oh, master, you can't do it—!" Hu Zheng was shocked.

"Shu Yao, get up!"

Speaking of which, Qin Wenyu went straight forward, raised his hand and grabbed Shu Yao who was sitting on the main seat!

(End of this chapter)

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