Chapter 364

"No, master."

Hu Zheng, who has seen behind Shu Yao, has a solid foundation in his heart. Isn't Qin Wenyu doing this for nothing?

It's a pity that Hu Zheng didn't have time to stop Qin Wenyu, and Qin Wenyu was thrown up in front of everyone in an instant.


In full view, Qin Wenyu was thrown by Shu Yao and fell on the coffee table beside him, making a heavy muffled sound.

Qin Wenyu screamed in pain almost instantly, his voice was broken, which shows how hard the fall was.

Even Ling Lei, who had seen the big scene at the side, was dumbfounded, "This..."

Seeing that Qin Wenyu, who was still arrogant just now, was so embarrassed by a woman, the expressions of the others were different.

Some people couldn't hold back their laughter, their faces turned blue, and they couldn't hold back their laughter.

Qin Wenyu immediately followed the direction of the voice and gave him a hard look, but he was powerless.

It hurt him so much to fall like this.

"Young master, are you alright, young master!" Hu Zheng broke out in a cold sweat, and immediately went forward to help Qin Wenyu up.

The severe pain made Qin Wenyu's face pale, and he couldn't get up for a long time.

He turned over slowly, like a turtle that couldn't turn over on the coffee table, which was ridiculous.

Shu Yao stepped forward and scolded in a cold voice, "Go away!"

"I, I, I won't go away!" Hu Zheng was taken aback and couldn't even speak fluently.

Qin Wenyu wanted to prove himself, so he pushed Hu Zheng away, "Go away, if you don't need you, you're just a woman."

"But Master, she—"


Shu Yao directly pulled away Hu Zheng, who was still in a daze, and grabbed Qin Wenyu's collar and lifted it up.

"Let go!" Qin Wenyu grabbed Shu Yao with his backhand and wanted to break her hand away.

Shu Yao didn't let go, but asked sharply, "This is also a place where you can act wild? Huh?"

The strange thing is that Shu Yao's hand is as strong as a pincer, so strong that Qin Wenyu can't move it at all.

What kind of strange power is this?

Qin Wenyu's vision flickered, and the world spun in an instant, and he was pulled up by the whole person and dragged out of the door!

"What are you still doing in a daze, step forward to help!"

Hu Zheng watched anxiously, seeing the attitude of his subordinates as if they were watching a show, he hated him for not fighting, and started yelling.

Only then did those people belatedly rush forward, trying to surround Shu Yao.

Qin Wenyu still broke Shu Yao's hand in embarrassment, "Let go, let go! Heck cough cough!"

Pulling on the collar, Shu Yao almost made him unable to breathe.

Shu Yao's face was terrified, and she directly pulled the person out of the door, lifted her, and pushed her forward.

"Get out, you villain." The strength in Shu Yao's hand did not relax in the slightest.

Qin Wenyu staggered backwards with his back turned. He didn't see the steps behind him at all, and immediately fell straight back.

It's the head that hits the ground first!

Now he couldn't care more about Shu Yao, so Hu Zheng hurriedly chased her out.

I saw Qin Wenyu lying on the ground, unable to move his fingers, and his eyes were sometimes opened and closed, apparently in a daze.

Qin Wenyu frowned and murmured, "It hurts, Hu Zheng me..."

"Stop talking, young master, come here, take young master away!" Hu Zheng hurriedly protected Qin Wenyu.

This is Qin Hede's only darling, so don't let anything happen.

After Qin Hede's lower body was disabled, even that function was almost incomplete. Qin Wenyu was his only hope.

Those who surrounded Shu Yao dispersed in an instant, and came out noisily to carry Qin Wenyu away.

They came and went in a hurry, but they left a mess in the hall, with traces of their presence.

"Miss Shu, thank you." Ling Lei chased after him and nodded slightly to Shu Yao.

At this time, Ling Lei had a little more respect for this woman.

As expected of the woman Jiuye had his eyes on, Ling Lei was stupefied by what happened just now, and didn't react.

The other members of the Qin family also looked at Shu Yao with admiration, and they all stood in front of Shu Yao and nodded slightly like Ling Lei.

They said in unison, "Thank you Miss Shu."

"Uncle Lei, did Qin Wenyu ask you to kneel just now?" Shu Yao turned sideways and looked at Ling Lei.

As soon as Shu Yao came, she saw Ling Lei was about to kneel.

In fact, it is not difficult to guess why Qin Wenyu came to the unmanaged Qin family at this time, obviously he came to ask for trouble.

But it is too much to ask people to kneel down and take advantage of the fire!
"Yes..." Ling Lei nodded.

Shu Yao's eyes were cold, and she said lightly, "There is no need for such a person to kneel."

"But Miss Shu, Mr. Qin is still in their hands, they—"

"They won't treat Mr. Qin kindly just because you knelt down." Shu Yao interrupted Ling Lei in time.

Ling Lie was momentarily at a loss for words, because what Shu Yao said was not wrong.

It's not the first time Qin Wenyu has come to Qin's house to make trouble. Every time he goes too far, every time he goes too far.

Qin Wenyu has never been restrained because of Ling Lei's retreat.

"Because it was because of my negligence that Elder Qin was controlled by their people."

"I'm sorry Mr. Qin, I dare not bet."

If they were really disrespectful to Mr. Qin because of Ling Lei's refusal, Ling Lei would have to die for it.

Shu Yao just smiled, her face was cold, and she looked more indifferent when she laughed at this time than on TV.

It seems that it is more difficult to approach.

she says.

"Uncle Lei, you represent the Qin family, the elder Qin, you cannot kneel."

"He, Qin Wenyu, wanted you to kneel, and he asked for it from you because he couldn't get what he wanted from Mr. Qin."

As soon as the words were finished, Ling Lei suddenly raised his head, only to realize this fact slowly.

Yes, he, Ling Lei, represents Mr. Qin.

"Is there a computer here? I'll borrow it. I'll find a way to get Mr. Qin transferred back to us."

After these words, Ling Lei no longer dared to underestimate Shu Yao.

He hurriedly recommended, "Young master's study has the best one, the one with dual consoles, I'll take you there."


Immediately, Shu Yao followed Ling Lei and left the hall.

The Qin family is very big, as big as a maze. Although Shu Yao has been here before, she is still a stranger, as if she was the first time here.

"Miss Shu, I'm here, call me if you have something to do." Ling Lei pushed open the door.

When Shu Yao walked in, the door behind her was closed.

Ling Lei turned around and left the study slowly, walking in a hurry, but halfway there, he remembered something.

How did Shu Yao know about his private phone number?

He suddenly felt a deep cold all over his body, and felt incredible.


Shu Yao walked into the study, she didn't turn on the computer in a hurry, but was attracted by the collection cabinet in the study.

If there is no mistake, Ling Lei said that this is Qin Jiuxiao's study.

Ninth Master's study.

She raised her hand to caress the exquisite collection on the collection cabinet, skimming one by one, finding it interesting and amusing.

"How do you hide these little girls' things?" Shu Yao couldn't help laughing.

Shu Yao couldn't smile until she touched a slightly higher collection.


Because the collection at that location had been given away before, and Shu Yao also owned this item for a short time.

There was no way she could have forgotten this thing.

It is a white hosta, exquisite and translucent, with excellent polish.


At the beginning, Shu Yao was still obsessed with Fu Jingzhen, so she thought that Qin Jiuxiao was a despicable villain and the murderer who killed her brother.

So she personally smashed the gift Qin Jiuxiao gave her, and she smashed it face to face at the press conference of the new work.

Shu Yao trembled, "What did I do back then?"

(End of this chapter)

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