Chapter 365 Can I Trust You?

Shu Yao's hand froze in mid-air, not daring to touch the white jade hairpin hidden in the cabinet full of cracks.

What she shattered was not Bai Yuzan, but Qin Jiuxiao's heart.

She never thought that the white jade hairpin that was broken into pieces in the audience would be met by Shu Yao again here.


"I'm sorry, Master Jiu."

She touched it carefully, the treasure was so heavy that she dared not open it.

Shu Yao's touch was very careful, and she shed tears silently when she touched it.

Looking at each piece, they were all familiar to Shu Yao, and they were gifts that Qin Jiuxiao had given her, and they were all bad.

Suddenly, Shu Yao came to her senses.

Then this collection cabinet, from the big and small things, turned out to be the man's little thought.

It's a gift for her!

It's a pity that those broken and destroyed pieces were all caused by Shu Yao herself.

So Shu Yao can't blame Qin Jiuxiao, can't blame him for not believing in herself enough.


Shu Yao's cell phone rang quickly, she was only in a daze for a moment, and then quickly reacted.

She wiped her tears, went to the window and opened a corner, "Hello?"

There is no one outside the window.

It was Shu Yao's habit of vigilance, she let go of the curtains.

"Yaoyao, listen to me."

It's Qin Jiuxiao!

Shu Yao was startled, and couldn't believe that the call was actually from Qin Jiuxiao.

How could it be, but the voice in my ear really belonged to him.

"What will be posted later is accurate."

Shu Yao fell silent after listening to the other side's words. She opened her mouth, but found that she could only call out that person's name.

"What is it..." Her voice was soft, showing weakness like never before.

Probably because I just cried.

She seemed to yearn for the other party, wishing that the other party would return to her immediately.

The man on the other end of the phone was silent for a moment, his voice was unusually warm and powerful, "Yaoyao?"

Shu Yao's heart ached when she heard this, and she responded sullenly.

"I, I miss you." She didn't have time to say it last time, but this time Shu Yao wanted to be willful regardless.

She misses Qin Jiuxiao so much.

Qin Jiuxiao paused as if he didn't expect Shu Yao to say that suddenly.

A man can almost imagine his woman's coquettish and tender look, how could he miss Shu Yao.

"I miss you as well."

"Yaoyao, I."

She can be cold and strong in front of outsiders, but in front of Qin Jiuxiao, she just wants to be a spoiled little woman.

But there was no time to say more, the other end of the phone was suddenly hung up and lost contact.

How was he able to make the phone call?
Was it forced or did he figure it out?
Before Shu Yao could think about it, the phone screen lit up, a string of codes from a stranger.

This is the code of the hacker, and the other party also understands her.

Shu Yao took a last look at the collection cabinet, then quickly turned around and sat in front of the computer screen, not daring to neglect.

She wants this to end quickly.

"Is there a password?" Shu Yao was not surprised.

The password on Qin Jiuxiao's computer was not surprising, but the password Shu Yao decrypted was actually Shu Yao's birthday.

The movements of her hands also froze, and she blinked lightly.

"It's my birthday."

The closer she gets to a man's daily life, the more Shu Yao realizes that Qin Jiuxiao loves him far more deeply than she thought.

He didn't say anything, but silently endured everything, if it wasn't for the fact that Shu Yao knew that he loved her in her previous life.

She felt that Qin Jiuxiao was going to give up on herself in this life!

Shu Yao forced herself to stop thinking about the man too much, and concentrated on the code at hand.

[Hello, my partner. 】

As soon as the code at hand was deciphered, a message popped up on the screen.

Immediately afterwards, Shu Yao's phoenix eyes slightly opened, and the corners of her lips raised slightly unconsciously, revealing a satisfied smile.

This deciphered code actually recorded the security schedule of Qin Hede's villa in detail!

The table records the distribution of the villas in detail, as well as the replacement time, accurate to every minute.

With this thing, wouldn't it be easy to get in and out of Qin Hede's villa.

Shu Yao quickly downloaded and printed it out, and immediately on another console, her fingers were flying.


After the input bar on the other screen is full, it displays the shift schedule of all doctors and nurses in the hospital.

"Knock knock knock --!"

At this time.

There was a knock on the door, "It's me, Miss Shu."

"Come in." Shu Yao continued typing on the keyboard without looking back.

Ling Lei just came in with a cup of tea, when he saw the flickering on the main console screen, it suddenly changed a few times.

In an instant, the computer at home was replaced by the monitoring head of the hospital!

Seeing this scene, the tray holding the tea in Ling Lei's hand almost tilted and was about to be knocked down.

"Uncle Lei, which ward is Mr. Qin in?" Shu Yao said while mobilizing the monitoring at hand.

Ling Lei seemed a bit embarrassed, because he didn't know much, "Probably near the top floor 305..."

Countless surveillance cameras, under Ling Lei's command, changed again and again until they were fixed on the last screen.

Shu Yao tuned up and zoomed in on the screen.

On the screen, Mr. Qin was throwing something in the ward, pointing at the person at the door as if he was cursing something.


"Look, Uncle Lei, Mr. Qin is fine, you can rest assured." Shu Yao turned sideways so that Ling Lei could see clearly.

Seeing the old master like this, Ling Lei was greatly relieved.

But at the same time, Ling Lei became vigilant again.

Even the monitoring of the hospital can steal into your own computer, you can have this kind of ability.

This is not something that a young lady of a family can do!

"Miss Shu, although it is very inappropriate, but—"

"Why do you want to help us at this time? What is your identity?"

Ling Lei knew that such a hasty question would be an offense to Shu Yao, and it might even cause the opposite effect.

But the Qin family will have today, and it is ultimately because of the thorns on their backs!
Ling Lei had to defend himself, "I'm sorry, Miss Shu, I need to make sure you won't betray us."


Shu Yao's red lips moved slightly, the words had already reached her lips, and she couldn't utter them repeatedly.

so unfamiliar.

She finally said, "I'm from Mr. Qin, and from Mr. Qin's former department."

"What?!" Ling Lei suddenly raised his head and looked at Shu Yao in shock.

But it's not impossible—

Qin Siwen has always acted mysteriously, and his subordinates are like a net, his whereabouts are uncertain and no one knows.

Since Qin Jiuxiao was taken back to the Qin family many years ago, and Qin Siwen left the Qin family, his power has never been known.

Ling Lei wanted to confirm again, "Who are you talking about Mr. Qin?"

"It's Qin Siwen."

This can explain why Shu Yao can have Ling Lei's private phone number.

She obviously hacked into the database by herself and found it by herself.

"How could this be, how could you be, you are obviously..."

She is obviously a glamorous big star, the eldest lady of the aristocratic family, and the delicate palm of Qin Jiuye.


This has nothing to do with Qin Siwen's old department.

Qin Siwen's old department was a frightening existence, and it was Qin Siwen's right-hand man.

"I know you may not believe it, but I have no way to prove it except for Mr. Qin." Shu Yao told the truth.

Except for Qin Siwen, no one in the world knows who and who is in his old department.

Ling Lei hesitated for a moment, his eyes fell on the token on her wrist, "Miss Shu, can I trust you?"

(End of this chapter)

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