Chapter 374: On Your Side

Qin Shiya spoke seriously, and was even very satisfied with her answer, so she couldn't help nodding.

Her cute appearance made the butler feel soft in his heart.

"My little princess, you are really a clever little ghost." Butler Zhu put her down and coaxed her softly.

Qin Shiya hugged Steward Zhu coquettishly, tightly wrapping her thick arm several times bigger than her own.

She swayed and swayed coquettishly, "Good grandpa, let me tell little uncle."

"Not now, when the shift changes, grandpa will let you in, okay?" Butler Zhu knelt down and stretched out his hand.

This is the secret signal from Qin Shiya and Butler Zhu.

Qin Shiya stretched out her hand hey, and directly hooked Butler Zhu's little finger, and it took a lot of effort to circle it.

She shook her mouth and muttered, "Hanging on the hook will not change for 100 years!"

After pulling, Qin Shiya threw herself into Butler Zhu's arms again. She knew that Butler Zhu would definitely find a way.

Apart from my little uncle, the person who loves her the most in this world is Butler Zhu.

"Uncle Zhu, it's not good."

At this time, someone hurried over and came to Butler Zhu's side in a panic.

Butler Zhu hugged Qin Shiya again, and asked, "What makes you flustered?"

It's Hu Zheng.

"Big villain!" Qin Shiya pointed at Hu Zheng and yelled.

Hu Zheng glared at the little girl, and said without restraint all day long, "Miss..."

"Speak." Steward Zhu said coldly, reminding Hu Zheng to be careful.

This is Zhu Butler protecting her, Qin Shiya proudly made a face at Hu Zheng.

Qin Shiya didn't like these people, and shrank into Steward Zhu's arms in fear, feeling that they were all big villains.

But because she was afraid that these people would bully her little uncle, she pricked up her ears to listen even though she lay on her stomach and didn't look at it.

"Is such that."

Hu Zheng was upset, but because of the presence of the housekeeper Zhu, he had no choice but to show a flattering smile on his face and didn't say much.

Hu Zheng immediately became respectful, but he was still a little afraid of the butler Zhu, "Uncle Zhu, the young master was beaten."

"Who?" Butler Zhu frowned slightly.

Before Steward Zhu could ask again, a stern voice came from behind, which directly interrupted Steward Zhu's thoughts.

At some point, Qin Hede who was in the study was pushed out by his servants.

Qin Hede said angrily, "Who dares to touch Wen Yu?"

Although this son is no longer a good man, he is still Qin Hede's seed.

"Yes, it's Shu Yao!" Hu Zheng said quickly.

Qin Hede's face turned gloomy, and he suddenly squeezed the armrest of the wheelchair tightly.

His face turned cold, making his sinister face even more cold and terrifying.

It was Shu Yao again.

Sure enough, He Yunzhou's news was not wrong. If this rumored girlfriend wasn't so important, she wouldn't be in the Qin family.

"Then what's going on with Wen Yu now?" Qin Hede asked with a sinking heart.

Mentioning this, Hu Zheng seemed a little relieved, "It's nothing serious, it's just a little bit of blood from the knock."

"Okay, very good, Shu Yao will definitely regret it."

Qin Hede snorted coldly, wondering what he was thinking about.

the end.

He sneered, "I will definitely ask her to pay you back ten times, Qin Jiuxiao, Qin Jiuxiao didn't expect—"

"Master?" Hu Zheng became a little excited.

When Qin Hede said these words, he didn't have any scruples about Qin Shiya's presence, and wished the housekeeper noticed something strange.

The little guy in his arms tightly clenched his neckline, his eyes were round and full of clear springs.

Stubborn and beautiful, very much like the deceased wife.

"Master, Missy seems to be a little sleepy, I'll take her in first." Butler Zhu interjected.

Qin Hede waved his hands, and responded indifferently, "Go."

As his father, Qin Hede is very negligent of his duties, he doesn't care about Qin Shiya's growth environment at all.

Being carried away for a distance, Qin Shiya's eyes were wet, and her bright eyes were covered with a layer of darkness.

"Grandpa, I want to go back to my room." Qin Shiya asked in a low voice.

Housekeeper Zhu responded, carried Qin Shiya back to the room, and put her on the soft bed.

As soon as she landed on the bed, Qin Shiya couldn't wait to grab the puppet bear next to the bed in her hands, as if this would give her a sense of security.

The butler Zhu took out the handkerchief and wiped her tears, "Then grandpa will go to work first, and I will let you see little uncle later, okay?"

"Okay." Qin Shiya's voice was very low.

Butler Zhu turned around, and when she was about to leave, Qin Shiya still didn't hold back and reached out to grab the corner of his clothes.

Qin Shiya asked hesitantly, with uncertainty, "Grandpa, dad, is dad a bad person?"

Qin Shiya still didn't want to admit it in her heart, but Qin Shiya felt that her father had gone too far.

The words that were said were all too scary.

The housekeeper Zhu turned around, but he didn't know how to explain, "Little princess, this is not what you should know."

"But grandpa, I think father is too much, beautiful sister, little uncle and grandpa Qin..."

"I've been with them, they've been nice to me, they're not bad people."

"Even Auntie Fierce! She hates me on the surface, but every time she quietly makes beautiful dresses for me."

As she spoke, Qin Shiya couldn't hold back her tears, and her tears fell on the brown bear.

She squeezed the doll bear in her hand, and the entanglement in her heart was undoubtedly revealed.

"Little princess." Butler Zhu reluctantly took out the handkerchief to wipe her tears again, with a helpless tone.

How would he explain the truth to a child.

On one side is Qin Shiya's father, and on the other side is Qin Shiya's relatives.

She did not experience those hatreds when she was born, and did not grow up bathed in Qin Hede's hatred like Qin Wenyu.

At least Qin Shiya is free, she is a blank sheet of paper, clean and white, and she has grown up very well.

"Am I right? Grandpa is willing to help me, isn't it because Grandpa thinks the same as me?"

Qin Shiya carefully asked Butler Zhu for confirmation, otherwise there was no way to explain why Butler Zhu helped her.

That must be because Steward Zhu also thinks that the little uncle is a good person, and a good person should not be bullied.

"Of course, your little uncle is a good man." Steward Zhu gently affirmed her answer.

But for Qin Hede, Zhu Steward did not comment.

Qin Shiya's eyes lit up, which meant that she was not wrong, "Then, then, don't let Dad bully Uncle anymore!"

Hearing what Qin Hede said just now, Qin Shiya felt cold all over.

She is determined not to let these things happen, she is too young to do it, and it is easy to mess things up, so she told Steward Zhu.

"of course."

Without any hesitation, the butler Zhu answered her.

He said solemnly, "Little princess, I am on your side."

"I know you're the best."

With the promise of the butler Zhu, Qin Shiya swept away the haze before, and finally burst into laughter.


The door of the cellar was opened, and a ray of light leaked in.

The cell was very dark, and it was almost impossible to see each other's faces, only knowing that someone had come in.

"Have you got the list?"

The imprisoned man raised his head without any surprise, his eyes were like blades, unstoppable.

In the dark, it was like a leopard watching its prey, without getting close, it could sense the man's menacing aura.

The person who walked in replied in a low voice, "It's still close, it only takes two or three days to complete."

Hearing this answer, Qin Jiuxiao was not surprised.

He closed his eyes again, letting the weight of his body rest on the slings of his arms.

"Master Jiu, there is one more thing." The man didn't leave, so he spoke again.

Qin Jiuxiao opened his eyes, his eyes were as heavy as mist, revealing an unidentifiable emotion.

Being watched by such eyes, the man hurriedly lowered his head, fearful and fearful, and immediately dared not talk nonsense.

"Master Jiu, they want to attack Miss Shu."

(End of this chapter)

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