Chapter 375 Video
"Master Jiu, they want to attack Miss Shu."

Qin Jiuxiao moved his body, the chains on his body rattled, and he listened to the man continue.

"But the specific plan is not yet clear."

After saying that, the man stopped and waited for the man's reaction.

The man was silent for a long time without any response, as if he was asleep and went to move, which made the man tremble with fear.

Master Jiu, what does this mean?

Could it be because the list has not been fully obtained, but Qin Hede will soon have a movement.

He must hurry.

"Master Jiu, I will get the list as soon as possible." The man couldn't help but said again.

Qin Jiuxiao finally spoke again, his voice was hoarse and dry, "Okay."

The voice slipped, the figures in the darkness gradually faded, the door of the cell was gradually closed, and the last glimmer of light was shut off.

Gradually, even the sound of footsteps disappeared, and the cell room became silent again.

It's just that this silence didn't last long, the door of the cell was opened again, and a head poked out first.

"Little, little uncle?" Qin Shiya carefully touched her mini flashlight to illuminate the cell.

There was a little light in the cell, and Qin Shiya came to Qin Jiuxiao with her puppet bear in her arms.

"Little uncle, woo woo woo, why are you bleeding again?" Qin Shiya saw another gash on Qin Jiuxiao's body.

Those that haven't healed are called cuts by Qin Shiya, one by one, it hurts a lot.

"Why are you here again?"

As if helpless, Qin Jiuxiao's voice was much gentler than before, almost helpless.

Qin Shiya didn't realize it, and only cared about what she had been thinking about all the time, "Little uncle, let me tell you!"

"Say." Qin Jiuxiao's eyes were much gentler, although brief but not alienated.

Only then did Qin Shiya realize that the little uncle seemed to be less fierce, not as fierce as the first time.

Could it be that she came with a phone call from her beautiful sister before, and she made a contribution so that the little uncle became less aggressive?

Before she had time to think about it, Qin Shiya knew that she didn't have much time, so she hurriedly reported to Qin Jiuxiao.

"Little uncle, Dad is a villain, they want to kill beautiful sister."

"Do you think I should call my beautiful sister? If you don't go out, what should I do?"

Speaking of this, Qin Shiya's little face was full of sadness and bewilderment, as if she was more nervous than Shu Yao herself.

She looked at Qin Jiuxiao eagerly, hoping that her little uncle, who was always like a god, would give an answer.


"Uncle Zhu, do you think this is reliable?"

"Without further ado."

"Uncle Zhu, it's not that I'm talking nonsense, it's that Shu Yao is really different from ordinary women."

From a distance, Qin Shiya heard someone approaching here.

They were getting closer and even the voice became clearer, Qin Shiya panicked all of a sudden.

Qin Jiuxiao's eyes changed slightly, and he said in a deep voice, "Hide, cabinet."

"Oh!" Qin Shiya reacted abruptly.

It must be too late to run out now, and people who come will find out.

If someone found out, Qin Shiya would be dead. She didn't dare to think about the consequences of being found out again.

She hastily turned off the flashlight, opened the shabby cabinet beside her and got in. Fortunately, she was small and effortless.

"Ah, yes, it's grandpa..."

As soon as she hid in, Qin Shiya saw the person coming from the gap in the cabinet.

It was the housekeeper Zhu and the person who was talking to Qin Hede outside just now, what was his name.


The big villain's brother is called Hu Zheng, and he did bad things with his father, but how can the housekeeper be with him.

In order to see what happened, Qin Shiya opened a little gap and saw that they seemed to be holding something in their hands.

It's a video camera.

"Uncle Zhu, are you coming or am I?" Hu Zheng looked at Qin Jiuxiao, feeling itchy for no reason.

Such a big man.

In the past, it was aloof and unattainable, but now it has fallen into his hands.

Check it out.

Qin Jiuxiao's star-like eyes couldn't suppress his natural arrogance even though the iron locks had deepened.

Start with this kind of person...

This kind of feeling can't be bought with money, Hu Zheng is eager to try, looking at the housekeeper Zhu beside him fawningly.

The butler Zhu seemed very indifferent to outsiders, and said lightly, "What do you think?"

"Then, of course you're here, I'll be in charge of the camera!"

Hearing Butler Zhu's attitude, Hu Zheng immediately took the camera from Butler Zhu's hand, feeling quite regretful in his heart.

If someone else came, Hu Zheng would definitely be the one to do it.

But this is Butler Zhu, who is Butler Zhu, he is an old man who has been with Qin Hede for a long time.

This status, mixed up to this day, is not what Hu Zheng dares to talk about.

"It's finished, otherwise Miss Shu won't feel bad." Butler Zhu approached Qin Jiuxiao.

Qin Jiuxiao still didn't have much expression, his eyes were light and couldn't make any waves.

Hu Zheng proudly took the camera and walked in front of him, shaking it, showing off his might intentionally, "Are you afraid?"

"Do it." He knew what to do next.

Seeing this scene, Qin Shiya couldn't help but cover her mouth, she almost didn't dare to watch it any longer.

Butler Zhu held a whip in his hand, with sharp barbs on the whip, it hurt to look at it.

Not to mention the moment when this thing hits the body, the whip body is mixed with force and breaks through the wind, and the moment it hooks the flesh and then pulls away——

Qin Shiya tightly hugged the puppet bear in her arms, her teeth were about to chatter from fear.

Knowing that Qin Jiuxiao was injured before, but she had never seen such a cruel scene with her own eyes, she shivered.


As soon as the whip went down, the sound of the whip was mixed with full strength, and it was very loud.

The whip didn't hit Qin Shiya's body, but she unconsciously flicked to cover her eyes, trying to shrink back.

Shrinking back, Qin Shiya seemed to touch something soft and furry in her hands——


A little black mouse nestled in the corner, grinning at Qin Shiya.

The sticky and disgusting touch scared Qin Shiya into screaming subconsciously, but she was even more afraid of being discovered.

So Qin Shiya held back abruptly, but her body's reaction was still uncontrollable, and she slammed into the cabinet with a bang.

The cabinet was made of iron and there was obviously a noise, Qin Shiya was so frightened that she didn't move.

"Who is it?!" Hu Zheng immediately reacted.

Qin Shiya held back her nausea, grabbed the little mouse that was huddled in the corner and threw it out.

The little mouse was thrown out, frightened and ran out of the cabinet.

Hu Zheng still didn't really believe it, a mouse made such a big noise, "A mouse?"

"Is a mouse scared like this?" Qin Jiuxiao, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said sarcastically.


Hu Zheng turned his head and looked at Qin Jiuxiao viciously, and said angrily, "How dare you talk to me like that now?"

"Isn't it?" Qin Jiuxiao raised his lips, panting and asking.

"Uncle Zhu, you are too light-hearted, look at him—!"

Hu Zheng wanted to take Steward Zhu's whip and do it himself, but he really didn't have the guts to file a complaint at most.

The housekeeper Zhu tightened the whip in his hand, and said flatly, "It is indeed light."

As he said that, he raised his whip and dropped it with a whimper, which was fast and ruthless.

The moment it fell, Qin Jiuxiao tightened the chains on both sides.

(End of this chapter)

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