Chapter 376 Will it hurt

This seemed to be a subconscious reaction of excruciating pain. Qin Shiya, who was watching in the cabinet, did not dare to vent her anger.

Seeing Qin Jiu's lips turn pale again, but up to now, his breathing is still extremely restrained and depressed.

He never shows weakness.

"Little, little uncle." Qin Shiya's nose was sore, she didn't dare to cry, and shrank her body again.

Fortunately, because of this, Hu Zheng was successfully distracted and didn't notice Qin Shiya at all.

It's all her fault. If she hadn't come here because of her mischief, the little uncle wouldn't have been hurt a little more because of her, which hurt so much.

Qin Shiya buried half of her face in the puppet bear, only revealing a pair of wet eyes to peep.

"Uncle Zhu, do you think this will work?" Hu Zheng, who was on the side of the video, said.

He was taking a 360-degree shot around Qin Jiuxiao, and wanted to record Qin Jiuxiao's tragic situation at this time.

The more I shoot Hu Zheng, the more excited I am, and I feel very happy, even if he is not playing.

The butler Zhu stopped. He was tired and stretched his wrists.

"You have to listen to what the master says."

"Why, do you have other ideas?"

Hu Zheng shook his head hurriedly, and said glibly, "How dare you, the master must have his reasons for doing so."

Seeing that the butler Zhu stopped, Hu Zheng also put down the camera and did not continue to shoot.

He put down the camera, but he didn't stop his crazy provocative behavior, and came to Qin Jiuxiao again.

"Master Jiu, does it hurt? Have you never suffered like this before?" Hu Zheng squatted in front of Qin Jiuxiao.

Qin Jiuxiao licked the corners of his bloody lips. He was always calm and composed, but at this moment he looked very rebellious.

Even if Qin Jiuxiao is now in shackles, he is still unyielding when he bends down and bows his head.

For example, the unyielding wolf king will not admit defeat unless he dies and abdicates in the end.

"That's all." His voice was hoarse but powerful.

Butler Zhu didn't speak, but just looked down at the enraged Hu Zheng.

This made Hu Zheng feel underestimated, and Qin Jiuxiao never targeted Butler Zhu.

Don't you look down on Hu Zheng as just an ordinary thug?

It was really too contemptuous of people, Hu Zheng ground his teeth and rattled, and hatred almost overflowed his eyes.

He stood up in time, "Uncle Zhu, can you lend me my envoy?"

"Sure." The housekeeper Zhu handed out the whip without any hesitation.

The whip is still a bit heavy when you hold it in your hand.

Hu Zheng weighed it a few times, with a smug smile on his face, he walked around Qin Jiuxiao to observe carefully.

Finding that Qin Jiuxiao's body was full of wounds and there was almost no place for him to rehabilitate, he clicked his tongue.

"Uncle Zhu, can you raise the chain?" Hu Zheng suddenly had an idea.

Steward Zhu pondered for a moment, then walked to the side of the cell and was playing with something before hearing a clattering sound.

The chain moved, and Qin Jiuxiao's hands were almost hanging, pulling them to the sides the most.

Tearing like this, even the wound that was about to heal before was also torn apart.

"Hmm." Qin Jiuxiao frowned slightly, and could not help but groan.

Hu Zheng was satisfied when he saw this. He had never felt like this before, and felt that he had become a master all at once.

He clapped the whip on his hand, trying to intimidate Qin Jiuxiao.

"Master Jiu, do you think your little lover will love you when she sees it?"

Qin Jiuxiao's eyes changed slightly, but his expression was still calm, and he understood what the visitor said before, so it was so.

"Let me see, where is the best place to start?" Hu Zheng walked around Qin Jiuxiao.

There was no place on his body for Hu Zheng to attack, so Hu Zheng shifted his target.

"I heard that you were the one who beat our master's leg back then, Master Ninth, right?"

Qin Jiuxiao was fearless and fearless, and responded coldly, "Yes, so what?"

"You, why are you so arrogant, you are not a prisoner yet!" Hu Zheng took a step back in fright.

Really timid.

Qin Jiuxiao smiled secretly, probably having a premonition of what was going to happen next, he gradually relieved himself and relaxed.

"I want you to suffer what the master has suffered! Taste the feeling of being beaten and unable to stand up—"

With that said, Hu Zheng made a sudden move.

He waved the whip in his hand, one after another, twitching continuously.

While whipping and whipping, one can vaguely see the flesh and blood being beaten up, and there is still the whistling sound of the wind in the ears——

"Open up!"

Qin Jiuxiao's cold sweat rolled down the contours of his cheeks, he still didn't make any loud noises, only panting occasionally.

He looked at Hu Zheng as if he was watching a joke, but what he was thinking about was not himself at this moment.


What would Shu Yao think if she saw it.

"No, I forgot to record—" Hu Zheng suddenly remembered something.

Looking back, it turned out that Butler Zhu had already changed his position and recorded all the scenes just now.

Hu Zheng laughed loudly, and tilted his head triumphantly, "Shu Yao hit me before, and now I will give it back to you!"

As he said that, his hands became harder and faster.

Seeing this scene, Qin Shiya almost rushed out to hug Butler Zhu, don't give the whip to that big villain.

However, Qin Shiya couldn't do anything, she was so frightened that she didn't dare to move, she was stunned.


Because she saw the blood, which slid down from the ankle like beads, forming a small pool of blood.

"Enough." In the end, the housekeeper wished to stop it.

Hu Zheng sweated a lot when he beat him, seeing that Qin Jiuxiao was still as virtuous, he couldn't help cursing, "Damn it."

The housekeeper Zhu kindly reminded, "If you go too far, the master will get angry."

"What Uncle Zhu said is that this is really a fucking tough bone." Hu Zheng said bitterly.

Butler Zhu's eyes fell on Hu Zheng without a trace, with contempt and indifference, "Of course."

"Uncle Zhu! What a joy." Hu Zheng wiped his sweat without realizing it, and approached Butler Zhu.

The moment Hu Zheng approached, Zhu Butler's hand movements froze for a moment, but quickly returned to normal.

He patted Hu Zheng on the shoulder, "Don't forget the business, this video should be finished as soon as possible, the master needs it urgently."

"Yes Yes Yes!"

"Uncle Zhu, do you think the master can really force that woman Shu Yao if he wants this thing?"

The housekeeper Zhu was silent for a moment, and felt that Hu Zhengwen's question was ridiculous, but he explained it patiently.

He didn't explain it to Hu Zheng, but to Qin Jiuxiao.

"Qin Jiuxiao is the person Shu Yao never forgot when she was a child—"

"Why doesn't she feel distressed?"

the end.

Butler Zhu laughed and patted him, pulling Hu Zheng over, "Let's go, hurry up and get down to business."

"Okay, okay." Hu Zheng quickly followed, and closed the door of the cell behind him.

With a bang, the door of the cell was slammed shut, but it was not locked. After all, there were guards outside the door.

All this was finally over, Qin Shiya came back to her senses in a daze, and got out of the cabinet.

She trotted to the place where the housekeeper Zhu was just now, "I, I..."

Qin Shiya tried her best to pad her feet, trying to pull the wrench off, it would be very painful to hang her little uncle like this.

"I can, I definitely can!"

She thought about it, and raised her hands to the limit with the things she moved to step on her feet, and her small arms trembled slightly.


(End of this chapter)

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