Chapter 377

Almost, or almost.

She was too small, not tall enough to reach the wrench, and she almost burst into tears.

"I can't reach it, what should I do, little uncle." Qin Shiya cried aggrievedly, extremely sad.

Qin Jiuxiao frowned, and said hoarsely, "Enough."

Not only did she not listen, but she also cried loudly, as if she was the one being beaten, and it almost resounded throughout the cell.

"But little uncle, you have worked so hard. It will hurt very painful to be pulled."

Qin Shiya hated herself for being so stupid and unable to help.

Just when Qin Shiya still didn't give up and tried hard to hook the wrench——


She suddenly heard the door of the cell open, and she was so frightened that her feet were unsteady and she fell directly to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, a huge shadow cast over her body, standing in front of Qin Shiya.

Qin Shiya didn't have time to see who it was, she shrank into a ball in fear, holding her head in her small hands, trembling in fear.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I dare not." She subconsciously meant Qin Hede.

Qin Hede will beat her.

It was not the first time Qin Shiya was beaten by Qin Hede. She almost formed a conditioned reflex and was very afraid of Qin Hede.

But what greeted Qin Shiya was not a beating, but a sigh.

"Little princess, don't be afraid, it's me."

It was Butler Zhu, someone Qin Shiya couldn't be more familiar with.

Qin Shiya opened her eyes, her first reaction was not to be coquettish, but to grab Butler Zhu, "Grandpa, help me!"

She pointed to the wrench that she couldn't break.

Qin Jiuxiao looked at such a little guy with a slight tenderness in his cold eyes, and soon he felt that the shackles were removed.

His hands were lowered and reconditioned.

"I'll listen to whatever the little princess says." Butler Zhu helped her move the wrench.

This wrench is a bit heavy, even if Qin Shiya can reach it, little Qin Shiya may not be able to break it.

"Little uncle." She called softly.

Qin Shiya felt relieved, and wanted to run to Qin Jiuxiao——

The housekeeper Zhu directly grabbed her by the collar, "But little princess, you stayed too long."

"Grandpa, I, I——Okay." Qin Shiya compromised.

Although young, Qin Shiya is sensible.

She was able to rely on the housekeeper Zhu's blessing, so she shouldn't make trouble for no reason.

The butler Zhu picked up Qin Shiya and didn't look at Qin Jiuxiao the whole time, but Qin Shiya waved her hand.

She lay on Butler Zhu's shoulder, and waved at Qin Jiuxiao, "Little uncle, I will come to see you next time."

When he was about to walk out of the cell, Qin Shiya didn't know if it was an illusion, but Qin Jiuxiao smiled when he saw Qin Jiuxiao.

But soon, Qin Shiya turned her attention back to Steward Zhu.

"Grandpa is bad, grandpa is bad, and he said before that he was on Yaya's side." Qin Shiya snorted.

Qin Shiya saw it just now, butler Zhu actually took the lead in beating Qin Jiuxiao with Hu Zheng.

The butler Zhu still beat her so hard that she didn't show mercy at all, and even said that she was on her side.

"Yaya, grandpa didn't lie to you." The butler Zhu avoided answering.

Qin Shiya pursed her lips and muttered in a low voice, "You big liar, you obviously hit my little uncle."

Butler Zhu didn't explain, and carried Qin Shiya out of the cellar, and carried her back to the bedroom in silence.

As soon as Qin Shiya was put down, she turned around humming, pretending to be angry and ignoring him, but still looked at him frequently.

"Yaya, don't you believe in grandpa?" Butler Zhu said helplessly.

Qin Shiya bit her lower lip, and whispered again, "No."

I wish the housekeeper is the best person to her, better than her father, but my father still beats people, so I wish the housekeeper will not beat people.

Butler Zhu is always by her side, always by her side, ever since she can remember.

How could she not believe butler Zhu, how could she be really angry.

"Grandpa, don't send the video to the beautiful sister, please, don't do bad things." Qin Shiya demanded.

Hiding in the cabinet just now, she had heard clearly the conversation between Hu Zheng and the housekeeper.

The housekeeper Zhu shook his head, and then said softly, "This is what the master ordered, and I can't make the decision, little princess."

"What to do, what to do..."

Qin Shiya was about to cry, she could only watch what happened, and couldn't help her.

"Shh." Butler Zhu covered Qin Shiya who was about to cry.

This matter is already very serious, butler Zhu did not expect that Hu Zheng would be sent over halfway.

If it weren't for this, Qin Shiya wouldn't be hiding in the closet, wouldn't know all of this, and it wouldn't be a good thing to let her know.

"You can't tell anyone what happened to Yaya just now, you know?"

"The pretty sister can't either?"


Qin Shiya was intimidated by Butler Zhu's serious expression, but Butler Zhu had never been so fierce and serious before.

She nodded slightly, "Okay."

"Yaya, grandpa will leave you if you say it out, so keep this a secret."


Seeing Qin Shiya so lonely and sad, Zhu Butler's heart softened, and he stretched out his hand to hook Qin Shiya.

Qin Shiya nodded in fear, "I won't say it!"

Butler Zhu is also very important, so Qin Shiya quickly hooked up with Butler Zhu to ensure that she kept it absolutely confidential.

After reassuring Qin Shiya and making sure she would not call Shu Yao, the butler Zhu left.

As soon as the door was closed, he changed his face, and walked slowly to the end of the corridor, Qin Hede's study.

He approached and knocked on the door, and only slowly entered after getting permission.

When he came in, Hu Zheng was already inside, and Qin Hede was watching the camera for a while.

"Not bad, good shot!" Qin Hede looked at the picture recorded just now, and smiled with satisfaction.

Hu Zheng nodded and stood aside, "Then..."

"You don't need to edit it, just deal with it and send it to Shu Yao as soon as possible." Qin Hede turned off the camera and threw it to Hu Zheng.

This kind of thing is the best, it doesn't need to be dealt with, only cruelty can make Shu Yao obey.

Hu Zheng caught it preciously, and said, "Yes, I know."

Qin Hede raised his big hand and patted Hu Zheng's shoulder, approving repeatedly, "Good job."

the end.

Seeing Steward Zhu walking in, Qin Hede ordered, "Old Zhu, put me in the Qin family and give me a position."

"Master?!" Hu Zheng was overjoyed, almost making Qin Hede kneel down, "Thank you, Master."

Qin Hede was very satisfied with what he just shot, and said loudly, "You deserve it."

"Yes, master." Butler Zhu nodded slightly.

Qin Hede held him back, and said to Hu Zhengyu earnestly, "You and Wen Yu have to deal with Shu Yao."

"My master and I?"

"That's right, you and Wen Yu will handle this matter."

Hu Zheng was overjoyed, he never thought that such a beautiful job would fall into his own hands.

He originally thought that Qin Hede would hand this matter over to Steward Zhu or his ally He Yunzhou, but Hu Zheng didn't even dare to think about it.

He was actually caught by Hu Zheng!
The smile on Hu Zheng's lips became more and more uncontrollable, and he thanked repeatedly, "Thank you, master, for your consideration, I will definitely not let you down, master, you can rest assured about this matter to me."

"What effect do I want, you should know?" Qin Hede looked at Hu Zheng leisurely and asked.

Hu Zheng showed a wretched and sinister smile, showing a row of yellow teeth, "Of course."

(End of this chapter)

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