Chapter 383
But Shu Yao shrank back, she shook her head, as if she was resisting.

This action irritated Shen Yue, and Shen Yue grabbed Shu Yao's hand to prevent her from going back.

"what are you doing?"

In just a moment, the eyes of the person who had been dazed and staring just now were clear, and she grabbed Shen Yue's with her backhand.

Shen Yue was shocked, it turned out that Shu Yao was pretending to be drunk!

"You pretend to be drunk, come here—" Before she could say the words, Shen Yue was dragged to the ground by Shu Yao's backhand.

The coffee table beside him was bumped and tilted in the direction of Shen Yue.

Broken glass splashed, cut Shu Yao's hand, and saw blood.

"Ahem, you, let go..." Seeing this, Shen Yue became even more frightened.

Shen Yue struggled wildly with her mouth open, but her mouth was filled with wine by the tilted wine table.

With a cold face, Shu Yao didn't care about her injury, and grabbed the wine glass from Shen Yue's hand.

"Drink, what did you give me to drink?" Shu Yao said coldly, grabbing Shen Yue's throat.

Shen Yue wanted to pull Shu Yao away, but Shu Yao's hands were like pincers, she couldn't move, "I'll help..."

Her hands tightened little by little, her eyes were red.

"Shu, Shu Yao!" Shen Yue was terrified.

Shu Yao looked at the frightened Shen Yue, her body was hot and her eyes were blurred, but she was barely conscious.

"Now you know you're afraid?" Shu Yao asked Shen Yue, the strength in her hand didn't decrease at all.

Shen Yue deserves it!

All this tonight almost pushed Shu Yao to the limit, and Shen Yue's actions ignited Shu Yao's repressed anger.

Everyone present tonight is exactly the same as those scumbags in the previous life!
Watching her struggle, watching her suffer, watching her life is worse than death but no one came to save her.

If Shu Yao hadn't mistakenly believed in Shu Murou in her previous life——

How could she torture people who were neither human nor ghost, and was sent to a mental hospital for electrotherapy.

In the end Shu Yao didn't even have the strength to struggle and was drowned alive.

Shu Yao said coldly, "Open your mouth and I'll let you go."

"I, I..." Shen Yue's heart froze, and she opened her mouth.

Then she watched Shu Yao pour the added wine into her throat, and the last drop fell into her throat.

"You, you lunatic!"

After finishing drinking, Shu Yao smashed the wine glass and cut her own hand, and finally managed to stay awake.

As soon as Shu Yao's hand was released, Shen Yue immediately turned over in rescue, stretched out her hand to clasp her throat, trying to spit out the water.

"Cough, cough, cough!" Shen Yue found that she couldn't cough at all.

What she drank quickly took effect because of the excess, and Shen Yue's whole body began to burn like fire.

Seeing Shen Yue's uneasy movements, Shu Yao just twitched the corners of her mouth, Shen Yue was just reaping the consequences.

Shen Yue felt that she was going crazy, but she also felt that Shu Yao was not much better.

She smiled grimly and said, "Do you think Mr. Li will let you go? There are people watching outside the door, you can't leave."

"Let's go?" Shu Yao laughed.

Shu Yao stood up unsteadily, leaning against the wall, her body was light.

"You, what do you want to do?" Shen Yue shrank back panting.

Damn it, Shen Yue could feel that what she just placed worked.

"It's hot, it's hot..."

Shen Yue shook her head, unconsciously began to pull her clothes, her expression gradually became blurred.

Now Shen Yue, she can't care about Shu Yao at all.

Shu Yao just watched all this happen indifferently, she knew that Shen Yue would slowly become hungry and thirsty.

This thing has also worked on Shu Yao, she knows how uncomfortable it is.

At the same time, she also knew what the only way was without going to the doctor.

Shu Yao's phoenix eyes were slightly focused, she clenched the fragments in her hand to stay awake, and walked towards the door step by step while leaning on the wall.

She opened the door and was not surprised to see Mr. Li's bodyguards guarding outside.

"Miss Shu." The leading man was the first to react.

Shu Yao's expression changed, she raised her finger and pointed into the box and tremblingly said, "Shen Yue fainted, I, I just now..."

She raised her hand to show the man the blood on it, her eyes were flustered, she was as helpless as a deer strayed into the dense forest.

Women's rivalry and jealousy are all too common in Mr. Li's place, and the leading man didn't react too much.

"A fight? You two go in and have a look."

"Yes." The other two walked into the box.

The leading man frowned slightly, raised his watch and glanced at the time, feeling that Mr. Li couldn't wait any longer.

"Come with me." The leading man walked forward without paying attention to Shu Yao's movements.

Before leaving, Shu Yao locked the door of the box from the outside.

As for what Shen Yue and those two men will develop into, that's beyond Shu Yao's control.

Do not live by committing sins.


Shu Yao was brought to the door, and the leading man opened the door, almost pushing Shu Yao in.

She staggered two steps forward. Originally, her body was too sensitive due to alcohol intolerance, and her figure was already a strong bow.

The man gave a rough push, and Shu Yao lost her balance and fell to the ground.

While she stood up on the ground, she clenched her fist again, trying to clenched the fragments in her palm to wake herself up.


It can't be done, Shu Yao's eyes are red, she knows that her pain has reached the limit, and she doesn't even feel pain.

"Miss Shu, how did you do this?" Mr. Li put on a bathrobe and walked over impatiently.

Why only one person?

No matter, the moment Mr. Li saw Shu Yao, the string in his mind was already disconnected.

When she saw Shu Yao fall to the ground, her long hair was disheveled and covered her beautiful face, her lips were pale, and she had a kind of weak beauty.

The exquisite and slender curves on the ground are even more undulating and full of arcs, and they are cool without losing their coquettish charm.

I have never seen any beauty in the entertainment industry, but Dudu Shuyao is the most arrogant and unattainable.

Now that he looks like he has fallen into the mundane world, one can't help but want to spoil it.

Seeing it, Mr. Li felt itchy in his heart, and couldn't bear it anymore, "Miss Shu, it's good if you like the ground."

"No..." Shu Yao turned sideways to hide.

Mr. Li was in vain, but he was not angry, anyway, Shu Yao would be his sooner or later.

"Miss Shu, please cooperate, don't hide, look this way."

That's all, Shu Yao suddenly looked at Mr. Li, and saw Mr. Li still holding a camera to take pictures!

The beast—

Shu Yao's body was full of energy and blood, but she couldn't exert any strength on her body, her mind was in a mess.

There was a burning sensation on her ankle, and she looked down, and it turned out that it was Mr. Li who had grabbed her.

"You—" Shu Yao clenched the fragments in her palm tightly.

Mr. Li took advantage of the opportunity to get closer, but felt scared when he caught a glimpse of Shu Yao's eyes that were as cold as ice.

But he felt that the tight ankle in his hand relaxed a little bit, is this accurate?
Elder Li couldn't care less about anything else, and directly reached out his hand roughly to tear off the clothes on Shu Yao's body——


While the clothes were torn, Mr. Li saw a glimpse of spring, but it was not clear because there was no light by the door.

When he leaned over, the smell of wine and meat became stronger and stronger, making Shu Yao's stomach churn.

Mr. Li's hand touched Shu Yao's shoulder, he moved up little by little, he leaned forward, and finally saw Shu Yao clearly!

"Go away!" Shu Yao endured for so long, and only waited for this moment after waiting for so long.

She grabbed the fragments of her palm with her backhand, and swiped at Mr. Li!
(End of this chapter)

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