After being reborn, she became the palm of a big boss

Chapter 384 Don't Let One Go Away

Chapter 384 Don't let anyone go
"Damn it!" Luckily, Mr. Li was prepared and was not drawn to a fatal place.

But Shu Yao's hands were fast and ruthless, even though Li had been on guard for a long time, the pieces of Shu Yao's palm cut his skin and flesh.

Grinning his teeth in pain, Mr. Li stepped back a few steps, wiping blood all over his face.

A big cut was made on his fat face, and the flesh and blood were turned outward, which shows the ruthlessness of the attack.

Now, Mr. Li didn't have the slightest feeling of sympathy and pity for jade, so he suddenly stepped forward and grabbed Shu Yao's wrist.

"Okay, don't you want to?" Mr. Li said viciously.

Shu Yao struggled, but she couldn't earn a single cent. She had reached her limit, and there was nothing she could do.

She closed her eyes.

At this moment, there was a loud noise outside the door.

Old Li was in a bad mood, and shouted angrily at the door, "Keep your voice down!"

quite a while.

No one answered outside the door, but the noisy voice also fell silent.

This reaction was very strange, but Mr. Li didn't care, and thought it was the guard outside the door who heard his words.

Shu Yao also panted slightly, and couldn't help but listen to the movement outside the door, this scene was noticed by Mr. Li.

"What? You expect someone to come to rescue you?" Mr. Li hummed with a smile.

Shu Yao also laughed, "I'm dead..."

Insulting her is not the same as insulting Qin Jiuxiao. Even if she dies, Shu Yao will not let this beast succeed.

"What are you going to do!" Li Lao suddenly realized what Shu Yao wanted to do.

He hurriedly bent down to stop Shu Yao, but at this moment the door was kicked open——

Before Mr. Li could react in the future, a gust of wind swept over Mr. Li's entire body!


Mr. Li slammed directly on the cabinet, hitting the sharp corner of the cabinet with his spine, and screamed in pain.

"Ah!" Freak Li yelled, holding his waist.

He struggled for a long time to stand up, but found that he couldn't stand up at all, and his lower body seemed to lose consciousness.

who is it?

Who dares to be so bold?
Mr. Li wanted to call someone, but when he raised his eyes, he couldn't call out, "Come, come—"

In front of the open door, Mr. Li's people fell in disorder, motionless.

Looking again, Mr. Li saw the familiar figure hugging the scarred woman on the ground.

That is……

"Jiu, Jiuxiao." Elder Li was instantly terrified.

The breath of wind and rain was on the man's body, and it was so cold that it forced Li Laopao to crawl back.

Seeing Qin Jiuxiao's eyes were indifferent, like Shura who came from Abi Hell, and now he is asking for his life.

But how could someone who was clearly locked up come to the Huasheng Mansion, Mr. Li didn't dare to think about it.

"Pull it out." Qin Jiuxiao's voice was cold.

Mr. Li saw a few people rushing in by the door, and directly and roughly dragged Mr. Li out.

"No, don't, Jiuxiao Jiuxiao, listen to me!" Elder Li instantly understood what was going to happen.

He tugged at the frame beside the door, trying not to be pulled out, and raised his eyes to look at Qin Jiuxiao.

However, Qin Jiuxiao turned a deaf ear to it, and instead only the man in his arms stared at Old Li.

"Miss Shu, please! My lord has a lot of me..." Mr. Li began to speak nonsense.

Mr. Li suddenly understood who was the real master, and his life and death might not be decided by Shu Yao's words.

Shu Yao, who was hugged in her arms, stared at Mr. Li fiercely with her eyes, aloof and unaware of the embarrassment just now.

She seemed to be the queen of ancient times, condescendingly overlooking the miserable and pitiful old Li.

"Miss Shu! It's because I don't know Taishan with my eyes, it's me who—"

As he said that, Mr. Li raised his hand, and shot left and right at the bloody place where he had been cut by Shu Yao just now.

His face was swollen from the beating, as if he was performing for Shu Yao.

Qin Jiuxiao also noticed Shu Yao's strangeness, she was looking at Mr. Li.

"Yaoyao?" Qin Jiuxiao asked her in a low voice, noticing the slight trembling of the person in his arms, he tightened his grip.

Shu Yao closed her eyes, clenched her hands and said in a hoarse voice, "Don't..."

"No?" Qin Jiuxiao frowned, suppressing the anger in his heart.

don't want anything.

Don't attack Mr. Li, could it be that Shu Yao still has compassion for these people at this time.

Seeing that Mr. Li was about to imprint his tragic situation in his mind, Shu Yao spoke out in hatred.

"Don't let them go, don't let any of them go."

After saying this, Shu Yao's rationality gradually became blurred, she was so hot and her mind was so confused.

Shu Yao can't touch alcohol, and the blues is her lesson from the past.



The members of the Qin family by the door listened to Shu Yao's order, and dragged Mr. Li out cruelly without any reason.

"No, no, no, no!" Mrs. Li still clasped the door firmly.

Qin Jiuxiao just raised his eyes coldly and glanced at the two people who were dragging.

They used all their strength to reach the time, only to hear Mr. Li scream, and the nails were cut off directly, and they were dragged away.

The screams gradually faded away, but the person in Qin Jiuxiao's arms was still trembling unconsciously.


"It's okay, Yaoyao."

The man talked to Shu Yao tirelessly over and over again, but Shu Yao just buried herself in front of him without saying a word.

Qin Jiuxiao felt uneasy, and said softly, "Yaoyao, we're going back, we're fine."

Of course he was furious, wishing he could——

It's just that there is nothing more important than Shu Yao now, such a quiet Shu Yao is too abnormal.

"Yaoyao, can you speak well?" The man walked out of Huasheng's mansion, lowered his head and whispered.

Shu Yao in her arms just shook her head, she just grasped the corner of Qin Jiuxiao's sleeve silently.

Until leaving Huasheng Mansion and getting in the car back to Qin's house, Shu Yao remained motionless with her eyes closed as if she was asleep.

Only the occasional trembling, Qin Jiuxiao knew that she was still awake and hadn't really fallen asleep.

She didn't speak or move, as if she had turned into a delicate doll.

After an unknown amount of time, Shu Yao heard whispers from a man beside her ear.

"Yaoyao, you're home."

She slowly opened her eyes, and saw the dazzling light, the magnificent hall, and the scene in the box flashed before her eyes.

The feeling of nausea and nausea hit her in an instant, she subconsciously tightened her hands, and more blood spilled.

"Ling Lei, let the doctor come." Qin Jiuxiao sat on the sofa in the hall with him in his arms.

Ling Lei left quickly, and brought the family doctor of the Qin family back again and again.

"This..." Ling Lei glanced at Qin Jiuxiao in embarrassment.

Shu Yao held the corner of Qin Jiuxiao's clothes tightly with her hand, and did not let go at all.

Qin Jiuxiao gently grasped that hand, and pulled it away little by little, "Yaoyao, let go."

This made Ling Lei look at Qin Jiuxiao a few more times. He had never seen his young master be so gentle.

It's as if they are not the same person, but they just look the same.

Qin Jiuxiao was patient, suppressed his emotions, and said softly, "Okay, you've done well, Yaoyao."

Her hand spread out little by little, it was the hand that held the broken glass just now, the palm was bloody and bloody.

It can be seen that the pinch was so tight just now, everyone who watched it felt a pain in their hearts, let alone Shu Yao.

The bright red blood pierced Qin Jiuxiao's heart, and his eyes gradually became darker, containing strong self-blame and distress.

"Jiuye..." She flinched, and finally spoke.

Shu Yao freed another empty hand to wrap around the man's waist, tightening it a little, this action made the man startled.

(End of this chapter)

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