After being reborn, she became the palm of a big boss

Chapter 390 Madam, what do you think?

Chapter 390 Madam, what do you think?

The other media reporters were dumbfounded that the aloof Qin Jiuye would have such a gentle side.

Although Qin Jiuye of Yecheng will always be high and untouchable, he will only bow his head for Shu Yao in his life.

Shu Yao squeezed the microphone tightly, opened and closed her lips and put down the appearance that she couldn't even hold the microphone.

"Sorry, my wife seems a little tired, after all, I experienced something bad last night."

The man took the microphone again with kindness, and firmly protected Shu Yao by his side.

Media reporters are best at catching wind and shadows, and they can capture the key points of what Qin Jiuxiao said at once.

What he was talking about was something bad he had experienced last night.

"Master Jiu, may I ask what is the bad thing you said?"

A daring person off the field asked Qin Jiuxiao a question, expecting to see the man's cold face.

Unexpectedly, Qin Jiuxiao smiled faintly and said, "My wife went to the Huasheng Mansion last night, don't you all know?"

Huasheng Mansion.

This nightmarish place for Shu Yao, she immediately became vigilant.

Shu Yao subconsciously clenched the people around her a little bit, and Qin Jiuxiao squeezed her palm silently.

"This has to do with my naive nephew, right?" Qin Jiuxiao's voice became colder.

When he spoke, he lowered his eyes slightly, and when he turned his face sideways, he saw a person pushed out among the surrounding media reporters.

The visitor was pushed and staggered, almost unable to stand firmly among the media reporters.

It was Qin Wenyu.

Shu Yao suddenly raised her eyes to look at this person, her eyes were full of frost, she would never forget——

That night, it was Qin Wenyu who threatened her first with the video.

"Uncle, Uncle." Qin Wenyu beat the eggplant like frost, and now he can't even lift his head.

Qin Jiuxiao twitched the corners of his lips, and said calmly, "Speak well, and explain clearly to the media reporters."

"I..." Qin Wenyu raised his eyes in fear, and then looked away for a moment.

Qin Jiuxiao's gaze made Qin Wenyu feel cold all over his body, and it was even more difficult to speak, especially with so many people.

He stood in front, and Qin Jiuxiao behind him approached silently like a ghost.

"Wen Yu, don't you like standing in the spotlight the most, I'll give you a chance to talk about it." He said coldly.

Qin Wenyu felt his hairs stand on end. He was also taken away by Qin Jiuxiao that night and never came back.

Now he is almost pushed to the board of directors and resigned from all affairs.

Now that Qin Wenyu was pushed in front of so many cameras, his mind went blank.

Last night, Qin Wenyu was taken away together with Mr. Li, but Mr. Li was nowhere to be found. Qin Wenyu was taught a whole night of lectures.

"I, I..." Qin Wenyu didn't dare to say.

I can't say, if I say--

He subconsciously turned his face to look at Qin Jiuxiao, hoping that Qin Jiuxiao would let him go once.

Qin Jiuxiao didn't care so much when he was a child, and now Qin Wenyu also hopes that Qin Jiuxiao will be extra merciful.

"Mr. Qin Wenyu, why are you related to this matter?"

"Mr. Qin Wenyu, who allowed you to temporarily serve on the board of directors?"

"Mr. Qin Wenyu!"

Seeing Qin Wenyu's silence, those media reporters instantly pointed their finger at Qin Wenyu.

All the sharp backstabs changed roles, Shu Yao just watched from a distance, she was well protected.

The good ones only need to watch from a distance, and Shu Yao doesn't need to do anything at all.

At this moment, Qin Wenyu was exactly the same as Shu Yao's helplessness and embarrassment after his initial comeback, constantly being forced to retreat.

"I, I—" He finally spoke until there was no way to retreat.

Faced with so many shots, Qin Wenyu swallowed, even under the air conditioner, he still felt that his back was getting soaked.

"I became the chairman of the Qin Corporation, my uncle's disappearance, Elder Qin's illness, and Ms. Shu was photographed entering the Huasheng Mansion."

"Including the private buying of the board of directors, these things are all ordered by my father Qin Hede."

After all, Qin Hede felt that the whole world was going away from him, and his heart was empty.

He knew that if he said these words, it would be the end of his game, and he couldn't go back.

This is tantamount to helping Qin Jiuxiao testify against his father and exposing Qin Hede's ugly face to the public.

"is this real?"

"Mr. Qin Wenyu, do you have evidence for this?"

"Mr. Qin Wenyu, are you being coerced into what you said?"

Qin Wenyu stared at those black shots that looked like gun muzzles, feeling terrified in his heart.

Last night, Mr. Li's screams were vivid. Although he couldn't see them, he could see the horror from the screams.

He smiled and said to the camera, "It's true, I will provide relevant evidence to the police."

Not really, all of this was designed by Qin Jiuxiao——

From the beginning of showing weakness, pretending to lose their memory made them relax their vigilance step by step, in order to lure them to take action.

Wait for the shot, and then bite them back, they are the victims and the ones who were framed by the design!
However, Qin Wenyu couldn't say anything about all this, he didn't want to disappear suddenly like Mr. Li.

"Miss Shu, I'm sorry about everything about last night." Qin Wenyu turned around stiffly and apologized to Shu Yao.

Shu Yao's eyes were cold and motionless, she did not forget how Qin Wenyu deliberately humiliated herself last night.

"Miss Shu, I deliberately lured you into and out of Huasheng's mansion to take photos—"

"I realize what I did wrong, I'm sorry."

Qin Wenyu's voice grew louder, facing Shu Yao's proud head at the banquet, and lowered his waist.

Without Shu Yao's voice, Qin Wenyu didn't dare to get up.

Shu Yao also noticed this reaction, so she deliberately didn't open her mouth to respond.

"Crack clap!"

The moment Qin Wenyu lowered his head and bowed, countless flash cameras sounded, capturing his appearance at the moment.

Seeing Qin Wenyu's fist gradually clenched, Shu Yao knew that he was still unwilling.

Qin Wenyu resisted other people's stares, and said again, "I'm sorry!"

With such a ridiculous appearance, how can there be any half of the air of being arrogant in Huasheng's mansion.

Shu Yao raised her lips sarcastically, and finally said, "Even if I'm sorry, you will pay for it."

Now that it was like this, it seemed that the young master Qin Wenyu was suffering enough.

At this moment, Qin Wenyu felt as humiliated as she did then and had to obey.

"Yes." Qin Wenyu raised his head and straightened his waist, his voice almost came through his teeth.

The media reporters asked a few more difficult questions, and Qin Wenyu answered them all.

After getting a satisfactory answer and embarrassing Qin Wenyu enough, they left the table.

There were only a few people left on the top floor of the Qin family. Qin Wenyu saw everyone scattered away, and suddenly stepped forward to block Qin Jiuxiao.

"Uncle! Please, uncle, I know I was wrong." Qin Wenyu knelt down in front of Qin Jiuxiao with a plop.

This is his uncle.

His uncle was willing to help him even when he was kidnapped when he was a child, willing to stand by his side.

This time, he would definitely forgive him, Qin Wenyu thought that if he played Qin Jiuxiao again, he might be able to escape.

"Little uncle, I have followed what you said, can you not send me to the police?"

Hearing this, Qin Jiuxiao paused when he left, and a slight smile appeared on his stern face.

Seeing this scene, Qin Wenyu thought for a moment that there was hope, but unexpectedly——

Qin Jiuxiao turned to Shu Yao!

"Ma'am, what do you say?" He whispered.

(End of this chapter)

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