Chapter 391 She is the bottom line
Shu Yao subconsciously glanced at the other people around her, and said in a low voice, "Master Jiu!"

What is he going to do.

"Well, I'm here." Qin Jiuxiao showed a very shallow smile, and replied in a gentle voice.

The others who were following Qin Jiuxiao lowered their heads knowingly, not daring to peep at the two of them.

Only Qin Wenyu was almost dumbfounded, kneeling and looking at Qin Jiuxiao blankly.

Qin Jiuxiao condescendingly glanced at Qin Wenyu who was kneeling, and asked again, "Forgive him?"

"No." Shu Yao hardly hesitated.

Qin Wenyu's life and death are actually in the hands of a woman, and it is this woman who has made him suffer repeatedly.

This was something Qin Wenyu never thought of before.

As soon as the words fell, Qin Wenyu felt that the sky was about to fall, so he took a few steps forward on his knees.

"Uncle, Uncle, she's just—"

"To shut up."

Qin Jiuxiao's voice was extremely cold to him, so cold that it seemed that Qin Wenyu was just a stranger.

This recognition immediately eroded Qin Wenyu, why should his fate be in Shu Yao's hands.

"Uncle, she's just an actress! How can you listen to her?" Qin Wenyu said stubbornly.

Hearing this, Qin Jiuxiao's face darkened completely, and he raised his chin at Ling Heng.

Ling Heng reacted instantly, even before Shu Yao could get angry with Qin Wenyu, Ling Heng stepped forward.

"What are you doing!" Qin Wenyu's jaw was suddenly pinched by Ling Heng.

He subconsciously wanted to struggle, but Ling Heng tightly squeezed him to prevent him from moving.

Immediately afterwards, Shu Yao saw Ling Heng, who was always gentle and polite, raised his hand and slapped Qin Wenyu cleanly.


Qin Wenyu's face was turned to one side when he was hit with such force, and he could taste the strong smell of blood in his mouth.

It can be seen how hard Ling Heng hit this time, and Qin Wenyu was stunned.

Ling Heng then took out his handkerchief and wiped his hands again, "I'm sorry, Master Qin Wenyu."

"Uncle, Uncle! You hit me?" Qin Wenyu couldn't believe it.

But in fact it happened, Qin Jiuxiao beat him for a woman.

This woman hasn't even stepped into the Qin family's door!
Seeing Qin Wenyu's appearance, Shu Yao felt pitiful, "Master Jiu, forget it."

"Well, it's all up to you." Qin Jiuxiao's face softened a little, and he agreed.

Shu Yao was startled, her face flushed slightly, she was still not used to being taken care of so far, she nodded slightly as a response.

"Take the lady down first."


Shu Yao left, Qin Wenyu immediately hugged Qin Jiuxiao's calf when he saw the person who made him feel ashamed had left.

Anyway, he and Qin Jiuxiao grew up, and Qin Wenyu didn't care what each other looked like.

As long as Ren bowed his head for a while, Qin Jiuxiao would always forgive him.

"Uncle! Uncle, please forgive me, I dare not, I really dare not." Qin Wenyu begged.

Qin Jiuxiao squatted down, and was on eye level with the embarrassed Qin Wenyu, "It was really forgot."

Qin Wenyu is a junior.

The grievances of the previous generation do not affect the next generation. As an elder, Qin Jiuxiao didn't want to care too much about the miscellaneous.


"You shouldn't touch her, Wen Yu." He laughed, the smile didn't reach his eyes.

Qin Wenyu felt cold all over his body, unable to repent, and pleaded, "No, this was not my idea!"

"You, the other one, I know, it's not just you." Qin Jiuxiao spoke earnestly like a real elder.

Qin Wenyu trembled when he heard it, how did he know such details, as if he was living beside him.

But during that time, Qin Jiuxiao was obviously locked up, and he even knew these details clearly.

This made Qin Wenyu feel that the Qin Jiuxiao city mansion in front of him was terrible, and those eyes could see through him.

"Uncle, I don't want to go to jail, uncle, I beg you..."

Qin Jiuxiao stood up and said two words indifferently, "It's late."

Shu Yao is Qin Jiuxiao's bottom line.

Immediately, Qin Jiuxiao left the top floor straight away, ignoring the crying from behind him.



As soon as the door was opened, Wen Wan woke up from the bed and stood up, almost running into Shu Yao's arms.

After Shu Yao left that night, Wen Wan took care of Mr. Shu for her, and was transferred to Yecheng Central Hospital.

Wen Wan was surprised and delighted to see Shu Yao when she woke up now.

Wen Wan hurriedly backed away again, checked Shu Yao up and down, "Are you okay?"


When she got close, Wen Wan could smell a strange smell on Shu Yao's body.

"I'm fine, don't worry, Grandpa, she..." Shu Yao felt that there was nothing wrong, and was about to go inside.

But Wen Wan stopped her and hurriedly said, "Yaoyao, are you really okay?"

The Huasheng Mansion photographed Shu Yao going in and out. Could she really get out of that place without shelter?

Wen Wan was very worried.

"It's okay, why are you looking at me like that?" Shu Yao followed Wen Wan's gaze.

Unsurprisingly, the place Shu Yao touched was red and swollen, and she suddenly realized what Wen Wan was asking.

Shu Yao pursed her lips and said in a low voice, "It's not what you think."

Wen Wan knew this kind of trace, it must have been left behind after doing that.

Is it...

Shu Yao avoided talking about it, and Wen Wan suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart.

"Is it Yaoyao? Has Yaoyao come back!" Across the curtain, Mr. Shu's eager voice sounded.

She didn't notice Wen Wan's hesitant expression, and hurried to Mr. Shu's hospital bed.

As soon as he came to the front, Mr. Shu hurriedly grabbed Shu Yao's hand, and muttered, "Don't worry about Grandpa."

According to Master Shu's understanding of Shu Yao, Master Shu is sure that she has meddled in the Qin family's affairs.

Once this thing is in danger, it is difficult to get out.

"It's okay, don't you think I'm alright?" Shu Yao stood up and let Mr. Shu look around.

Mr. Shu was about to speak, but suddenly saw a red mark on the neck of the swan with sharp eyes.

"Yaoyao, you—"

Shu Yao was startled, "Me?"

"What's that on the side of your shoulder? You last night..." Mr. Shu had a bad guess in his heart.

The girl Shu Yao always likes to report good news but not bad news, seeing the red mark is obviously the imprint of after love.

In the morning, Mr. Shu also saw the newspaper. It was a photo of Shu Yao entering and leaving Huasheng's mansion.

that place—

Realizing what old master Shu said, Shu Yao's expression changed, "Grandpa, don't misunderstand."

"Then how did you do it?" Mr. Shu was afraid that Shu Yao was hiding it from him.

Wen Wan also followed, hesitating to speak, it seems that Mr. Shu and her have the same idea.

But what should a girl like Shu Yao say about this kind of thing? Could it be that she had a night with Master Jiu.

If you say it out, you may know what Mr. Shu thinks of Qin Jiuxiao, not to mention that it is a matter of your love and my wish.

"This is……"

Before the words were finished, the door of the ward was opened.

The man walked in slowly, with light and dust lingering around his side, and when the early sun fell on him, he was like a god, noble and unoffendable.

"Didn't Master Jiu say that you were waiting for me in the car?" Shu Yao was startled, but he didn't expect him to follow.

Wen Wan was also taken aback for a moment, and in the blink of an eye, she immediately understood where the marks on Shu Yao's body came from!

(End of this chapter)

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