Chapter 401 is no coincidence!

Although he thought these ingredients were incredible, Ling Heng still complied.

After Qin Jiuxiao simply finished processing the documents at hand, he smelled a spicy smell when he walked out of the study.

The spicy taste made him frowned subconsciously, and his body stiffened slightly when he walked to the dining table.

"This is..." Qin Jiuxiao hesitated to speak.

Ling Heng nodded slightly, and said truthfully, "Miss Shu ordered it."

In front of the dining table was a hot pot that was bubbling and bubbling, and the spicy smell rushed straight to the entire Qin family.

Even Ling Heng was tainted with the smell of hot pot after just standing here for a short while, as if soaked in soup.

"Then here again?"

The hot pot is a Tai Chi shape, one side is hot and the other side is deep black.

A figure jumped out of the kitchen, it was Shu Yao.

Shu Yao brought the ingredients out from the kitchen and introduced, "This is sukiyaki."

"Miss Shu really has unique taste."

At this moment, Zhu Rong came out from nowhere and walked to the dining table.

Seeing Zhu Rong appear, the inexplicable Shu Yao felt very reserved, and Qin Jiuxiao also noticed this characteristic.

"Uncle Zhu, together?" Qin Jiuxiao said lightly.

Zhu Rong unceremoniously opened the chair and sat down. Just as he was about to speak, Shu Yao had already filled the bowls and chopsticks for him.

Zhu Rong smiled slightly, "Thank you."

Seeing this scene, Ling Heng was rather shocked. After all, in his eyes, Shu Yao was only slightly different in front of Master Jiu.

But Zhu Rong's appearance seems to have changed Shu Yao, Shu Yao is also very unnatural in front of Zhu Rong.

"Bad, almost ready to eat." Shu Yao hurriedly placed the food on the table.

It's just that when he passed by Zhu Rong and wanted to put things next to Zhu Rong, he was in a hurry.

The chopsticks accidentally dropped on the ground, Shu Yao hurriedly picked them up.

"I'll change it." She didn't dare to look at Zhu Rong.

Zhu Rong, on the other hand, looked at Shu Yao motionlessly, his eyes sparkling like stars.

He followed Shu Yao's shadow until it disappeared into the kitchen.

His gaze quickly attracted Qin Jiuxiao's attention, and Qin Jiuxiao coughed a few times calmly.

"Master Jiu, don't get me wrong." Zhu Rong smiled and sighed if he lost something.

Qin Jiuxiao didn't look at him, as if he was waiting for an answer.

"Shu Yao was raised by me watching Mr. Qin, and I regard him as my daughter."

"I haven't seen you for many years, I didn't expect it to come out so well."

Thinking back to those years, Zhu Rong smiled, eyes full of nostalgia.

Qin Jiuxiao closed his eyes very slowly, and said again, "She's always pretty."

"..." Ling Heng, who was standing aside, was shocked, what did he say.

This partiality is too obvious!
Zhu Rong didn't take it seriously, and said flatly, "She just came under Mr. Qin's command, so she's very ugly."

Qin Siwen didn't have that much time to take Shu Yao with him all the time. When he first came to Qin Siwen's subordinates, Zhu Rong took him.

Zhu Rong is Shu Yao's half master and half father.

When Shu Yao first arrived, she didn't know anything, she couldn't learn anything well, and she couldn't even socialize.

Not to mention how he looks, just wearing the conservative and vulgar clothes makes Zhu Rong, who is used to seeing stunning looks, look down on him.

Back then, Shu Yao was simply an ugly duckling.

"Uncle Zhu." Qin Jiuxiao's voice was deep, as a warning.

Zhu Rong didn't say any more, he opened the bubbling hot pot, and put the ingredients in directly.

The spicy taste made Qin Jiuxiao feel a little uncomfortable, but he didn't say anything if Shu Yao liked it.

Until Shu Yao left and returned, she didn't notice anything strange about Qin Jiuxiao.

Everyone took their seats and started eating, except for Ling Heng who used it early and only waited on the side.

Both Shu Yao and Zhu Rong ate the spicy pot, their faces remained unchanged, and even the dipping sauce in the bowl was spicy.

Alone Qin Jiuxiao, who only cooks at the side of the sushi pot, eats very politely, with very small mouthfuls.

I don't know if it was because of Zhu Rong's presence, but they didn't speak, and they ate their own food.

In the end, it was Zhu Rong who broke the silence and asked, "Lin Lang."

Lin Lang.

This name was Shu Yao's code name when she was still under Qin Siwen's subordinates, and it was accented with Lone Wolf.

"What's the matter, Uncle Zhu?" Shu Yao raised her eyes to look at Zhu Rong carefully.

Zhu Rong...

He is old and has gray hair on his sideburns, but it makes him look more refined and elder-like.

"Do you know who Bai He is?" Zhu Rong was generous, asking Shu Yao to examine herself.

Shu Yao pondered for a moment, then slowly calmed down and said, "I guess it's the director of the First Hospital."

"He Yunzhou."

Zhu Rong said the name almost without any hesitation, and at the same time licked her lower lip with insatiable desire.

With his appearance, he looked like a poisonous spider crawling on a web waiting for an opportunity.

"Uncle Zhu, are you going to kill him?" Shu Yao asked hesitantly.

When she said this, she glanced at Qin Jiuxiao cautiously, for fear of seeing disgust from the man's eyes.

after all.

As Qin Siwen's subordinates, most of them were called freaks.

What's more, how can there be any man who wants his woman to come from an organization that is not innocent.

Zhu Rong clicked his tongue and said hesitantly, "Killing him is too cheap. I heard he has a younger sister."

"Uncle Zhu, his sister—"

Killing hearts.

Zhu Rong's method was the most terrifying and cruel, and Shu Yao couldn't help feeling chills in her heart.

Shu Yao was led by Zhu Rong back then, Shu Yao is the person who has seen Zhu Rong's methods the most, and no one can compare to him.

"Lin Lang, how many times have I told you not to be soft-hearted, don't be soft-hearted." Zhu Rong said coolly.

the end.

Zhu Rong didn't think there was anything wrong, and even looked a little worried.

"He killed Mr. Qin, who can pay for Mr. Qin's life?"

After saying that, she seemed a little angry at Shu Yao's benevolence, she dropped her chopsticks and left the dining table.

He was still very elegant and calm when he walked, but he was far from being as amiable as he appeared on the surface——

This is why Shu Yao is unnatural.

"Shu Yao, who is he to you?" After Zhu Rong left, Qin Jiuxiao put down the bowl and chopsticks and asked.

Shu Yao flinched from the memory in a daze, and said in a low voice, "He is my master."

Everything that Shu Yao knew, such as communication, hacking skills, and strategies, was all done by Zhu Rong.

She tightened her hand, then let go.

"I'm sorry Jiu Ye, I've kept you a secret for so long, I didn't mean it."

"I was about to give up this identity..."

Because of Fu Jingzhen, she knew that Fu Jingzhen must not like such a dirty identity.

Back then Shu Yao completely gave up on the past and obliterated everything in order to return to Fu Jingzhen's identity.

"I know, Yaoyao, I know everything."

Hearing this, Shu Yao was startled, and then heard Qin Jiuxiao continue.

"It wasn't a coincidence that you met my father back then." His voice was deep and hoarse.

But like a heavy hammer, Shu Yao was completely awakened, and she suddenly realized what Qin Jiuxiao said.

But Shu Yao was still shocked by this fact, and said, "Isn't it a coincidence?"


Qin Jiuxiao's stern brows were stained with a layer of frost, and his eyes were like distant mountains, making Shu Yao unable to see clearly.

He parted his thin lips slightly, and said slowly, "When I came back to the Qin family, I exchanged my father's place, and there was a price for it."

Qin Jiuxiao is not a fool, he knows what it means to go back to the Qin family.

It means a position of power, but it also means a never-ending struggle.

Swapping out Qin Siwen allowed Qin Siwen and Jiang Yunrong to live far away in Country S, and both Qin Siwen and him paid the price.

Qin Siwen protects Shu Yao, and he inherits Qin Siwen's position as Patriarch.

 There may be fewer updates in the future when repairing the text, and the update will resume after the repair

(End of this chapter)

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