Chapter 402 Grandma Li is gone!

"You don't remember." Qin Jiuxiao's eyes showed a little undetectable sadness, and their eyes were dark.

Shu Yao was suffocated by such eyes, she knew the feeling of leaving another person alone in her memory.

At first.

Shu Yao never felt sad when Qin Jiuxiao lost his memory, but at that time he was glad that Qin Jiuxiao still remembered herself.

But the sad thing is that Shu Yao forgot, she really can't remember things when she was a child.

"Ninth Master..."

"Shh, listen to me."


Qin Jiuxiao and Jiang Yunrong were picked up. Qin Jiuxiao saw the little group chasing the car behind him and watched her fall down.

But Qin Jiuxiao couldn't get out of the car, and couldn't go back to her side.

Jiang Yunrong once told Qin Jiuxiao that if he wanted to protect Xiaotuanzi, the best way was to leave her.

From Jiang Yunrong's experience, Qin Jiuxiao deeply understands this truth.

But Qin Jiuxiao's selfishness didn't want to let it go, he liked Shu Yao and didn't want to lose contact over it.

So, late at night, Qin Jiuxiao knocked on the door of his father's study.

Qin Jiuxiao pushed open the door cautiously, walked up to the man, "Father."

"Father?" Qin Siwen hugged Qin Jiuxiao and pinched Qin Jiuxiao's face.

Qin Jiuxiao remained motionless, being quietly pinched by the man.

"Call Dad." Qin Siwen said in a commanding tone.

Although Qin Jiuxiao was young, he was still very witty, and called him kindly, "Dad."

A small person who looks very similar to Qin Siwen, who was born of Qin Siwen's favorite woman.

He is small, but it is not difficult to see what he will look like in the future.

"Tell me, what's the matter?" Qin Siwen went straight to the point.

Qin Jiuxiao was hugged and looked at Qin Siwen seriously, "Does Dad want to leave Qin's house with Mom?"

"What do you know?" Qin Siwen raised his eyebrows.

Could it be that he quarreled with Jiang Yunrong a while ago, and this kid found out.

Qin Jiuxiao patted the hand pinching his face away, "Mom doesn't like the Qin family, and mother yearns for freedom."


"So if I can help Dad, Dad has to help me."

The appearance of this little ghost made Qin Siwen feel more and more stupid about himself, how could he not believe in Jiang Yunrong.

Qin Jiuxiao is clearly his son, so smart and clever.

"I will work hard, I will inherit my father's position, and then my father can take away my mother..."

"But Dad—you must also be nice to Mom!"

The little Qin Jiuxiao spoke very formally. He looked at Qin Siwen seriously, and couldn't bear to miss it.

Qin Jiuxiao's deal was based on trust. He believed that Qin Siwen really loved Jiang Yunrong.

What's more, he has been with Jiang Yunrong for so many years, and he also knows that Jiang Yunrong has never let go of Qin Siwen.

"You are so young, you will be killed by villains if I leave." Qin Siwen said half-truthfully.

Unexpectedly, Qin Jiuxiao was not frightened at all, he whispered, "I know."

"Aren't you afraid of death if you know it? At least I'll let you have a stable childhood by my side."

"do not want!"

Jiang Yunrong would not be willing to be bound by the Qin family, and Shu Yao couldn't wait for Qin Jiuxiao to grow up and take full power.

He was afraid that it would be too late for anything, so he was not afraid of death.

"Father teach me, I must learn well, and I will inherit your position." He admitted.

Qin Siwen touched Qin Jiuxiao's head affectionately, and said in a warm voice, "Thank you, Xiao Jiu."

"Then dad must agree to my conditions!"

"You said."

The exquisite figure in his arms took out a photo, and he pointed to the little girl in the photo.

Qin Siwen recognized the girl in the photo almost immediately, isn't that the daughter of the Shu family?

"Father, you have to protect her, okay?" Qin Jiuxiao almost begged.

He never begged Qin Siwen for anything, nor did he show weakness to Qin Siwen.

Qin Siwen didn't agree immediately, but instead asked, "Do you like her?"

"I...I..." Qin Jiuxiao was speechless for a moment.

Is that like?
He didn't know, he only knew that he really wanted to protect Xiaotuanzi, and that he liked hearing her call him Ninth Brother.

Qin Siwen smiled and said firmly, "You like it."

"I like it, dad—"

"I promised, I will always protect her and let her live well until you take power completely."

As promised, Qin Siwen had a rare childlike innocence, and grabbed Qin Jiuxiao's little finger and hooked it.

Qin Jiuxiao didn't believe in such trifling things, but because of Shu Yao's promise, he couldn't help but believe it too.

"If the hook is hung for 100 years, it must not be changed."

This promise was made in the first place.


Her thoughts were drawn back to the present, and Shu Yao stared at Qin Jiuxiao incredulously.

She couldn't believe that a person could love herself so deeply!

"I'm sorry Yaoyao, if it wasn't for me..." Qin Jiuxiao said in a deep voice.

If Qin Jiuxiao hadn't exchanged terms with Qin Siwen back then, maybe Shu Yao wouldn't have become Jiubu Linlang.

Shu Yao is still a clean and innocent young lady of a family.

"No, if there was no Mr. Qin back then, I might..."

Without Qin Siwen's help, Shu Yao would not have been able to fill in the huge sum of money she hollowed out for Fu Jingzhen back then.


At this time.

Shu Yao's mobile phone kept vibrating, interrupting her thinking.

When I picked up the phone, there was intermittent crying from the other end of the phone, and I couldn't even speak clearly.

"Sister, is sister Shu Yao you?"

At first Shu Yao wondered which child's voice it was, but then realized that it was Li Zhaoran's voice.

She heard something bad from Li Zhaoran's crying, "What's wrong?"

"Sister! Grandma is gone, she's gone woooooo, grandma hasn't come back so late."

Li Zhaoran couldn't even speak clearly because of the sofa where the sound of crying was abnormal.

"I can't find Brother Badass again. Grandma's cell phone fell here, but no one..."

"No one, grandma is gone."

Speaking of this, Li Zhaoran became louder, which made Shu Yao flustered, and she stood up abruptly.

"Don't panic Zhaoran, you press the phone first and then..." Shu Yao instructed Li Zhaoran to post the location to herself.

After hanging up the phone, Qin Jiuxiao could tell from Shu Yao's flustered expression.

"Master Jiu, Grandma Li is gone." Even Shu Yao panicked for the first time, she said helplessly.

Yecheng is so big, Shu Yao can't guarantee what she promised to Li Zhaoran.

Qin Jiuxiao gave Ling Heng a wink, "Let's do it."

"Yes." Ling Heng nodded slightly and stepped back.

Suddenly, Shu Yao grabbed Qin Jiuxiao and walked out, saying, "I still have to pick up Li Zhaoran."

"Yaoyao, don't worry." Qin Jiuxiao followed her out and said in a warm voice.

Shu Yao was in a hurry, she knew the pros and cons of it too well, the past she heard from Grandma Li made her chills.

Just knowing so much of this is enough to kill people!

Qin Jiuxiao grabbed her and made her look at him, "Yaoyao, look at me, don't worry."

"I, I..." Shu Yao looked at Qin Jiuxiao helplessly, and tears fell down suddenly.

She was thinking that if she hadn't insisted on knowing the truth, she wouldn't have paid attention to Grandma Li on set.

Without herself, Grandma Li may still be living her life in peace and poverty at this time.

Did she kill Grandma Li?
(End of this chapter)

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