Chapter 403 You will be punished


Be cruel to others and never show mercy to yourself.

Unable to calm down, Shu Yao gritted her teeth and raised her hand to slap herself.

The pain finally made Shu Yao calm down, she jumped into the man's arms, "Help me, help me."

Now Shu Yao is so flustered that there is nothing in the panic, subconsciously looking for the most trusted place.

"Then, let's find Li Zhaoran." Responding, Shu Yao hastily dragged him away.

Qin Jiuxiao held her in his arms and patted her on the back, silently comforting her.

"Don't worry, I've already asked someone to bring it over."


Only the tense in her arms relaxed a little, she didn't dare to think about what would happen if something happened to Grandma Li.

Li Zhaoran is still so young, she doesn't understand anything, if it's because Shu Yao wants to know the truth--

After killing Grandma Li, how will Shu Yao face Li Zhaoran in the future.

Not long after, Ling Heng came in with a little man in his arms, it was Li Zhaoran.

Li Zhaoran was still crying at first, but when he saw Shu Yaodeng, he felt relieved for a while, and stopped crying and making noise.

She slipped into Shu Yao's arms, "Sister Yaoyao."

"Zhaoran, tell me what's going on?" Shu Yao looked at Li Zhaoran impatiently.

Li Zhaoran couldn't help but want to cry again when he thought about it, he couldn't hold back, "I'm, I'm taking a nap!"

She is taking a nap.

The one who was put to sleep on the sofa by Li Zhilan fell into a deep sleep, and when he was in a daze, he heard the doorbell ring.

Li Zhilan left to open the door, at first Li Zhilan seemed very happy, and her voice grew louder.

Li Zhaoran also felt noisy and jumped off the sofa and went to the study to sleep, and was so dazed that he didn't pay attention to anyone.

There was still a very clear sound outside the door until he fell asleep.

Later, when she woke up, Grandma Li disappeared, and the living room was in a mess.

"Are you sure it was Grandma who opened the door?" Shu Yao grasped the point immediately.

Li Zhaoran nodded affirmatively, "Grandma Li was very happy at that time, as if she was reminiscing about the past."

If Li Zhaoran hadn't been disturbed by talking so loudly, she wouldn't have gone back to bed by herself.

"So obviously you really didn't see who it was? Not at all?"


Li Zhaoran pursed his lips, recalling the scene carefully.

At that time, Li Zhaoran was so sleepy that he couldn't open his eyes. He only remembered that his voice was extremely high-pitched.

"That person's words are so ugly and sharp!" Li Zhaoran only mentioned this characteristic.

At this time, a person was suddenly thrown in from outside the door, and that person fell straight on the ground and wanted to get up in embarrassment.

Taking a closer look, Li Zhaoran called out instantly, "It's the gatekeeper!"

Li Zhaoran knew this person. He was the gatekeeper in the community. Every time, Grandma Li would take her to say hello.

"Master, this person said that the video is missing." Ling Heng then walked in.

Qin Jiuxiao smiled, squatted down, and looked down at the people on the ground, "Missing?"

"No, no, no, it's not missing!" The old man at the door stammered in fright when he saw that it was really Qin Jiuye himself.

the end.

He swallowed and explained, "It's not that it's gone, it's, it's not recorded, someone paid me not to record it."

At that time, the old gatekeeper directly cut off the monitoring and didn't record it.

"Who is it?"

"No, I don't know. It's said with a voice changer. I can't tell it when I wear sunglasses."

Ling Heng looked at it with a sneer. At first, the old man who guarded the door was unwilling to say anything, but he behaved when he really saw Master Qin Jiu.

The old man at the gate explained everything he knew, and even took out the money.

"I just gave [-], I, I really didn't take more." The old man at the door shivered.

Qin Jiuxiao gave Ling Heng a wink, and immediately pulled the old man who was watching the gate out.

Li Zhaoran jumped on Shu Yao's shoulder in awe, "Beautiful brother is so fierce!"

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, that's for the bad guys." Shu Yao coaxed.

Qin Jiuxiao pondered for a moment, probably knew it, and said lightly, "Is that your aunt?"

"What——you mean Shu Yawen?" Shu Yao was startled, and then realized.

In the blink of an eye, Shu Yao suddenly came to her senses.

Using a voice changer is afraid that people will know the characteristics, so I made a premeditated visit earlier.

It shows that this person is very familiar with Grandma Li's current situation, and Grandma Li has just returned to China, and Yecheng has no relatives——

Who will know her well?
Except for staying at Shu's house temporarily on that day, no one knew that Grandma Li had returned.

Her acquaintance, besides Mr. Shu, is Mr. Shu's daughter, Shu Yawen.

"What is she going to do, she—"

"What do you think?" The man looked at her gently and calmly.

Shu Yao blurted out almost without any hesitation, and said in a trembling voice, "Murder to silence."

Shen Huaiyuan just came to inform Shu Yao and Shu Murou of his background, and when he turned around, something happened to Grandma Li.

Everything suddenly made sense.


"No no no!"

Li Zhilan was dragged out of the van, and she fell heavily on the ground, her old body was in pain.

She widened her eyes and looked at Shu Yawen who got off from the co-pilot with disbelief on her face.

"I'm sorry, Grandma, I can't help it." Shu Yawen pulled out the cotton ball from Li Zhilan's mouth.

Li Zhilan was astonished, and tremblingly said, "Why?"

"You know too much!" Shu Yawen replied simply and rudely.

Li Zhilan didn't understand what Shu Yawen was saying at first, but she suddenly realized, "You're talking about Shu Murou?"

Shen Huaiyuan mentioned to her that the girl was Li Qingya's child.

Li Zhilan only knew about Li Qingya, now that Li Qingya was dead, she would not be threatened.

Then only Shu Murou is left!
"Yeah, why don't you just stay abroad properly, old guy? You must come back to seek death."

"Mu Rou is about to get married, she has already confessed to her relatives, but she wants to have an extra trouble like you.

Shu Yawen sneered, she snapped her fingers, and another big man got off the main driver.

There is no one who is not afraid of death, even knowing what Shu Yawen is going to do, Li Zhilan is still afraid.

"What are you going to do?"

Shu Yawen narrowed her eyes slightly, "Send you to death."

Below the river bank is the sound of lapping waves, which can be heard clearly from such a high distance, and the sea breeze is whistling like crying.

"Bo'an is so good, why is it just you? How did Lao Shu give birth to such a vicious woman—"

"What did you say?!"

I don't know which word stabbed Shu Yawen's pain, her face instantly became hideous.

Shu Yawen walked to Li Zhilan's side, "What's wrong with Shu Boyan? He took everything from me!"

Originally, if there was no younger brother Shu Boyan, she would be the master of the Shu family, and everything would belong to her.

It's because of Shu Boyan, who took away her parents' love and her wealth!

"You, you are crazy." Li Zhilan saw such a crazy person.

In the end, Li Zhilan was so angry that she cursed, "You will definitely suffer retribution."

Shu Yawen grinned grimly, and said loudly, "I have done so many things until now no one knows, no retribution!"

Li Zhilan was shocked, "What else did you do?"

Up to now, Shu Yawen is not afraid to let a dead person know the whole truth.

She grabbed Li Zhilan and whispered in Li Zhilan's ear.

(End of this chapter)

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