Chapter 404 is my honor

"I'm not afraid to tell you, I've done too many bad things!"

Li Zhilan's old and cloudy eyes locked on Shu Yawen, as if she wanted to see through her, "What have you done?"

"Didn't you say that Shu Boyan is okay? You and my father both think boys are good and sons are good."

"No matter how good he is, he's dead!"

Shu Yawen's voice became louder and louder, and even the waves couldn't cover it up.

With a bang, the sky changed drastically, and suddenly it began to rain heavily.

The lightning reflected Shu Yawen's face in a hideous and terrifying way, and that exquisite makeup looked extremely mysterious.

Li Zhilan couldn't believe the meaning of Shu Yawen's words, and said slowly, "You, you wouldn't..."


Shu Yawen just thought it was ridiculous, but Li Zhilan still didn't believe it when she said it so bluntly.

After all, no one would dare to believe that Shu Boyan, as her own younger brother, would kill Shu Yawen.

"So what if I do all the bad things?"

"It's not that I'm still alive and well, but you are going to die—old thing."

Shu Yawen dragged Li Zhilan to the edge of the cliff, and she was about to throw Li Zhilan directly.

At this time, there was a loud shout from a distance.

"Shu Yawen!"

Following the voice, Shu Yawen was startled, then her eyes widened, it was actually Shu Yao.

How did she find here?

Behind Shu Yao, Shu Yawen saw Qin Jiuxiao, the man who controlled Yecheng.

In an instant, Shu Yawen was not surprised why Shu Yao found herself with such a big backer as Qin Jiuxiao.

"Shu Yao, stay away from me, or I'll throw this old thing right away!" Shu Yawen shouted immediately.

The blood in Shu Yawen's whole body was cold, and Shu Yao watched such a scene——

And she told Li Zhilan about herself and Shu Boyan, she was finished.

For a moment, Shu Yawen's mind was in a mess and she couldn't think at all.

Shu Yawen was furious, and said again, "Now that things have come to an end, I'm going to pull a back!"

"Master Jiu, what should we do?" Shu Yao turned to ask the man beside her for help.

They were so far away that Shu Yawen was on the edge of the cliff.

Seeing this scene, Li Zhaoran cried in fright, if it wasn't for Shu Yao's tightness, Li Zhaoran would have rushed out.

Li Zhaoran cried, "Grandma!"

Looking at the big and the small, Qin Jiuxiao felt a strange feeling in his heart, but he couldn't tell what it was.

He just brought Shu Yao to his side and said in a low voice, "Don't be afraid, hold her first."



The man's voice seemed to have magical powers, and Shu Yao's flustered heart was calmed down little by little.

"Find a way to say something to divert her attention." He said again.

Shu Yao instantly thought of someone, and immediately yelled at Shu Yawen.

"Shu Yawen, are you willing? Shu Murou just sit back and enjoy it, you have nothing!"

Shu Yao was right, if Shu Yawen died with this old thing at this time, wouldn't it be for nothing.

This seemed to hit Shu Yawen's pain, her body shook suddenly, and her hand loosened a little unconsciously.

At this moment, Qin Jiuxiao snapped his fingers.

At first, the big man who helped Shu Yawen kidnap someone rushed forward and dragged Shu Yawen over the edge of the cliff.

"What are you doing! You bastard!" Shu Yawen was shocked, but she couldn't struggle at all.

Seeing this, Li Zhilan hurriedly struggled to get up and ran towards Shu Yao.

The people behind Qin Jiuxiao immediately stepped forward to greet Li Zhilan, while Shu Yao's feet softened and almost fell when she saw this scene.

Qin Jiuxiao quickly supported Shu Yao, and Shu Yao leaned softly on the man's chest, listening to his heartbeat.

Again and again, calm and powerful, this may be the feeling of peace of mind.

Finally letting go of the big rock in her heart, Shu Yao also let go of Li Zhaoran at the same time, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Qin Jiuxiao didn't care about other people or things at all, lowered his head and asked in a low voice, "Are you all right, Yaoyao?"

"No, no—" Shu Yao realized that there was someone else at the scene, so she shook her head quickly.

But the man didn't intend to let Shu Yao leave his body, he was very tight.

Looking at the woman's red lips and anxious eyes that were glistening with water, the man bowed his head and kissed her in a heartbeat.

Shu Yao didn't expect him to be so sudden, she was slightly startled and felt soft lips on her lips.

Qin Jiuxiao successfully saw the woman tremble, and withdrew again, "This is my reward."

"Wow, shame on you!"

Li Zhaoran, who went back and forth, wanted to tell Grandma Shu Yao that she was fine, but when she saw this scene, she quickly blocked her eyes.

But the child's curiosity could not be restrained, and she peeked through her fingers.

Shu Yao hurriedly pushed away the man in front of her, and heard Shu Yawen's scolding not far away.

"Let me go! Let me go! You don't keep your faith you bastard—"

"Obviously I gave you money, but you worked hard for Qin Jiuxiao!"

Shu Yawen rolled on the ground in embarrassment, her luxurious skirt was covered with dust, and her delicate makeup was all gone.

She yelled at the big man, but the big man was unmoved.

The big man even mocked, "Just how much money?"

"What do you mean?"

"Jiu Ye's favor is worth a thousand dollars, and there are countless people who are obedient if they talk about it."

The moment Shu Yao looked over curiously, someone pulled her hand and was brought directly in front of Shu Yawen by Qin Jiuxiao.

Seeing Qin Jiuxiao approaching, the big man instantly became respectful and respectful, changing his foolish appearance.

"Shu—" Shu Yawen wanted to speak harsh words to Shu Yao, but Qin Jiuxiao was also stunned for a moment.

Immediately after, Shu Yawen reacted quickly, pointing at Shu Yao, her voice was harsh.

"Jiuye, you have to take a good look at the people around you. I'm her aunt, and she's even like me."

"Oh, by the way, there is also Fu Jingzhen, her boyfriend who has been with her for several years said no to it."

"What about you? She is using you!"

Shu Yao's heart tightened, she was not afraid of Shu Yawen's bad words, what she was afraid of was that people around her would really misunderstand.

Because I care, I will be afraid.

She subconsciously looked at the man, her eyes panicked, "Master Jiu, I'm not—"

The root of fear of not being trusted countless times was deeply implanted in Shu Yao's heart, and she was afraid that Qin Jiuxiao would be the same.

"It's my luck that she takes advantage of it, and it's my honor that she loves me."

Qin Jiuxiao answered frankly.

Shu Yawen was so blocked by these words that she couldn't utter a single word. How could Shu Yao get the favor of this man.

As soon as these words came out, everyone around them showed their astonishment, how could Qin Jiuye, the majestic Yecheng, praise him like this!
It's like holding it in your mouth for fear of melting, and holding it in your hand for fear of breaking.

Even Shu Yao showed surprise, her red lips parted slightly, "Jiu..."

"Call me brother." Qin Jiuxiao likes to see Shu Yao like this, cute and pitiful.

This kind of Shu Yao belongs to him alone, she is glamorous on the outside, but soft on the inside.

A blush rose on Shu Yao's fair face, but she was extremely obedient, "Jiu, brother Jiu."


Qin Jiuxiao nodded slightly, and glanced coldly at Shu Yawen, as if looking at some garbage.

He hugged Shu Yao's waist and walked back, and ordered lightly, "It's dealt with."

There was a sudden burst of screams behind her, and Shu Yao subconsciously turned her head to look.

(End of this chapter)

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