Chapter 405 Don't Mess With Him
The moment she turned her head away, Qin Jiuxiao's hand was strong and pulled her into his arms.

Just as Shu Yao threw herself into the man's arms, the man's cold fragrance came to her nostrils, and she immediately listened——

"Ah! Please—"

After a scream, there was no sound behind him.

Shu Yao's heart trembled, and she tightened the clothes in front of the man timidly, "Master Jiu, don't..."

"Huh?" Qin Jiuxiao was very gentle, lowering his head to listen to her words.

Shu Yao cleared her throat, hid in front of the man and whispered, "Don't let her die, she is still useful."

It turned out to be the case.

Qin Jiuxiao raised her lips in satisfaction, and raised her hand to gently comb Shu Yao's long hair.

Of course he would not let Shu Yawen die so easily, what Shu Yawen did to Shu Yao——

How can it be repaid by one death?
"The kid is calling you." Qin Jiuxiao patted her, ready to let go, and then said, "Don't look back."

Shu Yao didn't turn her head back as she said, but regained her composure and watched Li Zhaoran running over.

She swooped and hid in Shu Yao's arms.

"Beautiful sister, grandma said she has something important to ask you, so hurry up." Li Zhaoran took her hand.

Shu Yao was dragged in front of Li Zhilan.

Li Zhilan was wrapped in a hot blanket and held hot tea in her hand, she looked like she was being taken care of and cooked well.

But thinking of what happened just now, Li Zhilan was still in shock, her hands trembling slightly.

"Shu Yao, come here." Li Zhilan beckoned.

Seeing Li Zhilan's serious expression, Shu Yao seemed to have something important to say, so she relied on her words.

"Shu Yao, the death of your father Shu Boyan is probably related to your aunt!" Li Zhilan snapped.

Hearing that Shu Yao's body trembled, she still couldn't believe it, "How could it be?"

Shu Boyan is Shu Yawen's younger brother, they are connected by blood.

Taking a step back, Shu Boyan is the father and son of Mr. Shu, how could Shu Yawen do such a thing.

"It's true, Shu Yao, there's no need for grandma to lie to you." Li Zhilan knew at a glance that Shu Yao was not completely convinced.

Shu Yao frowned and stepped back, "How could it be?"

"Just now she thought I was going to die and said everything. You, you have to believe grandma."

The father-killer and enemy I have been looking for so hard is by my side!

Shu Yao retreated step by step, a feeling of utter fear sprouted in her heart.

It turned out that the bloodline was so vulnerable, Shu Yao bumped into a solid chest behind her, and she turned her head to look.

"Yaoyao, what happened?" It was Qin Jiuxiao.

Shu Yao had tears in her eyes, choked up several times and couldn't speak, her chest heaved uncontrollably.

"my dad……"

"Master Jiu, you must help me."

Seeing Shu Yao crying, Qin Jiuxiao felt a sharp pain in his heart, and raised his hand to wipe away the teardrops from the corners of her eyes.

He was still extremely patient, and when Shu Yao calmed down, "Say it."

"Shu Yawen may have something to do with my father's death." Shu Yao calmed down and finished speaking.

Hearing this, Qin Jiuxiao was slightly taken aback, and a trace of understanding flashed in his eyes.

It's been too long since then.

Those data cases, as well as some clues from that year must have been blurred, and it is impossible to start.

The only person Shu Yao could think of to help her was Qin Jiuxiao.

Qin Jiuxiao comforted, "I will check, don't worry."

the end.

He didn't know what he thought of, a cold smile appeared on his lips, and he was still gentle towards Shu Yao as before.

"Let's go home first, grandma needs to be checked again." He wrapped his arms around Shu Yao's waist and said softly.

Shu Yao didn't notice the man's coldness to the outside world, and completely relied on him, "Okay, grandma, let's go first."

She turned to help Li Zhilan up, and Li Zhilan took another look at Qin Jiuxiao, who was still smiling.

His smile didn't reach his eyes, and his eyes were cold.

Li Zhilan who was on the side saw this and felt chills in his heart.

Li Zhilan saw all the scenes that Shu Yao didn't see just now, and it was as if life was worse than death.

She came to a conclusion, don't mess with Qin Jiuxiao, otherwise she won't know how she died.


"Mobile phone, where is my mobile phone..."

Shu Yao, who was sitting on the seat, touched and muttered to herself, and after touching it, there was nothing.

Probably because she left her cell phone at Qin's house in a moment of panic, she frowned even more.

"Master Jiu, can I borrow your..."

Qin Jiuxiao looked over calmly, his eyes were light, but his tone was not very kind, "Call me brother."

Shu Yao was startled, her face turned red, and she subconsciously looked at Ling Heng in the rearview mirror.

There are other people here, and she is not a child anymore, how can she call this intimate name out of her mouth.

"Jiuye!" Shu Yao held his hand and pleaded softly.

Qin Jiuxiao remained calm and turned a deaf ear, freeing his other hand to look at the documents on his lap.

Shu Yao had no choice but to compromise, "Ninth brother, can you lend me your mobile phone?"


This word seemed too distant, and Qin Jiuxiao didn't like it.

"Can I borrow your phone!"

After several times of teasing, no matter how much Shu Yao likes Qin Jiuxiao, she can't help being a little angry at being teased.

So neither big nor small, his tone was even a bit out of breath, but he managed to make the man stretch his brows.

He opened the phone, pressed it a few times, and then grabbed Shu Yao's hand and pressed it on the phone screen.

"What are you doing..." Shu Yao didn't finish her sentence.

When her eyes fell on the screen, she realized that the man was actually entering her fingerprints to unlock the lock.

Qin Jiuxiao let go of her, and said calmly, "It's convenient for you to open my phone in the future."

These words made Ling Heng in the rearview mirror couldn't help but take another look, and then hastily looked back.

"Oh." Shu Yao grabbed the phone and suddenly felt a little hot in her heart.

Since that night—

Men seem to be very different, and Shu Yao couldn't get used to it for a while.

She hastily collected her thoughts and dialed the phone instead.

"Hi! Hello, this is Aisa, may I ask..."

"it's me."

The other end of the phone was stunned for a moment, then said again, "It's Shu Yao, what's the matter?"

"Aisa, Shu Murou's identity is fake, you should pay attention—"


Aisa's voice on the other end of the phone dropped a lot in an instant, as if she was avoiding someone.

Shu Yao's heart tightened, "What's wrong?"

"Shu Murou just returned to Los Manor, no wonder!" Aisa whispered.

Shu Murou is going back to Los Manor at this time. Is there anything more important than her upcoming wedding?
Before she had time to think about it, Shu Yao hurriedly explained to Aisa.

"Shu Murou's identity is fake. She is not the orphan of Patriarch Rose's sister. Her identity is forged."

"I don't know what her purpose is, but you have to be careful."

Aisa was silent for a moment, thinking of Patriarch Los, said sadly, "Uncle loves Shu Murou more."

The implication is that Aisa has no way to guard against Shu Murou.

Shu Yao knows this better than anyone else, Shu Murou is the best at handling people's hearts.

"Can you come and help me, Shu Yao..." Aisa said hesitantly.

This has nothing to do with Shu Yao directly, but Aisa still subconsciously wants to seek Shu Yao's help.

"Of course I can - I'll check the earliest flight first."

To Aisa's surprise, Shu Yao agreed without any hesitation.

Aisa's heart warmed, and she heard who Shu Yao was talking to.

"What to do, Shu Murou has arrived, I can't rush over..."

Her voice was very soft, unlike usual when she fully armed herself.

The man finally spoke, and Aisa was shocked when he heard it.

"Yaoyao, I have a private plane, you can leave whenever you want."

Isn't this the frightening Master Qin Jiu!
(End of this chapter)

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